77 Eldael Comments

  • Dewoitine D.520 9.0 years ago

    I updated this as a D. 521. Check it out here: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/j3G7xC/Dewoitine-D-521

  • Building technique help 9.0 years ago

    @AgDynamics After using XML modding for hours upon hours of the past day or so, I can barely even stand how undetailed and bare my old planes look. No performance tweaks in XML for me though. That's the whole point of the game after all, isn't it? Thanks for the help!

  • Building technique help 9.0 years ago

    And to change the angle of the wing, click edit dihedral in the part properties menu. If you mean the angle of attack, AgDynamics already pointed out that you need to do some XML modding.

  • Building technique help 9.0 years ago

    Yes it is. You can go into part settings and click edit fuselage, where you can edit the length and slope of the fuselage segement. You can also click forwards or bsckwards in that menu to edit the height and width, as well as the style of the corners, of the connecter at the end of the fuselage segement.Each connecter can be edited independently, so you can create many different shapes.

  • Building technique help 9.0 years ago

    @FullFruntall Out of curiosity, why would multiple cockpits be beneficial?

  • Building technique help 9.0 years ago

    No, I already have ideas for planes, and have already posted one in fact. I just didn't know how others were able to go into detail seemingly impossible to do in-game. Thanks, @AgDynamics for the help.

  • Can you update planes? 9.0 years ago

    Can you unlist planes? Do I just have to delete the old ones?

  • D.520 9.0 years ago

    That makes sense.

  • D.520 9.0 years ago

    By the way, for future reference, you should move the COM back a little (add dead weight to the back or remove fuel from the front) so it doesn't pitch on its own so much. It makes it much smoother to control.

  • New paint ideas 9.0 years ago

    Cuz let's be honest, if you can already make and upload 3d dicks (albeit only shortly before it's removed) there's not much more harm a drawn one can do. Photos though, I understand the concern.

  • New paint ideas 9.0 years ago

    One solution, then, would be to make you create decals in-game so you can't use inappropriate or copyrighted pictures, and then only let you use said decals and the current painting system to paint your plane.

    And limit the detail, so if a mod arises that converts photos to decals, it can't do much more than drawing it could.

  • New paint ideas 9.0 years ago

    @bjac0 That's what the report button is for. It isn't like you can't already make 3d dicks and upload them. They just won't be online for long.

  • D.520 9.0 years ago

    Thanks for the tip! I'll upvote as soon as I get enough points.

  • D.520 9.0 years ago

    Nice. How did you get those fuselages so small? A mod? Forgive my noobiness; I just got the game yesterday and I've half a mind to incorporate them into my design.