@mikoyanster This is gonna be a big contest, i can tell. I dunno if i can upload something today, Im about to upload A replica of the Orca Fighter from C&C and then the game will probably limit me because that will be my 3rd upload today.
@BogdanX True, however there arent many other places to put them. If you put them closer to the engines on the body, then in reality they would be burnt, and if you put them on the horizontal stabilizers in the back the same thing would occur as the vertical stabilizer parachutes.
@Fishbowl1121 My friend and i were bored, he didn't have his crossbow that we could shoot back then! No birds were at the feeder, hummingbirds are usually a rarity in the area of the country i live in, so it can be a good target to practice on. We used to play neighborhood wide nerf war... one time we actually had over 12 people and did a Hunger games like war. We had blunt and melee wooden swords along with guns, so there were more than a few bruises and scars. The medal i won was in the 3rd or 4th grade, after field day we had a drawing of who should receive the medal out of everyone who participated. I whispered 47 and the teacher drew my name! The carrier is almost done, along with a new more maneuverable GDI Orca Fighter
@Fishbowl1121 Thank you, apologies for being inactive lately, I've been working on a Global Defense Initiative aircraft carrier and working on updating my Orca :D. Cool story, the 47 lucky number worked amazingly. One time i ran into my friend who was trying to shoot a hummingbird feeder at long range with a Nerf gun. I said "I can hit it" I grabbed the gun "47!" and it was a dead hit on the feeder! I also won a medal by doing it!
hmm... you could do a few things to make it better. It has potential, after all this is an aircraft done very little times on the site. You need to use pylons instead of detachers on the fuselage, as with rocket propelled engines less stress will be put on the pylons. I dont know if this works, as im at school right now and i cant download it, so ill try it when i get home. It also needs a paint job, something that fits the German camos of the time.
Yeah, i dont know. The in-flight re-fueling thing is a great idea, in fact that is what they should put in the game next, along with more weapons and torpedoes. The missions would get boring after a while, though. I think re-fueling missions are more of a DCS world or other simulator game kind of thing.
@Tully2001 Hey, for some reason it says ive uploaded too many aircraft today.... Ill try again later.
Is there anyway i can share it without uploading it?
@Tully2001 I could never get away with games like that until i got a playstation when i was about 10 or 11. It came with CODBO and eventually me and my father started playing it. I did get away with battlefield because me and my grandfather only really knew about it. :D Btw, the aircraft that im printing is a variant of my F-86 called 47 Hyperspace....its sooooooooooooo pretty. I may be uploading it.
@MechWARRIOR57 My parents are awesome. I asked them a few months ago and they said i could. :D. My parents dont let me do anything, they have limits, but they do let me watch movies that the average kid wouldn't be allowed to, and they do let me play things like Cards Against Humanity with them. :D
@Tully2001 I'm gonna try and upgrade my eagle sabre! :D. that way there won't be many parts to break off and it will still have detail! My original thought was to do my first upload, my A-16. However, as RailfanEthan said, some small parts are brittle...unfortunate, but it think an upgraded sabre would still be cool, right? I gotta finish it within like 2 hours, i gotta practice trumpet for the chair tests this week...
@jamesPLANESii that's the problem though, i don't exactly have a favorite. They all are unique in their own ways, some excelling in design, but not in color and vise versa.
EVERYONE!!!! I BROKE A RECORD WITH THIS PLANE FOR MY MOST UP-VOTED AIRCRAFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you all so much for flying and upvoting this aircraft, especially to those who spotlighted it!!!! :D
@SkullsAndCrossbones Thank you, soon i will be making a monument as well as a few other things, Fishbowl asked me to do a speech to i wrote one, it's on the forums if you wish to read it.
I just made something new and awesome! It looks 5th generation, but has some 6th generation abilities! :D
I have the perfect aircraft...unfortunately it breaks most of the rules XD
@mrwhite what model phone?
You can get simple planes on your phone for like 5 bucks, you can do that and not wait
@katkrzy99 what do you mean?
@Sniper16 Have you played it?
@Fishbowl1121 its done, i also uploaded a fighter to go with it....and now i wanna play tiberium sun XD
@mikoyanster This is gonna be a big contest, i can tell. I dunno if i can upload something today, Im about to upload A replica of the Orca Fighter from C&C and then the game will probably limit me because that will be my 3rd upload today.
@BogdanX True, however there arent many other places to put them. If you put them closer to the engines on the body, then in reality they would be burnt, and if you put them on the horizontal stabilizers in the back the same thing would occur as the vertical stabilizer parachutes.
I've been working on something that will do well with this :D
@TheBigEgg Just uploaded the fighter to go with it! :D
@Fishbowl1121 hey, im having trouble with the carrier, it may be a while
@Fishbowl1121 I dunno, just always worked. I honestly cannot remember how i found it.
