120 FWMilitaryDivision

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FW Military Division.
A military company that produces military equipment for nations of B.R.I.C.S; cause [classified] and to became countrys with more military power.

Whe build:

Rifles and other guns
Helicopters? Maybe...
Bomb & Missiles

But always producing for the nations of B.R.I.C.S (economic alliance) cause the relations of Brazil (FW HQ location) with B.R.I.C.S are good for the economy and business

Guns or something like will be classified with 4 categorys:

Caliber - Anyone
Maganize - 0/9999
Precision - 0/10
Damage - Common, Medium, High, Explosive, Massive (including explosion range)

1-I don't want to take this account to the politic side, it's jut a fictional history to create context.
2-Don't use my builds without my permission
3-You can order a military weapon at your choice
4-If it's "classified" it's "classified"