15 DruMOO Comments

  • SSP (Mk.II) 9.0 years ago

    I made a nother model

  • SSP (Mk.II) 9.0 years ago

    Thanks for the vote id vote for you but im kinda new

  • SSP (Mk.II) 9.0 years ago

    I know it is small but I geuss I evened out the weight or something but I'll innovate it better

  • some small plane 9.0 years ago

    I will give you recognition for making the first one, and I think you will like what I did with it

  • some small plane 9.0 years ago

    Hey I liked the plane you made it was fun the first time I flew it but it can out of gas and what I ended up with was the second version of your plane. I was wondering if I could publish it to the site and call it SSP (Mk.II) (some small plane mark 2)