@Gurman226 Ah alright, cool cool. We should get in touch on like Discord or something, because I've seriously known you like, longer than most of my friends lmao
So, do you have any social media?
@Feanor I just had an idea. Your planes aren’t iOS friendly, so how about I upload iOS friendly versions of new planes that you make based off of your old designs?
P.S. This is just a poorly-disguised plan to finally have high-quality content on my profile but I hope you don’t see through said disguise and allow me to reupload your planes- I mean, upload iOS friendly versions of your planes.
Seems like his side of the story would be helpful here, he doesn't seem like the type of person to be triggered so easily. I'll take your word for it though.
You have got to be kidding meeeee@outlinedsalmon4
+2Won't work :( purple is fake,and net.weights make my plane spin like mad. But,if you can fix this,my life would be easier. ;)@EDSAerospaceTech
+2@Gurman226 Ah alright, cool cool. We should get in touch on like Discord or something, because I've seriously known you like, longer than most of my friends lmao
+1So, do you have any social media?
Wow, looks cool.
+1Thanks, and my bad, I’ll edit the description accordingly. @Feanor
+1Ah, ok, thanks. @randomusername
+1@Feanor , sorry for starting a little late, was very busy with school. Did this in the space of an hour or so this morning, what do you think?
+1Nice job.
+1@Feanor Many thanks.
+1@Feanor I just had an idea. Your planes aren’t iOS friendly, so how about I upload iOS friendly versions of new planes that you make based off of your old designs?
+1P.S. This is just a poorly-disguised plan to finally have high-quality content on my profile but I hope you don’t see through said disguise and allow me to reupload your planes- I mean, upload iOS friendly versions of your planes.
I realised that a while ago. Too bad I still can’t download these ships.@Feanor
+1Much Stronk. Very Battleship.
+1But it strangely showed up as nothing when I downloaded it...
@Gurman226 lol, i guess that brings this conversation to an end--i just replied to your message on ig
@Gurman226 yeah man i saw your follow request : ) i just replied
@Gurman226 Oh my god, you've done it again...
So do I wait another few years for you to reply now?
No offence intended here, but where did that idea go?@AndrewGarrison
Welcome back!
Thank you. @MrPorg137
Alright then, I guess my reason isn’t valid. Thanks anyway. @RailfanEthan
@Gurman226 You're welcome, but why did you feel like you have to reply to a comment that's 3 years old?
This is amazing.
This guy’s builds are almost the definition of quality over quantity. Nice job.
@EH21122005 Actually this could take a while- I should’ve have said “Coming up- eventually...”
Coming right up, albeit far too late.@D0g
Where did you go? …
Thanks for the upvote.@CRJ900Pilot
Beautiful. Wow.
Wow, the memories. I used to know this guy but then he got popular and I got jealous. For good reason, if I’m honest.
Wow. Almost as insane as the stuff I used to build.
@LusitaniaFan112, You really are a bit late, aren’t you? I’ve been inactive for ages now and probably won’t fix it.
Very nice, I like the HO 229.
@Jayking658 I have given up lol
I’ll make it fly.
I’ll try.@Jayking658
No. Thanks! :)@Jayking658
I don’t need it anymore, but thanks anyway.@Jayking658
Nope, thanks for asking anyway.@Jayking658
@Gurman226 No problem
Thanks for the responses everyone.
Seems like his side of the story would be helpful here, he doesn't seem like the type of person to be triggered so easily. I'll take your word for it though.
I meant as in I would reply to comments and spotlight and stuff lol.@Blue0Bull
Hmm,the WTF E100 is wider than this
I’m a turtloise
Will do@DeezNuts52
Did some battleships@EternalDarkness
I did it a while ago but forgot to link it.@Gestour
What. The. Pie.
Ok now this is either modded or blessed by God...
I’m back and realised that now Feanor is an everything specialist.