2,758 DerpyCookie17 Comments

  • Is it a bird, or plane, no, is an Alasken flying airfield!! 6.6 years ago

    gods hand reaches out for earth
    Pope: oh dear lord, please tell me why you visit our planet today
    god stays silent and keeps reaching
    Is it perhaps for you have answered my calls?
    god finally reaches and gently pushes the reset button

  • 1935 Bomber challenge (CLOSED) 5.0 years ago

    Hello ;-;
    Do you mind if I yoink your desk to promote my new series of aircraft? I wanna start a series of experimental WWII and early Cold War military aircraft, produced by the fictional company RCoA (Romanian Corporation of Aviation) and I plan on making mini models of each planned aircraft and place them on the desk. I understand If you do not accept, however I’d be grateful if you do!

    have a tremendous day

  • IJN-Fuso 5.2 years ago

    Hello I’m just going to yoink her turrets for a personal project ok thank you I’ll give credit okay bye
    No seriously now, is it okay? I’m building a battleship and can’t seem to get her turrets right

  • Boat challenge 5.2 years ago

    I might make an aircraft carrier. Idk though, we’ll see

  • Resilience-class Cruiser 5.2 years ago

    This thing will attract all the attention from my destroyer :((
    Great job though 👍

  • Micro Aircraft Challange 6.2 years ago

    About the deadline thing, touché @PvPSky

  • Micro Aircraft Challange 6.2 years ago

    And you think I am a skilled builder? Hah! Nice joke....@PvPSky
    Proceeding to go cry myself to sleep

  • VTOL Prop Plane Challange [closed] 6.4 years ago

    important announcement

    I HAVE MODIFIED THE RULES, GYRSOCOPES ARE NOW ALLOWED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES@Gameboy21 @DPSAircraftManufacturer @DerpyCookie17 @Jared0721 @huaishushu2333333 @TM31 @ACEPILOT109 @PvPSky @Texasfam04 @JohnnyBoythePilot @ASDFASDF1

  • NEED HELP 6.4 years ago

    I will now follow you since I need a lot of help with xml and will somehow get your attention next time k? K.@Kaos


    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    idk Wut Im doing

  • Maritime Patrol Aircraft Challenge [CLOSED] 6.7 years ago

    So it doesn’t matter if A) I cant find anything that tells me if the Tu 95 Bear had sonobouys therfor it may or may not be accurate
    B) it was ever built and C) it has guided misses? Nice.@Dimkal

  • Egg Challenge III, Completed! 4.9 years ago

    Instructions unclear, accidentally bombed Poland
    Seriously now, I’m not sure about what you mean by “egg must be unchanged” but “things can be placed around the egg”.
    Can I put things on the egg? Like wings and decals and stuff

  • Heavy bomber challange! (CLOSED!) 4.9 years ago

    I meant like a sort of nuke, while still one bomb, it is a large payload. I guess it comes down to how the host sees it. @AircraftoftheRedStar

  • Heavy bomber challange! (CLOSED!) 4.9 years ago

    So as far as I see it, nobody is stopping me from making the most OP quicc boi out there, right?
    Would the “how many bombs it carries part” mean how many times it can strike, or how hard it can strike? Because it could be one large custom bomb filled with many in-game bombs

  • H.M.A.S. Charmount 5.2 years ago

    Nice! @TheBlyatful1941 So, how do you wanna do it? How about you make the basic plane and I’ll add details and other things, I was thinking dual engine. If you agree, when you’re done upload it as unlisted and tag me in it’s comments

  • H.M.A.S. Charmount 5.2 years ago

    @TheBlyatful1941 I’d say the WWII aircraft, what do you say about a torpedo bomber?

  • H.M.A.S. Charmount 5.2 years ago

    @TheBlyatful1941 cool! Now comes the part I didn’t plan, what do we do lol

  • H.M.A.S. Charmount 5.2 years ago

    @TheBlyatful1941 (hopefully wrote it right), read your bio, I’m interested in doing something together, what do you think? Let me know!

  • H.M.S. Hammerhead 5.2 years ago

    @11qazxc ahh, not really sure where I got those turrets, or if I made them, just found them in my sub assemblies lol

  • H.M.S. Hammerhead 5.2 years ago

    @11qazxc like... the tank? Didn’t it have an oscillating turret?

  • H.M.S. Hammerhead 5.7 years ago

    Thanks :) the challenge should be out within a week, you’ll see then. Still trying to figure out the details of it. @ACEPILOT109

  • H.M.S. Hammerhead 5.7 years ago

    Idk thought you might like this. Sorry for bothering you if you don’t. Don’t ask me why I though you would. I just did, have a nice rest of your day.
    Oh right, I was planning on maybe making a new challenge, maybe you could give me a hand with that as well? (In the sense of attracting attention). Sorry I’m using you, but I don’t have many people to attract to my challenges.

