1,971 FLYGUY101 Comments

  • ADF-11F Raven - Overhaul (Development Process & Final Testing) 5.9 years ago

    You changed the secondary engine position. I'm not sure how it affects the center of thrust on the secondary aircraft, but I would recommend positioning the secondary engine to these coordinates -
    Secondary Engine Coordinates:
    X: 0.0017
    Y: 3.7480
    Z: -0.1172

  • The secret of the Brown Pearl 5.9 years ago

    I will post my gun for you! It's very small, very light, but is extremely powerful! Now there are 2 separate guns that work together, so you need to combine them together in order to get the best result. I will post a craft that you can save in sub-assemblies.

  • ADF-11F Raven - Overhaul (Development Process & Final Testing) 5.9 years ago

    I'm going to post the aircraft that I accidentally mirrored, for you to check out. Notice how well it flies, but how it doesn't separate. I was ready to post it, but then I decided to add lights to it last minute, then I mirrored it, and then it got all screwed up. I did start over with another version, the "ADF-11F Raven (Rebuild)" version, but it's going to be a while before I'm done with it. So I have all the numbers down in my notes, I just need your patience, because this project will most likely be a tedious one. 👍 It will be easier for you however seems as I did already figure out all the numbers for the aircraft. Just keep an eye out for that post.

  • ADF-11F Raven - Overhaul (Development Process & Final Testing) 5.9 years ago

    So, first off... When is the best time for you to talk? We have quite a lot to talk about.
    Secondly, what device do you use Simple Planes on? (I use an Android device platform)
    So your aircraft has a ton of potential. It's a really great aircraft, however it does have its flaws. My goal for you is to make this thing fly the way you want it to.
    Whenever you're ready to get started, I have a few notes for you to read that will help you understand what I am seeing from a tester's perspective. Just understand that I am not being critical of you or your creation when I say "this is bad". It's only to show you what we can improve on. We're going to make your aircraft fly as great as it looks.
    (ALERT: You will need something to take notes with. We are going to be dealing with a lot of numbers)
    I don't know what country you live in, but if we could set up a specified time and date, that would make this project a lot easier.
    In regards to your last comment, it looks like we're already on the same page. Just hold off on the project for now until we can set things up, because I have a few objects that I am going to post for you to use on your aircraft.
    • We're definitely going to add weapons
    • We're definitely going to change secondary engine power (I have the numbers for this)
    • We're definitely going to add beacon lights along with navigation and landing lights
    • Lots more
    I don't understand what the canards are, so if you could explain that, that would be awesome. I'm also curious about this "post stall movement", so I would definitely like to talk about that and see how that would work.
    I think that's all I got for now. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to let me know. Thanks!

  • ADF-11F Raven - Overhaul (Development Process & Final Testing) 5.9 years ago

    😆 Your fine! If you'd like, find the ADF-11F Raven aircraft made by ZeroHours, fly it, and if you have any suggestions as to what you'd like us to do with it, as far as making it better, then be sure to leave a comment here. 👍

  • How do I delete a post? 5.9 years ago

    Thanks, your a life saver!

  • ADF-11F Raven - Overhaul (Development Process & Final Testing) 5.9 years ago

    Welcome to the discussion!
    What would you like to accomplish first?
    Any questions about this discussion, please ask.

  • ADF-11F Raven 5.9 years ago

    Alright, I'll see if I can create one later on. I will need to get on my old PC in order to do that. It will be the same name as your plane. I will be sure to let you know when I've created it. From there, we can discuss the editing of your plane. I will still continue to work on it myself though, best as possible. After all, at the end of the day, you'll get the points for the repost.

  • Little Bugger Paramotor 5.9 years ago

    Just been looking around at some of your other posts. I really like this one. Great idea! 👍 I'm also very impressed with how well it flies, handles, and maneuvers. Well done! 👍 In case you're interested, this was my version to getting that "Little Bugger" in the air. Here's the link if you're interested: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/i61PfT/Little-Bugger-Flyable-Version

  • Cobra Multi-purpose Aerial Vehicle 5.9 years ago

    Hmm, interesting... For some reason your response went to me even though you never used @FLYGUY101. Weird. 🤔

  • Craziest Plane You Will Ever Fly 5.9 years ago

    Ya better know it! 😁👍
    Thanks for the upvote!

