@SheriffHackdogMCPE that's not my link. If you want to find it go here
@SheriffHackdogMCPE I am on android
@1b just put CheeseTruffles
Very nice!
@Mosquitowithagun ok
@Mosquitowithagun I sniped a plane with the Kiv-10
@Mosquitowithagun just let us buy your aircraft! We will immediately send materials and give you about 10 billion Wright Coin military budget.
Sst? Sounds like a valid reason to join SSTO! South SimplePlania Treaty Orginization
Deutschland, Deutschland, Über Alles🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥
@KPLBall oh, I didn't see, now I see the props😐
Nvm I made it!
How would I make the German Emblem
IKEA shark go funny
Thanks for not destroying it this time☺️
@Spaghetti76 your so welcome! I like giving people No.1 on the hottest list
@F16xl crashed when I loaded the game because of its big ahh forehead
@Eagleman101SP thank you!
@@F16xl look at mega mind over here! 7 deadly foreheads! KSI ahh
Skibidi car🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥
Bro got the mig 14.5💀
Nah man wtf
@F16xl the Wright Isles now has police force! (Most of our crimes are committed in the sky)
@MrSilverWolf this has got to be a tribute.. right?
Marvin Martian Ahh Plane
Scuse me, but could the Wright Isles buy all of your weapons? And how much for it all
@Hikikomori np man, it's a good plane
@TTL it's a parallel universe bruv
@F16xl oh
@TTL @@F16xl is the president of the social democracy of the krakabloan states. You bombed him and you will feel the full wrath of SSTO South SimplePlania Treaty Orginization
@Monarchii @Graingy @126
Prussian? I am in a Rec Room role play of militaries and I'm the president of prussia
The wings are a bit short but good build
I thought I was gonna be tagged🥺
@kid1234whjd naydolf litler really hated the mews...
Bru why is everybody leaving!
@kid1234whjd maywars old leader naydolf litler was super bad!
@kid1234whjd yuh huh, that's why I say womp womp to the death
Am I allowed to make it Patriotic
@kid1234whjd womp womp
@Imaginator007 let's get this guy to 30 points so he can upvote🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥
Hello, welcome to hell.
@SheriffHackdogMCPE that's not my link. If you want to find it go here
+1@SheriffHackdogMCPE I am on android
+1@1b just put CheeseTruffles
+1Very nice!
+1@Mosquitowithagun ok
+1@Mosquitowithagun I sniped a plane with the Kiv-10
+1@Mosquitowithagun just let us buy your aircraft! We will immediately send materials and give you about 10 billion Wright Coin military budget.
+1Sst? Sounds like a valid reason to join SSTO! South SimplePlania Treaty Orginization
+1Deutschland, Deutschland, Über Alles🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥
+1@KPLBall oh, I didn't see, now I see the props😐
+1Nvm I made it!
+1How would I make the German Emblem
+1IKEA shark go funny
+1Thanks for not destroying it this time☺️
+1@Spaghetti76 your so welcome! I like giving people No.1 on the hottest list
+1@F16xl crashed when I loaded the game because of its big ahh forehead
+1@Eagleman101SP thank you!
+1@@F16xl look at mega mind over here! 7 deadly foreheads! KSI ahh
+1Skibidi car🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥
+1Bro got the mig 14.5💀
+1Nah man wtf
+1@F16xl the Wright Isles now has police force! (Most of our crimes are committed in the sky)
+1@MrSilverWolf this has got to be a tribute.. right?
+1Marvin Martian Ahh Plane
+1Scuse me, but could the Wright Isles buy all of your weapons? And how much for it all
+1@Hikikomori np man, it's a good plane
+1@TTL it's a parallel universe bruv
+1@F16xl oh
+1@TTL @@F16xl is the president of the social democracy of the krakabloan states. You bombed him and you will feel the full wrath of SSTO South SimplePlania Treaty Orginization
+1@Monarchii @Graingy @126
Yeet Bois
+1Prussian? I am in a Rec Room role play of militaries and I'm the president of prussia
+1The wings are a bit short but good build
+1I thought I was gonna be tagged🥺
+1@kid1234whjd naydolf litler really hated the mews...
+1Bru why is everybody leaving!
+1@kid1234whjd maywars old leader naydolf litler was super bad!
+1@kid1234whjd yuh huh, that's why I say womp womp to the death
+1Am I allowed to make it Patriotic
+1@kid1234whjd womp womp
+1@Imaginator007 let's get this guy to 30 points so he can upvote🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥
+1Hello, welcome to hell.