321 DetroitPlanes Comments

  • Lifter 2.0 8.0 years ago

    @EliteIndustries1 the body is basically a placeholder. The real point of it is the arm. There are 3 controls (VTOL, Throttle, Trim). The arm can actually lift much more than 7000lbs but the design of the body can't handle it

  • Why cant I find jump island anymore 8.2 years ago

    Phew, I found it haha @Beeack

  • Why cant I find jump island anymore 8.2 years ago

    I still can't find it ): I used to be able to see it from mainland but I can't find it at all now @Beeack

  • Simple osprey HELP 8.6 years ago

    thank you! Go ahead and keep it bud @Airforcedelta01

  • WW1 challenge! 8.8 years ago

    Look at mine

  • Enzo_Ferrari 8.8 years ago

    Other people may have done the same thing as me but the only thing I took was the frame of the car, added wheels, suspension, took out some blocks on the inside and added an engine @Brields95

  • Enzo_Ferrari 8.8 years ago

    Yes I did @Brields95

  • douglas Dc-5 8.9 years ago

    Thank you! @ProfessorLezmo

  • F-35(ish) fighterjet by DetroitPlanes 8.9 years ago

    That's why it said (ish) because your cockpit reminds me of an f-35 but the rest was just randomly built @DREAMandIDEA

  • Rocket Challenge 9.0 years ago

    I'm in

  • NASA SLS Orion Rocket 9.0 years ago

    Hey! I managed to make it fly (still working on it) I will upload it and give you full credit on the original design if you don't mind. It's a really nice rocket that you made