Well if you Asking Me
My Regretful Thing I Ever Gone in this Site
Is Using A Ahegao Avatar
People Of Simpleplanes What is The Most Regretful Thing You Ever Done In Simpleplanes??
51.7k PyrrhaNikos
4.8 years ago
Well if you Asking Me
My Regretful Thing I Ever Gone in this Site
Is Using A Ahegao Avatar
I've said many things on here but each thing I've said was thought out beforehand. I regret nothing. I love being the one to stand up to injustice and stupidity. Even if others don't appreciate it.
@TheReturningHound Ok, i might find it later :)
I called someone something very bad, and I kinda regret it, but he was talking trash about every AH-1 Cobra on the website, which is one of my favorite helicopters, and tried to steal a epic Chinook, I was banned for 5 days
clicking this
Making a challenge.
let my brother post an aircraft with the middle finger... half meh
@TheReturningHound bruh lmao
knowing the RP community
My first plane lol
Making alfie
Me trying to make tanks while awfully making wheeled AFV's with suspension bugs
Became sider because too affraid to comment and ask something in the forum
@TheReturningHound with a cringe train on a forum post and someone called you out for drama then you all of a sudden deleted your post. Also I remember that God damn airplane with like 400 missiles lol
@Inviticus Oh? And how exactly did I "go out", mate?
@SupremeDorian wow, I didn't think one could regret becoming a mod.
Can I take the role then ?
Haha just joking.
Unless ....?
Most of my forum posts.
deleted the replica Cri-Cri, which was the best replica of this aircraft on the site (3 years ago)
@TheReturningHound oh I do get it. I just didn't expect you to come back, especially after how you went out
So i got...
-a starship, 100% completed but with bug
-Krivak, 50% completed
-A-10, 75% completed
-737-400, 75% completed
-F15C, 75% completed
-an MBT, still a single cockpit yet,
Too lazy to build mechs
Scrapping 10 projects in a row
Becoming a moderator
i have no regrets.
@TrislandianAlliance I'm... Not sure. My IG still is DarthAbhinav,so feel free to drop me a DM if you've got an alternative account.