  • What am i doing with my life 5.7 years ago

    Look at what you’ve done. Are you happy now?@DeidaraEnterprises
    Approved as requested@ColonelStriker
    I am, don’t worry, in a mental asylum RN@Vidal99977

  • Introduction #26, 10 designs of someone 5.7 years ago

    What’s ThunderDrome III?
    Edit: cool video, thanks for featuring me, I subbed btw ;)

  • Closed The Vanilla Challenge 5.7 years ago

    Fair enough, didn’t expect I could, thanks, i needed to know because not putting it in changes the size of the build, cheers! @Axartar

  • Closed The Vanilla Challenge 5.8 years ago

    :( I really wanted to build an ice cream cone, guess I’ll find another way to do it @Axartar

  • Game killer 5.8 years ago

    I like this

  • AC-130 VTOL 5.8 years ago

    Yeah, I just wanted to get it over with, it was 10 pm

  • Missile plane 5.8 years ago

    Sorry it took me so long...
    So... ummmm...
    2/5 looks
    2/10 maneuverability
    0/10 prop driven
    0/5 doesn’t take off
    0/20 it blows up on landing
    4/50 total... sorry?

  • AC-130 VTOL 5.8 years ago

    Yeah, so, it only took me 3 months, but, I finally got around to pointing (not that anyone really cares)
    3/10 maneuverability (I just couldn’t get it to work:/ )
    8/10 utility (cargo usually strikes door when leaving plane)
    3.5/5 (kind of a ugly duckling but I like it)
    4.5/5 for innovation
    5/5 for other
    24/35 (if my brain hasn’t failed, and math.exe still responds). Please tell me if I’m wrong, I’m very tired right now 🤷‍♂️
    Edit: Yeah so I messed it up
    Another 5/5 for speed to total it up to 29/40

  • F-2019 MICRO 6.1 years ago

    I forgot about that... sorry, I don’t any longer have an idea about when the rating is coming because I have a lot of work stuff to do, sorry :/@PvPSky

  • Guess the plane? 6.2 years ago

    Cessna B17 Superfortress produced by Embrear and sold by Airbus...

  • RV challenge 6.2 years ago

    Good idea, however I recommend expanding on the description, task and rules. Ex. Does it need an interior? Etc

  • Little Suspension 6.2 years ago


  • SkyWolf A765C ''Pika'' 6.2 years ago

    With a tail in the form of Pikachu’s tail, like lightning @ThomasRoderick

  • SkyWolf A765C ''Pika'' 6.2 years ago

    I know what a “pika” is, but it was hard not to mention Pokémon, I also find “pika” suitable for this plane @MrSilverWolf

  • Mini Hurricane 6.4 years ago

    Well, thanks?@MausTrap1946

  • VTOL Prop Plane Challange [closed] 6.4 years ago

    A cargo bay is very different from a Bombay. A Bombay can be substituted for a cargo bay however the same can not be done the other way around. A cargo bay is placed at the back or front and drops cargo via use of parachutes or by opening the nose while on the ground. A Bombay is openable mostly only during flight and drops cargo/bombs straight down. @DiveDin ‘ s creation is a Bombay which (also a Bombay is usually placed at the middle of the plane and the doors open downwards) is not necessary but as I said earlier can be substituted @ACEPILOT109

  • Oxen 1 6.4 years ago

    Ok, so I can’t get it to work. I will modify the rules, this is now a valid plane @DPSAircraftManufacturer

  • Oxen 1 6.4 years ago

    Don’t get me wrong, I like the plane@DPSAircraftManufacturer

  • Oxen 1 6.4 years ago

    Read the “gyroscopes” part in the description, if you want I can fix it and it will be a valid plane@DPSAircraftManufacturer

  • SaRo SR.A1 squirt 6.4 years ago

    This is very cool

  • The Forgotten 110... 6.4 years ago

    Ok, I’ve just uploaded a plane, I guess it’s an improvement from the last ones since it has an American flag (without stars though) on it... thanks by the way@AdlerSteiner

    love pancakes

  • Missile Weapons Pack 6.4 years ago

    This shall only be used for research purposes only...

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Yes 6.4 years ago

    I have a larger one but I have reached max upload limit@TifftheCat

  • Modded Parts Toolkit 6.6 years ago

    Holly mother of...


    I will use this purely for research purposes (yeah right)
    Could you for a project that just popped in my mind (purely research purposes) add more rockets in the rocket pod that already has 50+?

  • Block fighter challenge 6.7 years ago

    I excel in bombers so ummmm.... can it be a bomber?

  • Bombardiar Dash-8 Lufthansa Regional 6.7 years ago





    The way to building half decent planes and better, SERIOUSLY, TRY LOOKING AT MY POSTS


  • Airline Livery Challenge 6.7 years ago

    Seems surprisingly logical yet my brain failed to think of it, now proceeding to gather my crayons, coloring book and juice box and return directly to club penguin, it was nice while it lasted.@Awsomur

  • Maritime Patrol Aircraft Challenge [CLOSED] 6.7 years ago

    Sooooooooooo... idk, I built the bear but it’s hard to operate and the Catalina is slow and heavy... I ran out of ideas. At this point I just wanna build a huge bomber, strap a huge XML bomb and ram the USS tiny.@Dimkal
