4,109 EmpireofWrightIsles
Player Biography
This is the Republic (Not Empire) of Wright Isles, and we want YOU as a part of our millitary. If Something goes into our airspace, fly right up next to it and intercept it, and if they try to get away... shoot em down
We are at War with SkyPark and Icebase. And we have tanks we launch into battle. The tanks we have are... let's just say "Super Tanks" is an understatement...
"The Wright Isles will always Persevere!" Is what we will always say when we survive a crash! Thank Yall for silver
DogThatMakesPlanes will never be forgotten
Alliance: @F16xl, @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26, @Eagleman101SP, @THEOKPILOT, @DogThatMakesPlanes, and More
Die Wright-Inseln werden immer durchhalten! auch in den härtesten Situationen! Wir werden kämpfen und kämpfen, und wir werden immer gewinnen!