345 Dryym Comments

  • Mod suggestions. 8.2 years ago

    I'd love to see a hover engine. I.E. An engine which holds you X amount of metres above the ground at full power.

    Another thing that would be useful is a gyroscopic stabilizer. Essentially, It would attempt to prevent rotation of the aircraft unless it is caused by player input.

    Maybe the gyroscope could also rotate the vehicle when given pilot input, Removing the need for RCN, Or control surfaces. Allowing for some really cool alien spacecraft.

  • Crimson Spectre X-12 Vespid 8.5 years ago

    @GlitchPlayz Do what you want. Although it may be a bit hard to work with. Make sure you don't accidentally mess with the prop (Whenever I do that, I need to mod the XML again.) And you know, Keep it balanced.

  • Z-1800 Phaeton 8.7 years ago

    @cobalT If you mean the forward thrust engine, I could. Phaetons served a role similar to the AH-64 Apache, So it would be reasonable for them to move faster.

    However, I am not sure how practical it would be for SP just due to the fact that you can barely turn it as is. You would kind of have to meticulously line yourself up with your destination and then VTOL up.

    I also think the forward thrust engine lines up just barely below the COM which could quite possibly flip the craft if Iset the power too hhigh

  • Z-1800 Phaeton 8.7 years ago

    @cobalT I decreased it to .25 to connect it, Then Inudged them into the body so you can't see them at all.
    I am glad you like it. It was really fun to make and the unique shape forced me to use some rather unorthodox building methods.
    I just wish it was possible to make it fly better.

  • HALO Challenge 8.7 years ago

    @cobalT The UNSC Wasp I believe.

  • VTOL Challenge 8.7 years ago

    It was meant for a different contest, So I am not sure if I qualify.

    Can I enter my Phaeton? It is technically a VTOL, It just doesn't fly like a plane.

  • Z-1800 Phaeton 8.7 years ago

    @spefyjerbf If this makes your planes look bad in comparison then Imust have seriously underestimated this Phaeton.

    If it is any consolation, This is nowhere near perfect due to the fact that the proportions are a bit off, And it is really hard to fly well.

    In addition, The guns are derpy because you can't edit rocket pods the same way as you can other guns so Ihad to improvise

  • Z-1800 Phaeton 8.7 years ago

    @cobalT Do you mean the floating bits? If so, They are actually floating. There is nothing in between the body and the floating bits. What I actually did was make them be connected by a .25 width fuselage, Then I used the fine tuning mod to nudge the supports into the body.

    It looks a lot better that way IMO.

  • Z-1800 Phaeton 8.7 years ago

    @Himynameiswalrus Edit: Nvm I found the follow button

    I am eventually going to finish my 1:1 scale Seraph that i was having problems with. Fun fact A Seraph is as big as an SR-71.

  • Z-1800 Phaeton 8.7 years ago

    @Himynameiswalrus Thank you! As far as I can tell, This is pretty close to being 1:1 scale, But there are no measurements that I could find.

  • Z-1800 Phaeton 8.7 years ago

    @Himynameiswalrus I am going to hope that is a good wow. XD