@Rob119 in the airsoft world
ukarms are the lowest of the low
hell even temu springs have better quality
they have low fps
also if you cock them wrong the slide comes off
and they feel flimsy
hell the mag itself is just a spring and hollow plastic held by cheap screws that if loaded wrong can go whoosh on your face
@Monarchii great
got Ministry of education exam lol
and the subject is math 😭😭😭
@RestlessGalaxies eagleman???????
+1(me reference)
jokes aside the part count is crazy
and the flight experience is worth it
my battery paid the price
@Rob119 it is
+1@Rob119 in the airsoft world
+1ukarms are the lowest of the low
hell even temu springs have better quality
they have low fps
also if you cock them wrong the slide comes off
and they feel flimsy
hell the mag itself is just a spring and hollow plastic held by cheap screws that if loaded wrong can go whoosh on your face
@Rob119 springs are fairly nice for the price
+1but for the love of God do NOT buy UKarms springs
@Rob119 Amazon gear is underrated
+1but get what's gud
ima Chek it out
@Rob119 (burh)
+1also what's that holster
looks sharp as hell
@Rob119 nah just asking
+1also Damn that is some solid gear
@Rob119 how tall are you?
+1@Rob119 oh hell no☠️☠️☠️☠️😭😭
+1@Rob119 it's where a ball explods in SP
+1@Rob119 jk happy bday
+1@Lwillswith2sentryguns it can kamikaze you like most ai planes
+1@Lwillswith2sentryguns np
@SPsidearm EEL And A6 TRAM and A-7C have a group project:
+1@SPsidearm mk
bmilan cooking
+1@SPsidearm how to download?
can't find it
happy ball day
@SPsidearm Overlord5453 took the pictures
absolutely solid
@Rjenteissussy si
yaris w
+1@TheRLAF it spawns
and my Typhoon wasn't ai
it's pea
@DynamicHorizon not to mention it's the biggest bomber that the US have
@blt I can't build
+1is crazy
@blt fuck you
+1why can't anyone post lizzo feet
@blt can you make lizzo feet pics
plz uwu
I know your phone will explode but plzz
@OverlordPrime ah I see
+1Average PW Fan
@asapSCOTT just dropped a follow
+1this is good
holy balls
my phone died
fiddle like didd-
@TheRLAF uuu
@TheRLAF scrapped the whole thing 2 months ago lmao
@TheRLAF the su-22?
@TheRLAF post stall maneuver
@blt the colt 1911
+1the origin of Fudd lore
299393011G overload