Save your original aircraft before editing it with these numbers.
Save it for a second time but this time rename it as "ADF-11F Raven (TEST)", this way you don't destroy your progress and I'm not responsible for doing it.
Once you are finished, repost another unlisted version and send me the link so that I can understand how the aircraft is behaving.
Change gyro settings as seen here -
Gyroscope Settings:
Activation Group - 8
Gyroscopic Speed - 100%
Gyroscopic Stability - 250%
Auto Orient - Enabled
Pitch Range - 180°
Roll Range - 180°
Yaw Power - 0%
I'm going to post a color coded version of your aircraft. The parts in red, add a dead weight of 500lb. The parts in purple, add a dead weight of 1,000lb. This will help the balancing of your aircraft. Standby for the link...
Okay, so your aircraft still has the problem of pitching down. In order to fix that, rotate your two main engines "X+1",
Actually, there is a mod!
Let me figure out what the name of my mod is...
So you can go into the game's files and change certain codes in order to do crazy stuff like that. What this mod does is save you the trip. Instead of having to leave the game and dig into the game's files to find what you're looking for, this mod will allow you to change such codes without having to leave the game which is nice, however there are certain things that you won't be able to change unless you do dig into the game's files. This mod will allow you to do what you want to do though.
Oh boy! How fun!
Is it possible that if you uploaded your aircraft to Simple Planes as unlisted you could still sent me a link?
I'm going to post my older version for you.
Okay, I guess that makes sense. Thanks man, so far you've been the most help, not to criticize anyone else though. I'll leave this up for another 2 days then I'll take it down.
I have the perfect gun!
In reply to:
"It's quite hard to hit it, because it moves so fast and zigzags a lot, but it can be taken down with gunfire like the other ships."
I would, but there's just one problem, I don't have the update yet. I you would like to help me out, then please view my most recent forum:
You didn't back anything up. Okay so, did you download the beta first without loosing anything, or did you wait to download the full release and not loose anything?
Nah, the guy did good. LiamW made his craft the way he saw fit, I modified it the way I saw fit. We all have different tastes. That's what makes Simple Planes and the Simple Planes community so great! Thanks for the upvote!
If you have any questions about Simple Planes, or about the website since your new here, be sure to let me know. Just curious, do you know how to mod parts by changing code?
Pretty nice! May be a bit too overpowered in my opinion, but I do like the paint job! I also like how you replaced the wheel with a tail wing, good idea! 👍
For a guy that plays and mods for Simple Planes, your avatar is just down right creepy! XD
I am going to finish this darn thing if it's the last thing I do...
Oh my gosh! I love this thing!
Well done! @DavstrWrexham
Yes! I'm definitely going to check it out!
How's it coming along?
I'm removing my upvote.
Any questions, please let me know.
Sorry for bombarding you with a hundred comments by the way. 😂
Save your original aircraft before editing it with these numbers.
Save it for a second time but this time rename it as "ADF-11F Raven (TEST)", this way you don't destroy your progress and I'm not responsible for doing it.
Once you are finished, repost another unlisted version and send me the link so that I can understand how the aircraft is behaving.
Change gyro settings as seen here -
Gyroscope Settings:
Activation Group - 8
Gyroscopic Speed - 100%
Gyroscopic Stability - 250%
Auto Orient - Enabled
Pitch Range - 180°
Roll Range - 180°
Yaw Power - 0%
Add a gyroscope anywhere on the SECONDARY AIRCRAFT, then input these coordinates -
Gyroscope Coordinates:
X: 0.0017
Y: 4.3500
Z: 2.2422
Change your cockpit to these coordinates -
X: 0.000
Y: 3.6707
Z: 7.1984
I'm going to post a color coded version of your aircraft. The parts in red, add a dead weight of 500lb. The parts in purple, add a dead weight of 1,000lb. This will help the balancing of your aircraft. Standby for the link...
Okay, so your aircraft still has the problem of pitching down. In order to fix that, rotate your two main engines "X+1",
I have some numbers that I want to give to you.
Okay, good! Now I know what we're dealing with! Would you like me to help you make that version fly better?
I believe this is it:
Actually, there is a mod!
Let me figure out what the name of my mod is...
So you can go into the game's files and change certain codes in order to do crazy stuff like that. What this mod does is save you the trip. Instead of having to leave the game and dig into the game's files to find what you're looking for, this mod will allow you to change such codes without having to leave the game which is nice, however there are certain things that you won't be able to change unless you do dig into the game's files. This mod will allow you to do what you want to do though.
You don't need a mod, just need to know how to change the code!
Also, are you available today?
I want you to destroy the USS Beast and its fleet with the guns that I have equipped. Use Cockpit mode!
Oh boy! How fun!
Is it possible that if you uploaded your aircraft to Simple Planes as unlisted you could still sent me a link?
I'm going to post my older version for you.
Alright! 👍
Thank you!
Okay, I guess that makes sense. Thanks man, so far you've been the most help, not to criticize anyone else though. I'll leave this up for another 2 days then I'll take it down.
I have the perfect gun!
In reply to:
"It's quite hard to hit it, because it moves so fast and zigzags a lot, but it can be taken down with gunfire like the other ships."
I would, but there's just one problem, I don't have the update yet. I you would like to help me out, then please view my most recent forum:
Hmm, I have an Android. I'm not sure how that would work out. I guess I need to figure out how to back things up.
So you didn't loose anything from this update. Okay, one more question... What device did you use to download these updates/beta's?
You didn't back anything up. Okay so, did you download the beta first without loosing anything, or did you wait to download the full release and not loose anything?
Cool! I can wait to fly it!
Is there another aircraft inside the big aircraft?
Nah, the guy did good. LiamW made his craft the way he saw fit, I modified it the way I saw fit. We all have different tastes. That's what makes Simple Planes and the Simple Planes community so great! Thanks for the upvote!
Great! Then shoot me some times that work for you and we can discuss it then!
No problem. Let's see, would the 21st, 22nd, 23rd, or 24th of March work for you?
Sounds great! If you're available in another half hour or so, we could talk about it.
So can I! 😁👍
Thanks for the upvote!
That's it!
How's your other version coming along? Were you able to fix the turning problem, or do you still need help on that?
If you have any questions about Simple Planes, or about the website since your new here, be sure to let me know. Just curious, do you know how to mod parts by changing code?
So is 1,000,000 HP... Which I actually tried! Made it passed the speed of sound! 😂
Thank you! I will begin as soon as I have completed my current project.
There you go! That should give you some points!
(Thanks for following)
Yeah! No problem!
If you're interested, check out my version, which flies! Here's the link: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/i61PfT/Little-Bugger-Flyable-Version
Pretty nice! May be a bit too overpowered in my opinion, but I do like the paint job! I also like how you replaced the wheel with a tail wing, good idea! 👍