120 Elfly16 Comments

  • Challenges 5.5 years ago

    @DPSAircraftManufacturer Thank you

  • Challenges 5.5 years ago

    whatever here is what got cut off from the comment. It is as follows:

    I think I should give a little bit of background on the creation of the craft. It began life as a copy of the french Dassault Rafale, but later I found that a little hard to make so I made it single engine and reshaped the wings. Then I found the challenge and I decided to convert this airplane into a plane for the challenge.

    That is all.

  • Challenges 5.5 years ago

    The description was supposed to read as follows:

    READ VERY CAREFULLY BEFORE OPERATING THE AIRCRAFT TO DO THE CHALLENGE THING - This aircraft is designed on 2 things - speed and maneuverability (I'm not entirely sure I spelled that right). Activate 1 is to activate the canards. DO NOT USE THE CANARDS IN NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES. ONLY USE IN EXCESS OF SPEEDS OF 1000 MPH. The canards are also to be used during takeoff to make the aircraft take off more easily. The aircraft can reach an altitude of up to 100,000 feet, and it can probably reach higher altitudes if I actually tested it. ONLY GO IN EXCESS OF 30,000 FEET WHILE GOING IN EXCESS OF 1000 MPH. DISABLE CANARDS AT EXTREME ALTITUDES. do not expect the plane to pull 12 g's while at high altitudes. WHEN YOU NEED EFFICIENCY, USE AT MOST 30% THROTTLE WHEN AT SPEEDS LOWER THAN 20,000 FEET, HIGHER THROTTLE LEVELS ARE NEEDED TO RETAIN CONTROLLABILITY AT EXTREME ALTITUDES. The plane has extreme range, but only when used in the correct way. The only way to reliably get high ranges is to first get up to about 2000 MPH at an extremely high altitude, then throttle down to about 20-25% throttle. The airplane carries 381 gallons of fuel. When testing the plane, I found that when I put it into autopilot the autopilot likes to make the aircraft do weird things, and I didn't test range because I was simply too lazy to do so.

    IF YOU BELIEVE THAT THIS AIRCRAFT VIOLATES THE NO XML MODDING RULE, CHECK THE UPLOAD THAT SAYS "FIGHTER 8". FIGHTER 8 IS THE EXACT SAME PLANE WITH WEAPONS AND WITH NO XML MODDING. Even though fighter 8 is technically in violation of the "no weapons" rule, the weapons are actually essential to the balance of the craft. ONLY USE FIGHTER 8 IF THE XML MODDED CRAFT IS IN VIOLATION OF THE XML MODDING RULE. Even after going into the comments section of the challenge I'm still not entirely sure what "dragscale=0.1" means in this specific instance. When I check the XML file on the entries of other people, I find that almost no one has taken advantage of the ability to use the "dragscale=0.1" command. I inferred from this that drag scale "modding" was somehow against the rules even though the rules said that the command was allowed. Even after asking the creator of the challenge, I still don't get why no one took advantage of it. Anyways, this paragraph is getting a little too long. I am sorry for you having to read through all of this, but there is just one more paragraph.

    I think I should give a little bit

  • Challenges 5.5 years ago

    Also, I wrote the entire description on microsoft word which does have paragraphs unlike simpleplanes... also i wrote half of the description BEFORE i went into the comments section of the challenge and clarified some misconceptions i had about the challenge. also, the thing got cut off because it was too long.

  • Fighter1"pencil" 5.2 years ago

    I have a few questions. Is this supposed to be a bomber, or a fighter? I feel like its better suited to the second roll. It isn't as maneuverable as I would expect for a fighter, and it also is a little bit under powered. Still really good for one of your first uploads though. When I first started playing the game, I could NOT have made anything as good as this.

  • light support craft 5.5 years ago

    @Random40 Oh I didn't discover that problem before thanks