I did see your video! It flew very well, unless of course, your just a god. 😂 Anyway, that is unfortunate. Amazing aircraft overall. I still have fun with it every once in a while.
Hello again! It's been awhile since we have last talked and I haven't been posting regularly, but I intend to once I can find participates. I took into consideration what you said. If you are looking for a more reasonably weaponized version of the "Black Phantom (UCAV)" aircraft, then please visit this link: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/yuuWUR/Black-Phantom-2-UCAV
Read the description for more information. Controls for this new aircraft are the same as the old one and performance was not compromised. Thanks and enjoy!
Yeah, maybe just the two big guns and the two little ones that were originally on the craft, would have been enough. It's pretty fun to fly though! Have you tried shooting down the USS Beast with it? It's pretty awesome!
I trust that you have had a day to try out the new "Black Phantom (UCAV)"? What do you think? How did I do? Did I make it your dream aircraft, or did I just ruin your life with this horrible machine and you never want me to post ever again. Seriously now, I want your honest opinion. I value your feedback, and it helps me to progress in what I do! I look forward to hearing back from you soon. Thanks again for allowing me to work on this marvelous aircraft. Fly safe my friend! -SCIGUY101-
Amazing aircraft! I'm very impressed with the speed that it can achieve. I reached 1,100mph at 25,000ft. Very impressive! It's very maneuverable and easy to fly. You see, what I like to do in Simple Planes is go around and improve other people's creations. I'm not the best at building airplanes from scratch, actually I'm terrible, so that's what I do! My goal is to make your dream aircraft, the one you wanted to make. I was going to ask you permission to repost your project, but after flying it, I don't know what else I could do to it other than to maybe give it a few more weapons, change how some of the beacon lights look for more realistic blink rates and patterns, and fix some balancing issues. Other than that, I think you have yourself a wonderful aircraft! Kudos to you my friend! Fly safe!
Activation Group 1 will turn on the main engines and navigation lights. Must be activated in order to fly. Use the throttle to take-off. Aircraft will hover at 50% throttle with 50% fuel.
Activation Group 2 will activate the main rear thrusters. They can be use to taxi the aircraft on ground and are normally used for main flight.
Activation Group 3 will engage the main cruise system. Make sure that throttle is at 100% thrust then push the trim lever up. Underbelly lights will turn on as well.
Activation Group 4 will turn the main landing light on/off.
Activation Group 5 will engage the onboard weapons systems. Red lights will activate to indicate main weapons activation. Four missile bays will open. Use the VTOL lever to aim main guns (best used in cockpit view).
Activation Group 6 will deploy four main parachutes for worse case scenarios. Aircraft has been built to float on water for recovery.
Activation Group 7 will fold/unfold the aircraft for storage in hangers and aircraft carriers.
Activation Group 8 will activate aircraft's stabilizers for most stable flight. Must be activated in order to fly.
For main flight, use the pitch and roll joystick. Yaw is automatic. Turn rate is very acceptable but takes some time to master.
Landing can be somewhat difficult. Here you need to take control of individual components. First, make sure throttle is at 100% thrust then temporary deactivate AG1. Put trim back to default position. Lower throttle to 0% thrust then deactivate AG2. Make sure that AG3 is already activated. Use the air brakes and trim lever to lower/control your speed. Once the aircraft has slowed down below 50mph, release the air brakes and put trim back into it's default position. Put throttle back up to 50% thrust then reactivate AG1 and deactivate AG3 then resume a stabilized hover. Use the pitch and roll joystick to control your forward, backward, sideways speed. Activate AG4 (optional), and lower landing gear. Use the throttle to control vertical speed. After touchdown, drop throttle to 0% thrust. Deactivate AG4 and AG1.
To taxi, make sure that only AG2 and AG8 are activated. For throttle, push trim lever forward. For steering, use yaw controls.
Why thank you! I'm glad you liked it! It was definitely an awesome project! Is there anything else that you would like me to improve specifically?
Most likely... The clouds however, as your flying around, the ones behind you disappear as the ones in front of you appear. That would solve the designated cloud circle problem. If any of those options would work, I would want it to be that one.
