@hopotumon Tags Indonesia sekarang udah ada bro
@Ismat Midnight and depends on your timezone
@Omel Just contact andrew and he will change your name for free
Tags: @scratch @Wewee2010 @IdIndustries
Tags: @Ultra0 @qwerty132 @EXPLOSIVEBURRITO1234
@Emilydyer555 Why the engine is small compared to the whole main body fuselage?
@ElectricVehicle Foxception
Battlefront 2, Star Wars fallen order, Battlefront 2 (2005), Ravenfield, Battlefield 4, Battlefield 5..
I thought you were leaving
@Nachog @ElectricVehicle Thanks
I can load this but after 4-5 second the game crashes
Tags: @Lorileni @USSR @emanuelga
@ElectricVehicle SA-2 ini kapan jadinya bos?
@ElectricVehicle Pasangin tags Indonesia dong bro di buildnya
Lazy recreation but nice..
A tucano that has very long fuselage
Oh you are kidding me, I just bought SP for my second laptop for the normal price 2 days ago :(
@mojoyup Yeah, I keep failing making the cockpit right and just stuck whatever come out
@ElectricVehicle Sayang, Padahal bagus kalau di pajang di Museum kedirgantaraan Indonesia tapi udah ludes dibongkarin :(
@AgentofFortune Unfunny joke, You are very racist
@QingyuZhou Oh, If you asking about that i love your North Korean Il-62
@ElectricVehicle Mig-21 masih WIP gan
@Brields95 A Arabic term for Festival, And Eid Mubarak is used by international Muslims use it as a greeting for use on the festivals of Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr, Eid mean Feast and Mubarak mean Blessed.
@Omel Its a Bell-412, Pretty much a development of Bell-212
1165 B)
@Altmztrn Mi-17 Hip kapan bos?
@Omel @Ultra0
Okay.. Im using phone brand name , My school name, My name, And stuff that pop on my mind
@Strucker 👌
Just like BaconRoll, I rushed my build and the result is many of them are not yet ready to be published
@IrFritzruss Mantap
@JolyLoly Why are you questioning that the comment section is open and disabled by the mod? Problem?
P tag me
Eh, Not really.. Look at the main page
@Altmztrn Mig-21 gua WIP gan
@Gameboi14 There is no option to disable it, And if i crop it would ruin the quality ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@Thorne Somehow i cant upvote this, I will upvote this later
@redbear89 👊😎 Anjay mabar
Slim and Thin, Cool
@XAircraftManufacturer You should try to make soviet plane first, They are easy to make
Lanjutin gan, Buat yang kayak gini terus :)
@MakarnaliMussolini Direct copy :)
Keren gan
Fame and build quality + Spotlight from well known user
@hopotumon Tags Indonesia sekarang udah ada bro
+1@Ismat Midnight and depends on your timezone
+1@Omel Just contact andrew and he will change your name for free
@Emilydyer555 Why the engine is small compared to the whole main body fuselage?
+1@ElectricVehicle Foxception
+1Battlefront 2, Star Wars fallen order, Battlefront 2 (2005), Ravenfield, Battlefield 4, Battlefield 5..
+1I thought you were leaving
+1@Nachog @ElectricVehicle Thanks
+1I can load this but after 4-5 second the game crashes
@ElectricVehicle SA-2 ini kapan jadinya bos?
+1@ElectricVehicle Pasangin tags Indonesia dong bro di buildnya
+1Lazy recreation but nice..
+1A tucano that has very long fuselage
+1Oh you are kidding me, I just bought SP for my second laptop for the normal price 2 days ago :(
+1@mojoyup Yeah, I keep failing making the cockpit right and just stuck whatever come out
+1@ElectricVehicle Sayang, Padahal bagus kalau di pajang di Museum kedirgantaraan Indonesia tapi udah ludes dibongkarin :(
+1@AgentofFortune Unfunny joke, You are very racist
+1@QingyuZhou Oh, If you asking about that i love your North Korean Il-62
+1@ElectricVehicle Mig-21 masih WIP gan
+1@Brields95 A Arabic term for Festival, And Eid Mubarak is used by international Muslims use it as a greeting for use on the festivals of Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr, Eid mean Feast and Mubarak mean Blessed.
+1@Omel Its a Bell-412, Pretty much a development of Bell-212
+11165 B)
+1@Altmztrn Mi-17 Hip kapan bos?
Okay.. Im using phone brand name , My school name, My name, And stuff that pop on my mind
+1@Strucker 👌
+1Just like BaconRoll, I rushed my build and the result is many of them are not yet ready to be published
+1@IrFritzruss Mantap
+1@JolyLoly Why are you questioning that the comment section is open and disabled by the mod? Problem?
+1P tag me
+1Eh, Not really.. Look at the main page
+1@Altmztrn Mig-21 gua WIP gan
+1@Gameboi14 There is no option to disable it, And if i crop it would ruin the quality ¯_(ツ)_/¯
+1@Thorne Somehow i cant upvote this, I will upvote this later
+1@redbear89 👊😎 Anjay mabar
+1Slim and Thin, Cool
+1@XAircraftManufacturer You should try to make soviet plane first, They are easy to make
+1Lanjutin gan, Buat yang kayak gini terus :)
+1@MakarnaliMussolini Direct copy :)
+1Keren gan
+1Fame and build quality + Spotlight from well known user