@Fishbowl1121 My friend and i were bored, he didn't have his crossbow that we could shoot back then! No birds were at the feeder, hummingbirds are usually a rarity in the area of the country i live in, so it can be a good target to practice on. We used to play neighborhood wide nerf war... one time we actually had over 12 people and did a Hunger games like war. We had blunt and melee wooden swords along with guns, so there were more than a few bruises and scars. The medal i won was in the 3rd or 4th grade, after field day we had a drawing of who should receive the medal out of everyone who participated. I whispered 47 and the teacher drew my name! The carrier is almost done, along with a new more maneuverable GDI Orca Fighter
@Fishbowl1121 Thank you, apologies for being inactive lately, I've been working on a Global Defense Initiative aircraft carrier and working on updating my Orca :D. Cool story, the 47 lucky number worked amazingly. One time i ran into my friend who was trying to shoot a hummingbird feeder at long range with a Nerf gun. I said "I can hit it" I grabbed the gun "47!" and it was a dead hit on the feeder! I also won a medal by doing it!
I thought about doing this after i did my mega-man statue :D
I love GUP...
The KV 2 is my favorite tank...
This is epic! :D
@BogdanX It's what the United Nations uses as camo, I dont know why but it's even on vehicles like this, BMPs, M113s, etc.
@mblastr Thank you! :D
That's a very nice plane you have there...
Thats a....really big gun. What millimeter are the barrels? XD
hmm... you could do a few things to make it better. It has potential, after all this is an aircraft done very little times on the site. You need to use pylons instead of detachers on the fuselage, as with rocket propelled engines less stress will be put on the pylons. I dont know if this works, as im at school right now and i cant download it, so ill try it when i get home. It also needs a paint job, something that fits the German camos of the time.
@Pacman126 okay, that does sound kind of cool! :D
Yeah, i dont know. The in-flight re-fueling thing is a great idea, in fact that is what they should put in the game next, along with more weapons and torpedoes. The missions would get boring after a while, though. I think re-fueling missions are more of a DCS world or other simulator game kind of thing.
@GT3TobyRS a variant of my sabre that is pure black with a cyan and whit coat and lights...called the 47 hyperspace
@GT3TobyRS @WorldClassMods already decided, and i just posted it a few hours ago :D
@Liquidfox I already know what im printing, i uploaded it a few minutes ago
@Tully2001 because it looks
@Tully2001 Hey, for some reason it says ive uploaded too many aircraft today.... Ill try again later.
Is there anyway i can share it without uploading it?
@Tully2001 should i upload my variant? It looks crazy
@Tully2001 I could never get away with games like that until i got a playstation when i was about 10 or 11. It came with CODBO and eventually me and my father started playing it. I did get away with battlefield because me and my grandfather only really knew about it. :D Btw, the aircraft that im printing is a variant of my F-86 called 47 Hyperspace....its sooooooooooooo pretty. I may be uploading it.
@MechWARRIOR57 Have you played it? It truly is amazing! :D
@MechWARRIOR57 My parents are awesome. I asked them a few months ago and they said i could. :D. My parents dont let me do anything, they have limits, but they do let me watch movies that the average kid wouldn't be allowed to, and they do let me play things like Cards Against Humanity with them. :D
@Tully2001 got it! And at the same time it will be preforming the task of adding more detail, as the thicker wings will be stripes! :D
@Tully2001 I'm gonna try and upgrade my eagle sabre! :D. that way there won't be many parts to break off and it will still have detail! My original thought was to do my first upload, my A-16. However, as RailfanEthan said, some small parts are brittle...unfortunate, but it think an upgraded sabre would still be cool, right? I gotta finish it within like 2 hours, i gotta practice trumpet for the chair tests this week...
@RailfanEthan hmm...I will keep that in consideration while choosing, anything else i should know?
@jamesPLANESii that's the problem though, i don't exactly have a favorite. They all are unique in their own ways, some excelling in design, but not in color and vise versa.
@WorldClassMods hey, i have a MiG-15 too if you want to check it out! :D
EVERYONE!!!! I BROKE A RECORD WITH THIS PLANE FOR MY MOST UP-VOTED AIRCRAFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you all so much for flying and upvoting this aircraft, especially to those who spotlighted it!!!! :D
@WorldClassMods really? Why?
@SkullsAndCrossbones oh okay
@SkullsAndCrossbones Specific variant, or just the spitfire overall?
@SkullsAndCrossbones what is your favorite aircraft?
@Dynamicneedle @KingDeadshot Thank you both very much! :D
@Fishbowl1121 it is finished
@SkullsAndCrossbones Thank you, soon i will be making a monument as well as a few other things, Fishbowl asked me to do a speech to i wrote one, it's on the forums if you wish to read it.
@Fishbowl1121 I shall construct a speech, it will be a few minutes or so. I shall also construct a monument!
@z24zorpx4 Murica... :D
@Fishbowl1121 HUZZAAH!!!!! GOLD!
@PilotOfFuture HUZZAH!!!!