Status On KVA-1A Bear:
✓Modified Controls For New Parts,
✓Modified AG Settings To Better Suit New Abilities,
✓Changed AG Arrangements For Easier Use,
✓Changed Multiple Part Properties,
✓New Taxi System,
✓Optimized Weight To Thrust Ratio For Equal Hover At 50% Throttle / Should Hover At 50% Throttle At 50% Fuel
Question, under "input control", you can choose an "activation group" and choose the "input" that you want it to run by. I've noticed that you have made some of the "input settings" run strictly by "activation groups". For example, when you you activate "AG1", the weapon bays open up. How did you set the "input" to run off of "Activate1"? Did you use a mod? If so what is the name of the mod that you used. If not, then how can I do that?
Status On KVA-1A Bear:
•Modified Controls For New Parts,
•Modified AG Settings To Better Suit New Abilities,
•Changed AG Arrangements For Easier Use,
•Changed Multiple Part Properties,
✓Added New Weapons by barreto2016,
✓Added Multiple Weapons,
✓Changed Multiple Weapons Settings,
✓Changed Aiming Settings,
✓Added New Directional Thrust System,
•Added New VTOL Assist For Increased Payload & Lift,
✓Changed Flight Controls,
✓Made Flight Controls Easier To Use,
•New Taxi System,
•Optimized Weight To Thrust Ratio For Equal Hover At 50% Throttle
Status On KVA-1A Bear:
•Modified Controls For New Parts,
•Modified AG Settings To Better Suit New Abilities,
•Changed AG Arrangements For Easier Use,
•Changed Multiple Part Properties,
•Added New Weapons by barreto2016,
•Added Multiple Weapons,
•Changed Multiple Weapons Settings,
•Changed Aiming Settings,
•Added New Directional Thrust System,
•Added New VTOL Assist For Increased Payload & Lift,
•Changed Flight Controls,
•Made Flight Controls Easier To Use,
•New Taxi System,
I have been working on your aircraft for about 6 hours now, and it's starting to come along. I apologise for not posting a list sooner, but you know, life... it's busy. I still have a lot more to come, and I really think you'll like the improvements that I've made. Following this message, I will be posting a list of all the changes made to your aircraft. With this list will come different symbols. Here is what they mean. This symbol, "✓" means that something has been completed. This symbol, "•" means that something is under specific testing. This symbol "×" means that something has been abandoned or postponed. Anything with "×" or "✓" will be taken off of the next update list. This way, you will know exactly how close your aircraft is to being completed. Hope this helps!
Hello Barreto! I trust that you have had some time to fly the new Blue Fury? What do you think? How did I do? Did I make it even better and easier to fly and you want me to take on another challenge, or did I absolutely destroy it to the point where it's unflyable and you never want me to post ever again. Honest opinion now, I would like to know how I could've done better. Your feedback is valuable and I'm curious as to what you think.
Status On The Helicopter BRT 02:
✓Changed Multiple Controls For Individual Helicopter Parts,
✓Modified Activation Groups,
✓Added Parachutes For Worst Case Scenarios,
✓Modified Buoyancy Settings For Worst Case Scenarios,
✓Changed Reaction Control Nozzle Properties To Better Suit New AG Settings,
✓Removed Pitch & Roll Reaction Control Nozzles,
✓Added 2 New Thrusters For Aircraft Pitch Assist,
×Added New Rudder For More Stabilized Forward Flight,
✓VTOL Assist For Better Flight Experience And Payload
Status On The Helicopter BRT 02:
•Changed Multiple Controls For Individual Helicopter Parts,
✓Main Guns Are Now Fixed Due To New Control Interface,
•Modified Activation Groups,
•Changed Reaction Control Nozzle Properties To Better Suit New AG Settings,
✓Added Landing Beacon Lights,
✓Beacon Lights Now Show Activated Components,
✓Added Fuel For Longer Flight Time,
✓Added New Propulsion System For Quicker Speeds (210 mph - 230 mph),
✓Speeds Improved +20mph (200 mph - 250+ mph)
✓Added Gyro With Modified Settings For More Stabilized Flight,
✓Added More Inlets For Better Engine Performance,
•Added 2 New Thrusters For Aircraft Pitch Assist,
•Added New Rudder For More Stabilized Forward Flight,
✓Added Your Awesome Lazer Gun From Your DEMOLIDOR,
✓Optimized Maximum Payload / Can Carry More Fuel & Still Fly,
•VTOL Assist For Better Flight Experience And Payload
Status On The Helicopter BRT 02:
•Changed Multiple Controls For Individual Helicopter Parts,
•Modified Activation Groups,
✓Added Beacon Lights,
•Added Landing Beacon Lights,
✓Changed Beacon Light Colors To Realistic Right - Green & Left - Red Color Combinations,
✓Changed Blink Pattern Of Beacon Lights,
•Added Fuel For Longer Flight Time,
•Added New Propulsion System For Quicker Speeds (200 mph - 230 mph),
•Added Gyro With Modified Settings For More Stabilized Flight,
•VTOL Assist For Better Flight Experience And Payload
I have been working on your aircraft for about 3 hours now, and it's starting to come along. Following this message, I will be posting a list of all the changes made to your aircraft. This symbol, "✓" means that something is done. This symbol, "•" means that something is under specific testing. This symbol "×" means that something has been abandoned. Anything with "×" or "✓" will be taken off of the next update list. This way, you will know exactly how close your aircraft is to being completed. Hope this helps!
