That is the same case with Google keep updating and improving their OS, adding new APIs from version to next version... All available and supported APIs is there by default, then it is the manufacture to decide which API they want to throw away... Windows and Android and Linux accept that new XML lines, but for iOS, they was like NO WAY DUDE, XD
Yes there is, by placing the guns near the prop, but not too far... The guns have their delays, which should make bullet avoid the props... Also, this can be done by XML-modding, by disabling the aircraft's collision
All you need is rotators or hinges, and a structural panel... Imagine a door... the rotators or hinges are used to make those doors open or close... as for the structural panel, for the door
We visited your profile and view all your stuff, we are thinking, most of your planes, boats, ships, etc., are lacks of some arts, like its colouring, details, functions, etc... We are not saying that simple stuff are bad, and your stuff are not bad too, only they need a little more boost... Well, quality stuff is not always a plane with 300 parts or more, but as for "replica", details and accurate shape is the key, and as for frictional builds, your creativity is needed... We may suggest you to try re-visit your old stuff, and add some more details, like windows, lines, and stuff, as that should help. Or maybe come up with your own new planes series ; like a series of planes enspired by dinasours, by plants, maybe? Hmm, or maybe spend some time inventing some mind blown stuff or parts, or maybe spend your time helping other people fix their plane as from that maybe you can learn something interesting about other stuff, or maybe you can cooperate with others building something which that should help you to improve... Release your full power! ;-)
We actually estimated we may not be around for five to seven years @xXMysticMew2Xx which for a muslim to memorize the whole quran and hadith takes around five years, normally. Seven years mate, so we decided to delete everything, like Whatsapp, Telegram, and more. But, there is something not right at our study place, and it was close, for some reason, which all of us has to stop, and find other place to continue our study
+2Not more than 1 minute @Roswell as we start from USS Beast XD
+2Now, we can improve our Super Snake body lift research, hehehe ;-)
+2cough cough body lift cough cough
+2SR-71 Blackbird reborn ;-)
+2That is the same case with Google keep updating and improving their OS, adding new APIs from version to next version... All available and supported APIs is there by default, then it is the manufacture to decide which API they want to throw away... Windows and Android and Linux accept that new XML lines, but for iOS, they was like NO WAY DUDE, XD
+2Dude, you rules! XD
+2Welcome back, yesh???
+2We are sorry, but @Strikefighter04 it is really not nice to use "allahu akhbar" as a meme
+2Yes there is, by placing the guns near the prop, but not too far... The guns have their delays, which should make bullet avoid the props... Also, this can be done by XML-modding, by disabling the aircraft's collision
+2All you need is rotators or hinges, and a structural panel... Imagine a door... the rotators or hinges are used to make those doors open or close... as for the structural panel, for the door
+2Yeees indeed XD
+2Lol, congrats ;-)
+2Congratulations ;-)
+2We visited your profile and view all your stuff, we are thinking, most of your planes, boats, ships, etc., are lacks of some arts, like its colouring, details, functions, etc... We are not saying that simple stuff are bad, and your stuff are not bad too, only they need a little more boost... Well, quality stuff is not always a plane with 300 parts or more, but as for "replica", details and accurate shape is the key, and as for frictional builds, your creativity is needed... We may suggest you to try re-visit your old stuff, and add some more details, like windows, lines, and stuff, as that should help. Or maybe come up with your own new planes series ; like a series of planes enspired by dinasours, by plants, maybe? Hmm, or maybe spend some time inventing some mind blown stuff or parts, or maybe spend your time helping other people fix their plane as from that maybe you can learn something interesting about other stuff, or maybe you can cooperate with others building something which that should help you to improve... Release your full power! ;-)
+2We actually estimated we may not be around for five to seven years @xXMysticMew2Xx which for a muslim to memorize the whole quran and hadith takes around five years, normally. Seven years mate, so we decided to delete everything, like Whatsapp, Telegram, and more. But, there is something not right at our study place, and it was close, for some reason, which all of us has to stop, and find other place to continue our study
+2Okay, this is directly LOGIC hahaha
+2Lol @InternationalAircraftCompany we are at silver rank, and we are noob, plus we joined five days ago XD
+2Masterpiece located!
+2Thanks a lot masters @BeefyBoy4516 @RedstoneAeroAviation @BobTheTitanSP @Boundslayer
+2You rules!!!
+2We believe no ;-)
+1@Tarquez tankssss
+1Noice @destroyerP
+1Your designs are awesome hehehe
+1Well we do travelling, a lot
+1A @Gameboi14
+1Wait, now it's the third time XD
+1Lol, dude, you already thanked us, twice 😂
+1You should be 100000000k now Nickasaurus :P
+1U pro
+1You are god
+1OP af
+1Mad scientist
+1Awesome car mom!
+1No, u cool @Jetpackturtle
+1NoU @EternalDarkness gib us pro bilding skill plox
+1@Chancey21 NoU
+1We iz noob ser @Gameboi14
+1The wheels are kinda too close to the fenders, which is a bad idea for off-roading
+1You rules!
+1Plus, it is a beta version @randomusername and Mrs del will upload the pure electric version, in the next update