2,806 Emperoboy Comments

  • Eagle with folding wings 8.5 years ago

    One-of-the-best-models-in-this-game! Awesome work! The awesomest!))

  • Beriev MBR-2 7.5 years ago

    @fathan421 It had) A real MBR-2 had special
    chassis trolley, which were attached to the aircraft in water after each flight, to be rolled out on dry land and dried. Partly you're right, there were no serial chassis for MBR-2, so ground technicians had to build homemade wooden chassis carriages))

  • Whizzing Arrow 3 8.5 years ago

    @Johawks1976 so, u said that people like creativity as much as replicas. And ur model doesn't have many Upv and Downloads. That just means that ur model isn't good and players don't like it.
    U don't have significant arguments against me and my building, but u've still said silly little words. I don't need to say that my model's better. Upv and Dwnlds say it for me.

  • Whizzing Arrow 3 8.5 years ago

    @Johawks1976 As for me, I like planes wich are based on real planes. It's very much harder to build a real-based plane, than to imagine and make your own. Yeah, this one looks interesting, but it is not hard to make plane like this. Look, my Arrow 3 is based on a vehicle from popular anime. So, lots of people will appreciate it. Other my planes are based on real planes. The reason why my model is so popular- it was popular before i made it.
    It plays an important role that you're doing a real plane and doing it well. "No-name" planes wich players come up with themselves are not popular in this game.
    U want Upvotes and Downloads? So, u need to build a real-based plane.
    Steve Jobs has never said: "Why my Apple Newton isn't so popular??"
    Not each player want to fly on a plane wich somebody imagined, but everyone want to fly with a real-based plane.

  • Whizzing Arrow 3 8.5 years ago

    @Johawks1976 envy isn't a good thing. If you don't have so much Upvotes and Downloads, your models are not so good.

  • Whizzing Arrow 3 8.5 years ago

    @Johawks1976 It's an early model. I even would to say pre-model. Of course it has some issues. It doesn't have booster engines, it doesn't have a vertical take-off and it doesn't have Arrow's traditional livery. But now it's the best model of Arrow 3 in the game, so it gets attention of Oban's fans and other players. Now I decided to make booster engines to increase the speed. After that i will have a certain weight distribution. And only then I can begin to make vertical takeoff.

  • Whizzing Arrow 3 8.5 years ago

    @typeZERO I've just read about, looks cool and a plot seems to be interesting. I'll see it after I finish watching Shaman King))

  • Sukhoi Challenge! 8.5 years ago

    @DankDorito What edits do I have to edit? It flys well and looks like real SSJ 100

  • Sukhoi Challenge! 8.5 years ago

    Heh, I also have a Sukhoi already. It's Sukhoi SuperJet 100)

  • Sukhoi Challenge! (Sukhoi 33 "Flanker" D) 8.5 years ago

    Great model for great flight)

  • Beriev MBR-2 8.5 years ago

    @MrSilverWolf Thank you very much)) I try my best to build well-flying planes and of course they must look like they're in real life

  • Sukhoi Superjet 100 8.5 years ago

    Thanks to everyone)) Very glad to see u appreciate my work :) Now I prepare to show u a new unusual plane, but it takes a lot of time to make it fly and look like in real life

  • Sukhoi 33 (V2.0) 8.5 years ago

    Really awesom model! Looks fantastic!