Thank you for allowing me to repost your aircraft. It might take me anywhere between 2 days to a week to complete this project. By the way, don't worry, I don't even have simple planes on my PC, so all my projects are done off of my Android device.
If you're interested, you can view my most recent project, and my first, "L.A.W. of Transportation" by "Epicguy668." Read the comments section to understand the aircraft's history and how to fly the thing. Here's the link: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/b53VuB/L-A-W-of-Transportation
Now I am new. I recently registered to the Simple Planes website in order to post some of my projects. I've been modifying people's projects for awhile now, and I thought I should start sharing them with the world. Anyway, enough of my ramblings, I best get to work! ;-)
I will update you on the project as time goes by. You will know when the project is completed. Thanks again!
Hello fellow flyer! I am trying to improve your aircraft. What I like to do is try to improve others creations to make something more user-friendly, then I will repost their project. You see, I'm not the best at building planes from scratch... So with your permission, will you let me repost your aircraft after I have improved it? I will include that you were the original creator and also include the aircraft's original name, if I decide to rename it. That's all! Thanks!
Hey guys! FLYGUY101 here! I hope that everyone reads this. Please be patient with me guys. I'm new and am trying learn everything, but I just had to share this project with you. The messages below will tell you about the history of the aircraft and tell you how to run the aircraft. Hope you guys like it! Remember to leave an upvote! Thanks guys!
I highly encourage you to read everything if you want to know the history of this aircraft, otherwise please read the "Pilot's Flight Manual".
Before we go any further into this description, I want to make one thing clear... This was not originally my creation. The original design was created by "Epicguy668" and the original name of the aircraft was "Works not really". Thank you Epicguy for your creation. I hope you will like how I have improved it.
If you, like me, have flown his aircraft, you will know that it was really odd to fly. The thing shook like it was going to explode! However, I saw a lot of potential in this aircraft and I asked myself, how can I improve his creation? Well, here's how.
First, I removed some gimbals, this helped with the violent shaking. I then repositioned the engine on top and added a turbo prop in place of it, to give it the ability to hover. Next, I noticed that when navigating through the sky, it would skim instead of turn, so I added vertical stabilizers on the end of each wing. As I was testing the aircraft, I began having difficulties hovering and landing the aircraft, so I added a VTOL system to help with the hovering issue. After a lengthy testing process of around 42 hours, I had finally completed the aircraft.
Now I obviously did a lot more to help this aircraft perform at it's best, but I didn't want to bore you with a long list. Besides, I didn't make a list to remember everything I did, but I did a lot! Moving on...
The "L.A.W. of Transportation" is an acronym for "Land, Air, and Water". Yes, I designed this thing so that you can use it as a car, as an airplane, and even as a boat. I definitely had a lot of fun with this thing. Now it's time that I pass it on to you, so Mr. pilot guy, here's the manual! Enjoy!
Activation Groups 1 and 2 only activate the main engines. Both must be activated for best flight experience. Use the trim for "Autopilot Attitude or Pitch". Pushing the trim up will increase altitude. Pulling the trim down will decrease altitude. Keeping trim centered will attempt to maintain altitude.
Activation Group 3 will activate the VTOL system. To activate the main prop for VTOL, push the trim lever up. To turn aircraft while in VTOL mode, use yaw controls. To activate VTOL thrusters, pitch forward. VTOL thrusters are not enough to lift the aircraft off the ground. To change VTOL thrusters position from hover to forward, push VTOL lever up. To change VTOL thrusters position from hover to backward, pull VTOL lever down.
