15 Emeg Comments

  • UPDATE IDEA!!! (for 1.4) 9.1 years ago

    You can already make building blocks to 3 by 3 or 1.5 by 1.5 and create triangular shapes of it by using the Fuselage Block tool. A half sized building block of 0.5 is relative small, its a cube of 25 by 25 centimeters. By example, with the corner style set to hard create a fuselage block of 1.5 by 1.5 units (thus a cube of 75 by 75 centimeters by giving the fuselage block the sizes: length 1.5, backwards width and height both 1.5 units, and the forwards side also width and height 1.5 set to units. To make from the cube a triangular shape is very simple, set the value for the height or width in the backward or forward part of the cube to 0. And if you set the value not to 0 but to 0.5 of 1 you create a trapezoid shaped building block. So also that is possible with the Fuselage Block tool, if you become familiar with this the possibilities are (almost) endless.

  • Nieuport 11 'Bebe' recon 9.1 years ago

    Oh.. forgot to mention in the plane discribing, activation group 1 activates to steer with the tail wheel (yaw control) to taxi the plane.