@belugasub I am fine with some fun, but the joke is the cause of spam within the forums. I am not blaming you, but many people are just posting duck related forums with only a few words. It is just unnecessary spam.
Make sure that your custom missile body has no wing parts. Also make sure that all custom missile parts are set to 0 mass and have calculateDrag set to False.
@Stormfur That is not my point. Many people have been posting such forum posts on a pretty frequent basis. It is spam, whether or not it ends in a week.
Oof. I made a new UMP. probably releasing it on Sunday. First gun I’ve made in years.
Why have you gotten rid of your profile picture, if you don’t mind me asking?
Anyway, the wings are excellent. The paneling is exceptional. The whole build is quite nice.
@Thecatbaron Oops. I’m afk.
@Natedog120705 Uh, okay.
Uh, you have 3 followers. I’m going to say no. :(
@Notaleopard I have and I am fine with it. It isn’t spammy like the other duck posts I have seen.
@belugasub I am fine with some fun, but the joke is the cause of spam within the forums. I am not blaming you, but many people are just posting duck related forums with only a few words. It is just unnecessary spam.
@CrashFighter05 There is a problem when a “joke” becomes spam.
@TheOwlAce Yup.
@TheOwlAce Use this.
@TheOwlAce Oh, does it work?
@TheOwlAce In that case, wings will work.
The image shows the connections used to with a detacher to create a custom missile.
Wings mess with the missile when in flight, causing it to deviate from its own path.
@TheOwlAce The image linked shows how you can attach a custom missile body to a missile.
Make sure that your custom missile body has no wing parts. Also make sure that all custom missile parts are set to 0 mass and have calculateDrag set to False.
Use this.
You would use a detacher. Let me find a diagram.
@vcharng Yes, I am aware. The issue is in the forums. The plane posts are okay, as I have previously mentioned.
@Stormfur That is not my point. Many people have been posting such forum posts on a pretty frequent basis. It is spam, whether or not it ends in a week.
@ShermanFirefly If they support spamming the site, yes.
Not bad.
@Dwldjon np!
@Megaplanesinc Okay, cool.
Please, please, please make better wings.
What kind of iOS device do you run?
Works wonderfully.
Try building another plane. I’m sure you’re capable of doing so. From what I’ve seen, you make some nice stuff.
@TheXDimension32 Okay, cool.
@TheXDimension32 Well then. I suggest contacting someone more knowledgeable on the subject than I am. Sorry.
@TheXDimension32 Hmm. Well, if the old versions are there, delete them. If that doesn’t work, I don’t know what will.
@TheXDimension32 Do you know how to access the mod files?
Looks fantastic. You should try some nicer wings though.
Well then. Congratulations?
I’m no expert when it comes to these sort of things, but perhaps you can delete the old versions if you haven’t already?
All of them look great, Bacon.
Huh, well I went into imgur, and I have to say, it looks great!
Here is the server run by Mod.
What exactly do you mean?
I can’t see the pictures.
Go to the app store and it should display the “download” button. It shouldn’t charge you anything. You also don’t loose anything in-game.
@JohnnyBoythePilot Okay... that is... if I remember lol. It will be up this Saturday.
Looks nice.