15 DeadlyKitten051 Comments

  • Uss tiny replica 7.7 years ago

    And I just noticed that you haven't done a build in a year so I am gonna guess you don't even play anymore @Bobster372

  • Uss tiny replica 7.7 years ago

    But if you where talking logically as in real life this boat wouldn't work at all

  • Uss tiny replica 7.7 years ago

    You could've torn the build apart and seen what was in it @Bobster372

  • Uss tiny replica 7.7 years ago

    And only 2 downloads @Bobster372

  • Uss tiny replica 7.7 years ago

    Wow a year from now @Bobster372

  • Drifter 8.8 years ago

    Just go part properties and go to where it says normal and change it to street or off-road then you can change size or width of the wheels and turning and most important link the wheels to your cars engine

  • Drifter 8.8 years ago

    I will be uploading an aircraft in 4 mins

  • Drifter 8.8 years ago

    @migman2 cool planes but they need space for details and could perform better good luck in the large community of SimplePlanes I hope I see many more of your aircraft!!!!!

  • Drifter 8.8 years ago

    @migman2 thanks I worked hard on this

  • Uss tiny replica 9.0 years ago

    I used a mechanism inside the one motor boats have where the propeller is pushing forwards but they turn the proppeler to turn simple enough? @Bobster372

  • AA turret- Put those planes in flames! 9.0 years ago

    Great love it