from tieba?
@DoctorCorvus thanks
@Pilothouston5 mine diamoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ThePilotDude m inecraft
@P0TET0Z lol
why do i still lag, i have 1050ti
@AchuTMM thank you i'm not really good at being a creater but a upgrader.I like making things fun but I can't make something good.ill try
@AchuTMM i'm going to make a elytra flying minecraft player with firework booster
@AchuTMM thank you
@AchuTMM actually i just added some more details that people want him to add.And some of my own ideas.
@ggvvvn 我都打不过和平谈判,第二梯队太烂
@BIU @13745 最爱狗子
my first plane ever
from tieba?
@DoctorCorvus thanks
@Pilothouston5 mine diamoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ThePilotDude m inecraft
@P0TET0Z lol
why do i still lag, i have 1050ti
@AchuTMM thank you i'm not really good at being a creater but a upgrader.I like making things fun but I can't make something good.ill try
@AchuTMM i'm going to make a elytra flying minecraft player with firework booster
@AchuTMM thank you
@AchuTMM actually i just added some more details that people want him to add.And some of my own ideas.
@ggvvvn 我都打不过和平谈判,第二梯队太烂
@BIU @13745 最爱狗子
my first plane ever