Activation Group 4 will activate ground system. Use the throttle to control engine power. Use yaw controls to turn left and right. Brakes will brake the vehicle. Unfortunately, there is no reverse controls.
Activation Group 5 will activate in air navigation. Yaw is the only action used in flight mode. Roll is somewhat useable, but is beta, and is still under testing. Yaw is done by an air braking system. To activate in air navigation, make sure that activation groups 1, 2, and 5 are the only groups activated. Use the VTOL lever to yaw the aircraft. Pushing the VTOL lever up yaws the aircraft left. Pulling the VTOL lever down yaws the aircraft right.
Activation Groups 6, 7, and 8 are independent and need no other type of activation for actions to be performed.
How to land. Landing can be tricky. To make landing easier, center VTOL lever, deactivate group 5, activate group 3, set trim in between the first two white markers at the top, drop throttle to 0% thrust, deactivate groups 1 and 2, pull VTOL lever down, pitch forward to activate VTOL thrusters and slow yourself down, use the VTOL thrusters to control your forward/backward speed and rate of descent. After touchdown, deactivate group 3 and set trim and VTOL to default points.
I like it! It's pretty cool and it's a unique idea. Unfortunately, you can't really steer USS Tiny, unless you can and I'm just doing it wrong.
I've gotten this thing up to 235,000mph. Crazy!!! Now, can you beat my speed?
I just reposted your aircraft Tekkit. Check it out! It's extremely fast now!
Who is Airwolf?
I did see your video! It flew very well, unless of course, your just a god. 😂 Anyway, that is unfortunate. Amazing aircraft overall. I still have fun with it every once in a while.
Nice! But have you ever gone 957750mph in a crash before?
I see you play Turboprop Flight Simulator! One of my favorites!
Is modding pretty hard?
1. How does this thing work?
2. How do you even control the thing without crashing?
3. Are you god? XD
Hello again! It's been awhile since we have last talked and I haven't been posting regularly, but I intend to once I can find participates. I took into consideration what you said. If you are looking for a more reasonably weaponized version of the "Black Phantom (UCAV)" aircraft, then please visit this link: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/yuuWUR/Black-Phantom-2-UCAV
Read the description for more information. Controls for this new aircraft are the same as the old one and performance was not compromised. Thanks and enjoy!
Yeah, maybe just the two big guns and the two little ones that were originally on the craft, would have been enough. It's pretty fun to fly though! Have you tried shooting down the USS Beast with it? It's pretty awesome!
I trust that you have had a day to try out the new "Black Phantom (UCAV)"? What do you think? How did I do? Did I make it your dream aircraft, or did I just ruin your life with this horrible machine and you never want me to post ever again. Seriously now, I want your honest opinion. I value your feedback, and it helps me to progress in what I do! I look forward to hearing back from you soon. Thanks again for allowing me to work on this marvelous aircraft. Fly safe my friend! -SCIGUY101-
Amazing aircraft! I'm very impressed with the speed that it can achieve. I reached 1,100mph at 25,000ft. Very impressive! It's very maneuverable and easy to fly. You see, what I like to do in Simple Planes is go around and improve other people's creations. I'm not the best at building airplanes from scratch, actually I'm terrible, so that's what I do! My goal is to make your dream aircraft, the one you wanted to make. I was going to ask you permission to repost your project, but after flying it, I don't know what else I could do to it other than to maybe give it a few more weapons, change how some of the beacon lights look for more realistic blink rates and patterns, and fix some balancing issues. Other than that, I think you have yourself a wonderful aircraft! Kudos to you my friend! Fly safe!
Check out the new "Black Phantom (UCAV)"! Here is the link to the aircraft: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/LH1i3h/Black-Phantom-UCAV
Status On KVA-1A Bear:
Pilot's Flight Manual:
Activation Groups (AG#)
AG1: Engine Start/Navigation Lights
AG2: Taxi/Cruise Mode
AG3: Cruise Mode/Main Engine Pitch
AG4: Landing/Take-off Light
AG5: Weapons/Guns Activation
AG6: Parachute Ejection System
AG7: Compact Mode/Fold Aircraft
AG8: Activates Gimbal System (Must Be Activated In Order To Fly)
Flight Manual Instructions:
Activation Group 1 will turn on the main engines and navigation lights. Must be activated in order to fly. Use the throttle to take-off. Aircraft will hover at 50% throttle with 50% fuel.
