open your aircraft xml file (you can use Overload mod if you have), search tracerColor, and change the value (search in the internet "hex color picker") then paste the hex color
Hex color picker:
Mmmmm... pedas
@AltmzTrn_39 ok makasih bang
@KfcGaming owh
@VolcanicAsh thank you bro
@BagelPlane hmm....
Nice update i guess
@Spenzerointernational yes
Can you do krakatoa island, Indonesia? Can you do it? Plz
6°6′0″S 105°25′0″E
how to change tracer bullet collor:
Hex color picker:
bruh idk lol
android is sus
Gimana, canggih gak
@kanhnasgor besok pagi w upload
phone killer, but i like it