  • Ep-21 (WIP) 5.9 years ago

    Very nice! 👌
    It flies very well!
    It has a unique shape!
    Slightly nose heavy, but I understand how difficult it can be to balance things out precisely.

    Well done!

  • ADF-11F Raven 5.9 years ago

    Alright! Will do! I just wonder if a recent update may have changed this, or if you have the beta version, because I don't yet. Who knows... It could be a lot of things. Anyway, I'll give you a shout when I'm done. 👍

  • Craziest Plane You Will Ever Fly 6.0 years ago

    😂👍 Speed: ERROR

  • KVA-1A 'Bear' 6.4 years ago

    Ok, sweet. Thank you. That will help me complete this project. It will be finished by tomorrow!

  • KVA-1A 'Bear' 6.4 years ago

    Side Note:
    I've been reading the comments section lately, and I discovered that you tried to make the aircraft hover at 50% throttle. I will try my best to optimize the settings of the aircraft to get that wonderful number of 50! My goal is to make your dream aircraft, the kind of craft that you wanted to make. I will see what I can do and I will add it to the next update list that I post. That's all I wanted to say. Fly safe my friend!

  • Environment Pack 1.0 6.4 years ago

    Now I'm no expert when is comes to making mods, and I'm probably sure that this took you a lot of time to put together and make functional... So I want to thank you for putting in the effort to make this amazing mod. It is truly amazing and the clouds look awesome! Now if you are indeed still working on this mod to better improve it as you say, well then may I help out with just two requests... One, could you please make clouds spawn around you as you fly around the game world? It looks really odd having a designated spot for the clouds, unless something isn't working right. Second, could you please add weather physics? I hope I'm not asking too much here, but it would be neat to see the clouds move with the wind. I would also like to see overcast, rainy, and stormy weather, with lightning effects of course. Even connect the mod settings with the in-game weather settings, that way the clouds will respond in a certain way, depending on what you set the weather to. Alright my friend, that's all I wanted to request. Thanks again, and fly safe!

  • KVA-1A 'Bear' 6.4 years ago

    Status On KVA-1A Bear:
    •Modified Controls For New Parts,
    •Modified AG Settings To Better Suit New Abilities,
    ✓Added Multiple Parts,
    •Changed Multiple Part Properties,
    •Added New Weapons by barreto2016,
    •Added Multiple Weapons,
    •Added New Directional Thrust System,
    ✓Speed Increased +200mph (400mph - +450mph),
    ✓Moved Missile Bays To Prevent Obstruction From New Components & Parts,
    ✓Optimized Components Speed For More Realistic Movement,
    ✓Changed Blink Rates Of Beacon Lights,
    ✓Beacon Lights Now Show Activated Parts,
    ✓Added Fuel For Increased Flight Time,
    •Added New VTOL Assist For Increased Payload & Lift

  • KVA-1A 'Bear' 6.4 years ago

    Thank you for allowing me to repost your aircraft. It might take me anywhere between 2 days to a week to complete this project. Please note that all my projects are done off of my Android device, and any changes made to your aircraft will be towards the benefit of it.
    If you're interested, you can view my most recent project, "Blue Fury" by "barreto2016". Read the comments section to understand the how to fly the aircraft. Here's the link: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/r7tTF6/Blue-Fury
    Now I am new. I recently registered to the Simple Planes website in order to post some of my projects. I've been modifying people's projects for awhile now, and I thought I should start sharing them with the world. Anyway, enough of my ramblings, I best get to work! ;-)
    I will update you on the project as time goes by. You will receive a daily update list on the progress of your aircraft. I will post minor instructions later on to help you understand the update list that you will be receiving. This list will help you understand what components have been added to the aircraft, what components are being tested, and what has been completed. This way you will know exactly how close the project is to being ready to post. Thanks again!

  • KVA-1A 'Bear' 6.4 years ago

    Hello fellow flyer! I would like to improve your aircraft. What I like to do is try to improve others creations to make something more user-friendly, or make it better overall, then I will repost their project. You see, I'm not the best at building planes from scratch, and I like the challenge of making something perform at it's best... So with your permission, will you let me repost your aircraft after I have improved it? I will include that you were the original creator and also include the aircraft's original name, if I decide to rename it. That's all! Thanks!

