7,999 Eagleman101SP Comments

  • The Compass Plane one month ago

    @OrangeyAeronautics unlimited flight time

  • XML help pls one month ago

    this is a suggestion not a solution
    1-disable trim on your horizontal stabilizers
    2-Put the input of the engine to "Trim"
    3-when dive bombing put the trim lever all the way(idk If it's up or down) and it should activate the engines

  • The Compass Plane one month ago

    @OrangeyAeronautics 198,160,000,000,00 gallons exactly

  • The Compass Plane one month ago

    @TurtlePants it can even preform the kokochurs bale maneuver

  • Sukhoi Su-30 SM one month ago

    It even has the little russian navy flag, thank you for this build, I love cyxoи Cy-30 см

  • Flying Rocket Pod one month ago

    @ZeeB00lies LOL

  • Tracks 2 2 months ago

    @DaVinci Dude I just wanted an m1a2 tank and this is what I'm going through