441 EEEureka Comments

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 4.1 years ago

    WTF?It can't even take off

  • AG-2 LOCKLESS 2.2 years ago

    @11qazxc yep

  • FT Missile Launcher 1.8 years ago

    And it's quite easy to transfer this algorithm to the Flight Computer. One way to implement it is using the parameters we already have to calculate the target's latitude, longitude, altitude, combine them with the Flight Computer's latitude, longitude, altitude, we can solve the TargetHeading, TargetElevation and TargetDistance relative to the Flight Computer.
    Here is part of the specific formulas:
    TargetLatitude: TLat = TargetDistancecos(TargetElevation)cos(TargetHeading)+Latitude
    TargetLongitude: TLong = TargetDistancecos(TargetElevation)sin(TargetHeading)+Longitude
    TargetHeadingRelativeToMissile: CTHeading = TLat-CLat>0?atan((TLong-CLong)/(TLat-CLat)):sign(TLong-CLong)(180-abs(atan((TLong-CLong)/(TLat-CLat))))
    CTElevation = atan(((TargetDistance
    CTDis = sqrt(pow(TLat-CLat,2)+pow(TLong-CLong,2) + pow(TDisV+Altitude-CAlt,2))

  • FT Missile Launcher 1.8 years ago

    There is a way that could be greatly reduce the code quantity which is using the proportional guidance for which core concept is $k * rate(Target movement relative to the missile)$ while k indicates a factor that relative to the TargetDistance&missile speed etc.
    So it can be simplified to:
    $Horizontal direction : k * rate(TargetHeading)$
    $Vertical direction : k * rate(TargetElevation)$
    I also uploaded a funky tree guided missile using propotional guidance days ago, you can make a reference to it.

  • Cluster Bomb V4 4.1 years ago

    See you in military court:)

  • AG-3 1.7 years ago

    @KM13 you need to add a gyro to it or find other ways to keep the roll angle equal to 0 or it couldn't working properlly

  • J-20A 1.8 years ago

    这细节真没得说, 甚至导航栏还有各大机场的坐标, 选中机场后还会在HUD上框出来, 机身上DSI进气道是直接通向发动机的, 这些看不见的地方也有细节. 再这样下去怕是得泄密了.