Activation Group 2 will activate the main rear thrusters. They can be use to taxi the aircraft on ground and are normally used for main flight.
Activation Group 3 will engage the main cruise system. Make sure that throttle is at 100% thrust then push the trim lever up. Underbelly lights will turn on as well.
Activation Group 4 will turn the main landing light on/off.
Activation Group 5 will engage the onboard weapons systems. Red lights will activate to indicate main weapons activation. Four missile bays will open. Use the VTOL lever to aim main guns (best used in cockpit view).
Activation Group 6 will deploy four main parachutes for worse case scenarios. Aircraft has been built to float on water for recovery.
Activation Group 7 will fold/unfold the aircraft for storage in hangers and aircraft carriers.
Activation Group 8 will activate aircraft's stabilizers for most stable flight. Must be activated in order to fly.
For main flight, use the pitch and roll joystick. Yaw is automatic. Turn rate is very acceptable but takes some time to master.
Landing can be somewhat difficult. Here you need to take control of individual components. First, make sure throttle is at 100% thrust then temporary deactivate AG1. Put trim back to default position. Lower throttle to 0% thrust then deactivate AG2. Make sure that AG3 is already activated. Use the air brakes and trim lever to lower/control your speed. Once the aircraft has slowed down below 50mph, release the air brakes and put trim back into it's default position. Put throttle back up to 50% thrust then reactivate AG1 and deactivate AG3 then resume a stabilized hover. Use the pitch and roll joystick to control your forward, backward, sideways speed. Activate AG4 (optional), and lower landing gear. Use the throttle to control vertical speed. After touchdown, drop throttle to 0% thrust. Deactivate AG4 and AG1.
To taxi, make sure that only AG2 and AG8 are activated. For throttle, push trim lever forward. For steering, use yaw controls.
Why thank you! I'm glad you liked it! It was definitely an awesome project! Is there anything else that you would like me to improve specifically?
Most likely... The clouds however, as your flying around, the ones behind you disappear as the ones in front of you appear. That would solve the designated cloud circle problem. If any of those options would work, I would want it to be that one.
Status On KVA-1A Bear:
Status On KVA-1A Bear:
✓Modified Controls For New Parts,
✓Modified AG Settings To Better Suit New Abilities,
✓Changed AG Arrangements For Easier Use,
✓Changed Multiple Part Properties,
✓New Taxi System,
✓Optimized Weight To Thrust Ratio For Equal Hover At 50% Throttle / Should Hover At 50% Throttle At 50% Fuel
Question, under "input control", you can choose an "activation group" and choose the "input" that you want it to run by. I've noticed that you have made some of the "input settings" run strictly by "activation groups". For example, when you you activate "AG1", the weapon bays open up. How did you set the "input" to run off of "Activate1"? Did you use a mod? If so what is the name of the mod that you used. If not, then how can I do that?
Status On KVA-1A Bear:
•Modified Controls For New Parts,
•Modified AG Settings To Better Suit New Abilities,
•Changed AG Arrangements For Easier Use,
•Changed Multiple Part Properties,
✓Added New Weapons by barreto2016,
✓Added Multiple Weapons,
✓Changed Multiple Weapons Settings,
✓Changed Aiming Settings,
✓Added New Directional Thrust System,
•Added New VTOL Assist For Increased Payload & Lift,
✓Changed Flight Controls,
✓Made Flight Controls Easier To Use,
•New Taxi System,
•Optimized Weight To Thrust Ratio For Equal Hover At 50% Throttle
Status On KVA-1A Bear:
•Modified Controls For New Parts,
•Modified AG Settings To Better Suit New Abilities,
•Changed AG Arrangements For Easier Use,
•Changed Multiple Part Properties,
•Added New Weapons by barreto2016,
•Added Multiple Weapons,
•Changed Multiple Weapons Settings,
•Changed Aiming Settings,
•Added New Directional Thrust System,
•Added New VTOL Assist For Increased Payload & Lift,
•Changed Flight Controls,
•Made Flight Controls Easier To Use,
•New Taxi System,
I have been working on your aircraft for about 6 hours now, and it's starting to come along. I apologise for not posting a list sooner, but you know, life... it's busy. I still have a lot more to come, and I really think you'll like the improvements that I've made. Following this message, I will be posting a list of all the changes made to your aircraft. With this list will come different symbols. Here is what they mean. This symbol, "✓" means that something has been completed. This symbol, "•" means that something is under specific testing. This symbol "×" means that something has been abandoned or postponed. Anything with "×" or "✓" will be taken off of the next update list. This way, you will know exactly how close your aircraft is to being completed. Hope this helps!
