@UltraLight SP's physical properties are really strange, but that's what makes some strange aircraft. It is true that the upper engine will cause maintenance difficulties, but this is also to make use of the boundary effect to supplement the air flow on the upper wing. Thank you for enjoying my plane
@UltraLight Yes, At high angles of attack, the canard wing will block the engine and affect the intake. Therefore, we can limit the angle of attack. For example, when landing, the angle of attack will be basically small or even negative. When I test the stall speed of 89km / h, the angle of attack will be about 4 or 5 degrees. It cannot be avoided during take-off, but will the duck wing cover be stronger or weaker when the speed is faster? I'm not sure. This time I mainly want to try the plane with canard wing layout. The upper engine is to further enhance the lift. Thank you for liking this design
@Darkspoul I have set a switch on the side of the side stick next to the right seat,it can directly enable you to control engine,but it will cause engine start sound lack,and the propeller won't move.I'will try to upload start
engine video on YouTube,but it need a VPN ,I have upload it in bilibili ,if you need it I can give you a link
NICE WORK!I have made a guiding destination system which accroding to its LA&LO,when the date was setting on runway,the heading guide will similar with the run way's heading.I can rely on this to judge whether plane head the runway's centre
@IMULAerospaceIndustries hhh,you can experiment overload by an airliner .jpg
+1@GushaKingNahida 有什么技术方面的问题可以问我,目前来看进步空间还很大
@DyingPan Tieba sever ip is changed
@POLIANUN 这有可能是偷别人的,steale
@TKT541 Thanks
@UltraLight SP's physical properties are really strange, but that's what makes some strange aircraft. It is true that the upper engine will cause maintenance difficulties, but this is also to make use of the boundary effect to supplement the air flow on the upper wing. Thank you for enjoying my plane
+4@MrCOPTY Thanks
@acdgTCAS 谢谢
@chenyz13351 问题不大,之后不会再难了
@UltraLight Yes, At high angles of attack, the canard wing will block the engine and affect the intake. Therefore, we can limit the angle of attack. For example, when landing, the angle of attack will be basically small or even negative. When I test the stall speed of 89km / h, the angle of attack will be about 4 or 5 degrees. It cannot be avoided during take-off, but will the duck wing cover be stronger or weaker when the speed is faster? I'm not sure. This time I mainly want to try the plane with canard wing layout. The upper engine is to further enhance the lift. Thank you for liking this design
@Faqa There have a switch can enable you control engine directly
+1@IASG5459 没办法,我也想不到
+1@Freerider2142 thanks
+1@iGHtsoDy There are some similarities, but they are still very different
@HorizonHitingxt 欸嘿.jpg
@CRATE52PART2 I didn't expect such a result...
@BlackWidowSquadron YEE
@epicfard ???
@Boeing777x The progress will be faster during the holiday, and now I will continue flying DA118😙
@Darkspoul I have set a switch on the side of the side stick next to the right seat,it can directly enable you to control engine,but it will cause engine start sound lack,and the propeller won't move.I'will try to upload start
+1engine video on YouTube,but it need a VPN ,I have upload it in bilibili ,if you need it I can give you a link
@Jedediah 尾标的话,找@DEC12,我是借的他的C10上的
@goboygo1 Thanks!
@Boeing777x It will probably take a long time to come.jpg
@bosscai Thanks
+1@Boeing777x Thanks.I have some design about trunk airliner in my mind,but I have considered whether start building .
@Kthepersonorguy thanks,It's my pleasure.
@Brayden1981 Thanks
@MetalShaezodoonic cool nice powerful
+7@gorontaloguy837 I will consider it.
NICE WORK!I have made a guiding destination system which accroding to its LA&LO,when the date was setting on runway,the heading guide will similar with the run way's heading.I can rely on this to judge whether plane head the runway's centre
+2Can jundroo open channel in Bilibili?If we want to view the video in youtube,we have to rent a VPN.
+2@MrCOPTY I haven't ready for making a turboprop.my newwest project still is a jet plane
@harry5277 Because I want to make it similar with reality
nice idea.Currently,we can use multiple player mod to multiplayer.
@FanWheat Yes ,but maywar doesn't have airport.
@CHINA929 介绍和B站有启动教程
@Zaineman if you like it ,it's my pleasure
@Spaceflower thanks
@xueqing 有说明的,B站也有视频
@xueqing 灵活性肯定不会像战斗机那样
@Hazerz YEE
+1There is a video display the uploaded content of cocpit in Bilibili