@Liquidfox01 Do you by any chance still have the HMA Broken Promise? It was my favorite aircraft of his, I thought i still had it but I must have deleted it at some point :/
Yeah I've seen a ton of people on Twitter talking about this dude as well, it's all sorts of servers and Discord accounts he takes control of. Awful honestly.
@RC1138Boss The Light Fury is closely related to the Night Fury, thus the only obvious difference is the color. They are sleeker though, have kind of a small "fin" on their back instead of spikes and only four appenadges on the back of their head. They also have "rounder" wings as opposed to the bat-like wings of a Night Fury and the small wings behind those are a lot rounder as well, resembling more of an oval shape rather than the triangular shape of the Night Fury's.
Idk they're related but not the same I guess, hope this enough of an explanation lmao
@RC1138Boss If you compare the two builds you can see that the wing shape of the main wings and the smaller ones behind, as well as the head are different.
@Spaceflower Why simulate in Simple Planes when you can simply train your own ferocious army of seagulls?
Get a loaf of bread and train your local flocks of birds to unleash chaos and destruction upon your enemies today, make your dream come true! :)))
The MP server wouldn't let me rejoin, sorry.
Here's a few thing you could add if you want though:
You could make the feet swing back when the legs tuck in.
You could also make the tail flutter a little like you did with the Screaming Death
And of course a 1st person view
@Ruskiwaffle1991 as far as I'm aware I set calculateDrag to false on all the fuselage parts to make it run, you might have to do that for the other parts too should it not run on your device :/
@Mrghostlol I know it's been a whole year but can you tag me as well perchance? :^)
@CAS6041 There's a guy called Scharnhorst if you're looking for them
still wondering btw :(
+1Know that I will never forget you.
Year 2 of asking if anyone by any chance still has the Broken Promise, I've been wanting to make an irl model of the thing and I'm still hopeful lol.
+1there's actually a really nice balance between detail and simplicity in this build, very noice m8👍
+1this slaps 👍
@Liquidfox01 That's a shame, thanks a lot for checking though!
+1@Liquidfox01 Do you by any chance still have the HMA Broken Promise? It was my favorite aircraft of his, I thought i still had it but I must have deleted it at some point :/
+3@ZWLenning Aww man, that sucks. Thanks for confirming my suspicion though my guy.
+1@AFlightsimEnjoyer2006 he f l i
@TheVexedVortex Actual pain
No serously, I haven't been able to connect to any server in days.
Yeah I've seen a ton of people on Twitter talking about this dude as well, it's all sorts of servers and Discord accounts he takes control of. Awful honestly.
Now that's creative!
@GroBaleaze im confuse but good confuse hwo
@GroBaleaze my pea brain can't comprehend how y
@Alanthelegendaryfighter Oh lawd he THICC
@Tookan That happened to me too, I believe it does that when you have the Radar mod installed. Not sure why it does that though.
@RC1138Boss The Light Fury is closely related to the Night Fury, thus the only obvious difference is the color. They are sleeker though, have kind of a small "fin" on their back instead of spikes and only four appenadges on the back of their head. They also have "rounder" wings as opposed to the bat-like wings of a Night Fury and the small wings behind those are a lot rounder as well, resembling more of an oval shape rather than the triangular shape of the Night Fury's.
Idk they're related but not the same I guess, hope this enough of an explanation lmao
@RC1138Boss It's alright! :)
@RC1138Boss I unfortunately have no idea where to find it in the subreddit, but thanks a lot for the spotlight!
@RC1138Boss If you compare the two builds you can see that the wing shape of the main wings and the smaller ones behind, as well as the head are different.
@5talinslav1ndustries Exploding spy drones coming soon to your local airbase! Don't try to fight back, they will call in twice as many back-up drones.
@PapaKernels Shhhh, stop talking so loud, you'll scare away the seagulls...
Why does it look so tasty, i want to eat it
+1@Spaceflower Why simulate in Simple Planes when you can simply train your own ferocious army of seagulls?
+1Get a loaf of bread and train your local flocks of birds to unleash chaos and destruction upon your enemies today, make your dream come true! :)))
Ah, the Robocraft nostalgia lmao, I love it so much.
Just tried all of that, the server still refused to let me in though, guess it just doesn't like me sometimes. Thanks a lot, still !! :)
The MP server wouldn't let me rejoin, sorry.
Here's a few thing you could add if you want though:
You could make the feet swing back when the legs tuck in.
You could also make the tail flutter a little like you did with the Screaming Death
And of course a 1st person view
Other than that its perfect imo, love it!
@R3N13L Wait there's a subreddit? :')
@AtlasMilitaryIndustries Thanks, glad ya like it! :)
That's a super decent bike you made there!
+1@CaptainSquadronLeaderX Thanks for the spotlight my guy! :)
+1That Robocraft screenshot hurt, used to be such a great game.
+1@Ruskiwaffle1991 well then I'm relieved everything worked out, thancc
@Ruskiwaffle1991 as far as I'm aware I set calculateDrag to false on all the fuselage parts to make it run, you might have to do that for the other parts too should it not run on your device :/
@ShiroNeko Thanks for the spotlight fam! :)
+1@Treadmill103 Thanks a lot!
@surajsahu Glad you like it!
@AtlasAviation I also only recently discovered it, immediately fell in love!
Ayy thank you guys! :D
@TheLurkingVexedVortex new plane just dropped whaddup
@sheepsblood Thank u! :)