Hello Barreto! I trust that you have had some time to fly the new Blue Fury? What do you think? How did I do? Did I make it even better and easier to fly and you want me to take on another challenge, or did I absolutely destroy it to the point where it's unflyable and you never want me to post ever again. Honest opinion now, I would like to know how I could've done better. Your feedback is valuable and I'm curious as to what you think.
Link to the new Blue Fury:
Status On The Helicopter BRT 02:
Status On The Helicopter BRT 02:
((( COMPLETE )))
Status On The Helicopter BRT 02:
Status On The Helicopter BRT 02:
✓Changed Multiple Controls For Individual Helicopter Parts,
✓Modified Activation Groups,
✓Added Parachutes For Worst Case Scenarios,
✓Modified Buoyancy Settings For Worst Case Scenarios,
✓Changed Reaction Control Nozzle Properties To Better Suit New AG Settings,
✓Removed Pitch & Roll Reaction Control Nozzles,
✓Added 2 New Thrusters For Aircraft Pitch Assist,
×Added New Rudder For More Stabilized Forward Flight,
✓VTOL Assist For Better Flight Experience And Payload
Status On The Helicopter BRT 02:
•Changed Multiple Controls For Individual Helicopter Parts,
✓Main Guns Are Now Fixed Due To New Control Interface,
•Modified Activation Groups,
•Changed Reaction Control Nozzle Properties To Better Suit New AG Settings,
✓Added Landing Beacon Lights,
✓Beacon Lights Now Show Activated Components,
✓Added Fuel For Longer Flight Time,
✓Added New Propulsion System For Quicker Speeds (210 mph - 230 mph),
✓Speeds Improved +20mph (200 mph - 250+ mph)
✓Added Gyro With Modified Settings For More Stabilized Flight,
✓Added More Inlets For Better Engine Performance,
•Added 2 New Thrusters For Aircraft Pitch Assist,
•Added New Rudder For More Stabilized Forward Flight,
✓Added Your Awesome Lazer Gun From Your DEMOLIDOR,
✓Optimized Maximum Payload / Can Carry More Fuel & Still Fly,
•VTOL Assist For Better Flight Experience And Payload
Status On The Helicopter BRT 02:
•Changed Multiple Controls For Individual Helicopter Parts,
•Modified Activation Groups,
✓Added Beacon Lights,
•Added Landing Beacon Lights,
✓Changed Beacon Light Colors To Realistic Right - Green & Left - Red Color Combinations,
✓Changed Blink Pattern Of Beacon Lights,
•Added Fuel For Longer Flight Time,
•Added New Propulsion System For Quicker Speeds (200 mph - 230 mph),
•Added Gyro With Modified Settings For More Stabilized Flight,
•VTOL Assist For Better Flight Experience And Payload
I have been working on your aircraft for about 3 hours now, and it's starting to come along. Following this message, I will be posting a list of all the changes made to your aircraft. This symbol, "✓" means that something is done. This symbol, "•" means that something is under specific testing. This symbol "×" means that something has been abandoned. Anything with "×" or "✓" will be taken off of the next update list. This way, you will know exactly how close your aircraft is to being completed. Hope this helps!
Thank you for allowing me to repost your aircraft. It might take me anywhere between 2 days to a week to complete this project. By the way, don't worry, I don't even have simple planes on my PC, so all my projects are done off of my Android device.
If you're interested, you can view my most recent project, and my first, "L.A.W. of Transportation" by "Epicguy668." Read the comments section to understand the aircraft's history and how to fly the thing. Here's the link: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/b53VuB/L-A-W-of-Transportation
Now I am new. I recently registered to the Simple Planes website in order to post some of my projects. I've been modifying people's projects for awhile now, and I thought I should start sharing them with the world. Anyway, enough of my ramblings, I best get to work! ;-)
I will update you on the project as time goes by. You will know when the project is completed. Thanks again!
