@overlord5453 hello, it's me again if you don't mind, I was wondering if you actually understand or have a short way to understand the texts that form up our display interfaces and huds
Since I have noticed myself get drained easily within abnormally short periods fairly frequently
(Less than an hour or so?) And having my own judgement possibly cloud up afterwards,
consequently suspecting this to be abnormal in comparison to others, therefore I would need to find out more in order to properly arrive at a conclusion that this is either regular or abnormal
Are there features like semimonocoque and monocoque structures, composite structures, fretting corrosion, pitting corrosion, instrument alignment errors ect? Or are those too out of context to include?
@Nwoe9e get off the site and do something else, the more you stay here the more we end up reminiscing about being ignored asking for help about builds 1 decade ago and get even more infuriated than we already are on a daily basis.
"Headaches are a very common condition that most people will experience many times during their lives. The main symptom of a headache is pain in your head or face."
@Dunderhead1 "Additionally, putting ;#0.0 after a data value such as AngleOfAttack will show the data in a number-decimal-number format. This can also be done with ;#0.00 or however many zeros you need."
@Lazar though I'm not familiar, I (went to the older post and) tried something like bracketing up whatever you placed there after the title in the input, I hope this gives you some idea at least, if you did that already, then I don't have much clue either
@Lazar maybe another thing you can do is view and assess the displays on guyfolks' raptor since there seems to be something close there as well
(Maybe I'm wrong)
"A navigation light, also known as a running or position light, is a source of illumination on a watercraft, aircraft or spacecraft, meant to give information on the craft's position, heading, or status.[1] Some navigation lights are colour-coded red and green to aid traffic control by identifying the craft's orientation. Their placement is mandated by international conventions or civil authorities such as the International Maritime Organization (IMO)."
@Nwoe9e yeah, it won't bother anyone, they'll just be like; "oh, this person's gone" and that's it. And our texts here are probably just going to be a considered nuisance that needs removing.
@Nwoe9e Hey I know we haven't been resting well all along, and we know our reasons. we'll just contemplate over our means of an end to it. I don't think many will take these reminders or typed conflicting decisions seriously, with removal of either texts or us in this form only helping us. The time to decide isn't far. Do we take some buckets to randomly kick after the current job or no ?
@IDK0 done
I got you covered as well
Not taken from millenium falcon? Surprising.
@KolyAsDona I see, interesting.
@overlord5453 hello, it's me again if you don't mind, I was wondering if you actually understand or have a short way to understand the texts that form up our display interfaces and huds
Almost upvoted it twice by accident
@SilverrXidz wait there's a mobile version as well?
@AC I have the added details out now
I noticed others (i.e, students, school staff) using cad software and such lasting for an hour or greater before being actually exhausted
Since I have noticed myself get drained easily within abnormally short periods fairly frequently
(Less than an hour or so?) And having my own judgement possibly cloud up afterwards,
consequently suspecting this to be abnormal in comparison to others, therefore I would need to find out more in order to properly arrive at a conclusion that this is either regular or abnormal
@PlaneFlightX like I mean being tired in any way including being sleepy, or being tired physically and psychologically within a short period of time
Are there features like semimonocoque and monocoque structures, composite structures, fretting corrosion, pitting corrosion, instrument alignment errors ect? Or are those too out of context to include?
@Nwoe9e get off the site and do something else, the more you stay here the more we end up reminiscing about being ignored asking for help about builds 1 decade ago and get even more infuriated than we already are on a daily basis.
Maybe remove some other things in your device?
@AC would you still want the windows that I have added ?
@AC I added one door as well
I am done but we need to wait (likely for a whole day)
Working on it but may take a few days
@Nwoe9e I know.
@Nwoe9e affirmative, logging off.
@Japanspitz all's good
@Nwoe9e Roger, wilco.
@Nwoe9e just remember, read my profile description anytime ;)
@Nwoe9e I acknowledge and understand the dilemma, and accept the risk.
@Nwoe9e I understand.
"Headaches are a very common condition that most people will experience many times during their lives. The main symptom of a headache is pain in your head or face."
@Lazar I think you changed the format too much for it to work with the decimal put in the front
@Dunderhead1 "Additionally, putting ;#0.0 after a data value such as AngleOfAttack will show the data in a number-decimal-number format. This can also be done with ;#0.00 or however many zeros you need."
@Lazar now that I also realised(my bad for not noticing earlier), it does something in front as well but you have missed something out;
@Lazar no prob
@Dunderhead1 and then from the guide it says you change the number of zeros until you get a desired value
@Lazar no, you just put it right in the front.
@Lazar no problem
@Lazar okay, I went to paste the ;#0.0 right behind the 1000 and the value turned to a decimal value, is that what you're looking for?
@Dunderhead1 well yeah I just went to do as the guide said and put it right behind the 1000
@Lazar hang on, it did say right after though…
@Lazar though I'm not familiar, I (went to the older post and) tried something like bracketing up whatever you placed there after the title in the input, I hope this gives you some idea at least, if you did that already, then I don't have much clue either
@Lazar maybe another thing you can do is view and assess the displays on guyfolks' raptor since there seems to be something close there as well
(Maybe I'm wrong)
@Lazar this is the closest for now I can find relating to whatever you're asking;
Other than that I can't really find anything related to what you're asking for or maybe that option doesn't exist
(Bear in mind I'm also unfamiliar)
I'll try to get you some limelight as it is all I can do. so you don't end up like me a decade ago.
Maybe put an xml guide from the site if I can
@Nwoe9e how about we go to sleep since it's a usual timing we're tired?
@Nwoe9e we'll have to see, maybe not…
Only one way to find out, right?
Missed content;
"A navigation light, also known as a running or position light, is a source of illumination on a watercraft, aircraft or spacecraft, meant to give information on the craft's position, heading, or status.[1] Some navigation lights are colour-coded red and green to aid traffic control by identifying the craft's orientation. Their placement is mandated by international conventions or civil authorities such as the International Maritime Organization (IMO)."
(More missing details may appear than stated)
@Nwoe9e well lots of good and bad depending on where, still mind blowing how I was so lucky to see so many let downs then
@Nwoe9e yeah, it won't bother anyone, they'll just be like; "oh, this person's gone" and that's it. And our texts here are probably just going to be a considered nuisance that needs removing.
@Nwoe9e Hey I know we haven't been resting well all along, and we know our reasons. we'll just contemplate over our means of an end to it. I don't think many will take these reminders or typed conflicting decisions seriously, with removal of either texts or us in this form only helping us. The time to decide isn't far. Do we take some buckets to randomly kick after the current job or no ?
@F16xl 💀
@Nwoe9e overthinking we may be. Log off we should. Judgement clouded much?
@Nwoe9e right you are buddy, same individual, and there goes your last post for this challenge. Back to idle you go for now.