  • L.A.W. of Transportation 6.4 years ago

    This aircraft requires the "WHO NEEDS FUEL" mod. This doesn't mean infinite flight, it means longer flight time. It uses the "NoFuelBladeT3000" and the "NoFuelBlastoVTOL" engines which do not consume any fuel. Four BlastoJ15 engines are the only fuel consumption source. No other mods are needed for this aircraft. If you would like me to create a mod free version, you can leave a request provided with the "Contact Information" below. Just note that it will consume more fuel meaning less flight time. If you have any questions or issues with this project you may use the information provided below to contact me directly.

    Contact Information:


  • [PINNED] Official Discord Server List. 2.2 years ago

    71st! I'm a sneaky bastard! 😆

  • CHAT 3.0 years ago

    LOL, I was watching the chat. I knew this wouldn't last long.

  • THA-1s 3.0 years ago

    Oooh!!! Can I please give this a full cockpit? This thing has so much potential! It flys incredibly well! Well done on this! All it needs now is the new instruments! 👍

  • Wasp with cockpit 3.0 years ago

    Little sketchy, not gonna lie.

  • Rocket-ab79 3.0 years ago

    I don't know about this one... It's not working... 🤔

  • Very simple tank 3.0 years ago

    This is cool! I like it! Well done! 👏

  • fighter- b17 3.0 years ago

    Hmmm... Do you have a Discord? I'd like to give you some pointers to build better airplanes, and get you away from having to use gyros all the time.

  • NUke plane 3.0 years ago

    Doesn't fly very well, but eh... It gets the job done I guess.

  • The 3in one vehicle 3.0 years ago

    Ummm... It crashes very well!... Can I please fix this for you? Thanks! 👍

  • [PINNED] Official Discord Server List. 3.0 years ago

    Hu... Okay, thank you for letting me know. I guess I'll be joining the hangar then!

  • [PINNED] Official Discord Server List. 3.0 years ago

    The SPFC server invite link has expired. I would be interested in joining if you could possibly update the link. Thank you for your patience.

  • Warbird Dynamics | F-14 | Leviathan B (OLD) 3.0 years ago

    Good lord I don't know what happened, but it looks like I'm way overdue! I better get to work on this ASAP!

  • Warbird Dynamics | F-14 | Leviathan B (OLD) 3.0 years ago

    Damn! Now it has been a long time! 😅
    I'd have to fly it again and figure out what it was that I wanted to do to it! I'd still be interested.

  • Stabilization Issue 3.0 years ago

    Thanks for the upvote by the way! 👍

  • Stabilization Issue 3.0 years ago

    Sorry, it's been a while, and I forgot how to make clickable links.

  • I Need Some Help 3.9 years ago

    @Shnippy Thanks! 👍

  • I Need Some Help 3.9 years ago

    Alright. Can you send me a link to his profile page via email?

  • I Need Some Help 3.9 years ago

    Are you following this person or is he a friend of yours?

  • Review of ARC XI by Makerofplanes and quick important update 3.9 years ago

    Nice name! 😆👍

  • ADF-11F Raven | Deluxe 3.9 years ago

    Dude! You too? That's epic! Best of luck to you man!

  • I Need Some Help 3.9 years ago

    Reply here if you would be interested. Thank you!

  • ADF-11F Raven | Deluxe 3.9 years ago

    I know! I've been so busy with life in general lately, it's crazy! I've actually been taking flight lessons too in real life, and I plan on getting my pilots license this summer. I do want to get back to simple planes though during my free time. I am taken back by all the fun I had when I was playing this. I am currently working on a very hard project. I'm creating a highly detailed aircraft referencing my favorite game, "No Man's Sky" by "Hello Games". I can't wait to release this, it's going to be cool.

  • _Instrumentation 4.0 years ago

    This used to work on mobile devices! What happened?

  • Volcanic eruption in Simpleplanes 4.2 years ago

    Yeah... I fixed that now! Shoot me an email!

  • I'M BACK!!! 4.2 years ago

    Wow! I didn't expect that! Thanks for this! Yeah... I've been gone for a while. Looks like I've missed quite a bit. I've actually been doing a lot on SimpleRockets 2 lately and I love it! I would like to spend some time on SimplePlanes again, working towards gold. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you Cyan! Thanks again!

  • Volcanic eruption in Simpleplanes 4.2 years ago

    Hey! How's it going! We lost track of each other! We should get back in touch again!

  • Largest wingspan in SimplePlanes 4.2 years ago

    LMAO!!! XD