Hello fellow flyer! I am trying to improve your aircraft. What I like to do is try to improve others creations to make something more user-friendly, then I will repost their project. You see, I'm not the best at building planes from scratch... So with your permission, will you let me repost your aircraft after I have improved it? I will include that you were the original creator and also include the aircraft's original name, if I decide to rename it. That's all! Thanks!
It's very odd to fly.
Hey guys! FLYGUY101 here! I hope that everyone reads this. Please be patient with me guys. I'm new and am trying learn everything, but I just had to share this project with you. The messages below will tell you about the history of the aircraft and tell you how to run the aircraft. Hope you guys like it! Remember to leave an upvote! Thanks guys!
I highly encourage you to read everything if you want to know the history of this aircraft, otherwise please read the "Pilot's Flight Manual".
Before we go any further into this description, I want to make one thing clear... This was not originally my creation. The original design was created by "Epicguy668" and the original name of the aircraft was "Works not really". Thank you Epicguy for your creation. I hope you will like how I have improved it.
If you, like me, have flown his aircraft, you will know that it was really odd to fly. The thing shook like it was going to explode! However, I saw a lot of potential in this aircraft and I asked myself, how can I improve his creation? Well, here's how.
First, I removed some gimbals, this helped with the violent shaking. I then repositioned the engine on top and added a turbo prop in place of it, to give it the ability to hover. Next, I noticed that when navigating through the sky, it would skim instead of turn, so I added vertical stabilizers on the end of each wing. As I was testing the aircraft, I began having difficulties hovering and landing the aircraft, so I added a VTOL system to help with the hovering issue. After a lengthy testing process of around 42 hours, I had finally completed the aircraft.
Now I obviously did a lot more to help this aircraft perform at it's best, but I didn't want to bore you with a long list. Besides, I didn't make a list to remember everything I did, but I did a lot! Moving on...
The "L.A.W. of Transportation" is an acronym for "Land, Air, and Water". Yes, I designed this thing so that you can use it as a car, as an airplane, and even as a boat. I definitely had a lot of fun with this thing. Now it's time that I pass it on to you, so Mr. pilot guy, here's the manual! Enjoy!
Pilot's Flight Manual:
Activation Groups (AG#)
AG1: Main Turbo Prop
AG2: Rear Thrusters
AG3: VTOL System & Hover Turbo Prop
AG4: Land Transportation
AG5: Flight Mode / Yaw System
AG6: Main Wheel Ejection System
AG7: Parachute Ejection System
AG8: Activates Gimbal System (Must Be Activated In Order To Fly)
GEAR: Raises/Lowers Secondary Wheels
Flight Manual Instructions:
Activation Groups 1 and 2 only activate the main engines. Both must be activated for best flight experience. Use the trim for "Autopilot Attitude or Pitch". Pushing the trim up will increase altitude. Pulling the trim down will decrease altitude. Keeping trim centered will attempt to maintain altitude.
Activation Group 3 will activate the VTOL system. To activate the main prop for VTOL, push the trim lever up. To turn aircraft while in VTOL mode, use yaw controls. To activate VTOL thrusters, pitch forward. VTOL thrusters are not enough to lift the aircraft off the ground. To change VTOL thrusters position from hover to forward, push VTOL lever up. To change VTOL thrusters position from hover to backward, pull VTOL lever down.
Activation Group 4 will activate ground system. Use the throttle to control engine power. Use yaw controls to turn left and right. Brakes will brake the vehicle. Unfortunately, there is no reverse controls.
Activation Group 5 will activate in air navigation. Yaw is the only action used in flight mode. Roll is somewhat useable, but is beta, and is still under testing. Yaw is done by an air braking system. To activate in air navigation, make sure that activation groups 1, 2, and 5 are the only groups activated. Use the VTOL lever to yaw the aircraft. Pushing the VTOL lever up yaws the aircraft left. Pulling the VTOL lever down yaws the aircraft right.
Activation Groups 6, 7, and 8 are independent and need no other type of activation for actions to be performed.
How to land. Landing can be tricky. To make landing easier, center VTOL lever, deactivate group 5, activate group 3, set trim in between the first two white markers at the top, drop throttle to 0% thrust, deactivate groups 1 and 2, pull VTOL lever down, pitch forward to activate VTOL thrusters and slow yourself down, use the VTOL thrusters to control your forward/backward speed and rate of descent. After touchdown, deactivate group 3 and set trim and VTOL to default points.