75 DeltaCaptain Comments

  • TU-132 Swan 7.0 years ago

    @Foxyrockets yeah man just had to change the flaps and added some concealed wings and it seems to have enough lift now.

  • F-5 Especial 7.3 years ago

    Awesome plane man, handles really well! Absolutely love this F-5E.

  • G-5 torpedo boat 8.0 years ago

    Boat itself was pretty cool, torpedos are amazing, experimenting with dropping them from planes. Really nice build!

  • J37 Storm 8.1 years ago

    Although it is visually similar, it seems to be significantly less maneuverable, and does not handle anything like yours. On top of that this just design is pretty common, and his is dississimilar enough from yours that it's safe to say he didn't copy.@KHH