450 Fabernackle Comments

  • Mikioyan Gurevich Mig-17 2.5 years ago

    @BogdanX OMG im gonna re upload with the smoothed fuselage at some point I had no idea that was a thing thank you so much

  • Mikioyan Gurevich Mig-17 2.5 years ago

    @BogdanX I want to learn to make custom control surfaces and maybe I will implement them in my next build. Do you mean to scale the real wing size down a bunch? The wheel idea helps thank you I didnt think about that. I really dont understand how the wings can cause auto roll as I nudged the real wings into the exact smae position on either side of the aircraft. and I scaled the mass and drag to 0 for the fuselage wings. Can you explain the smooth feature to me? I haven't built a plane in a long time so things have changed.

  • Mikioyan Gurevich Mig-17 2.5 years ago

    I spent at least 3 hours trying to fix the yaw right on takeoff and the roll left while flying but couldnt get to the bottom of it. If anyone can help me I'd appreciate it

  • variable wing sweep fighter 2.6 years ago

    @WolfHunter9111 with two engines😂

  • Delta Strike 6.3 years ago

    I like this it reminds me of the XB-70

  • 1 tap 2.5 years ago

    to take off just hold full piitch up and press ag1 right before it tips over

  • USS Beast Pusher 6.1 years ago

    this is awesome! Can you make one with wings that can make the carrier fly?

  • Liberty M-97 Spartan 6.2 years ago

    just needs trim

  • Mig-21 v23 with cockpit 6.2 years ago

    @Trainzo thanks I will

  • Mig-21 6.2 years ago

    @baallzebub thank you. I agree about the livery but I am mostly proud of myself for making something that I consider “good”. I never thought I would be able to and to me it just means that there are better to come.

  • Mig-21 v23 with cockpit 6.2 years ago

    @Trainzo Thank you. For me this is version 23 and pretty much maxed out my computer. I can continue on a different computer, but I would have a lot less time to work. Plus I would need suggestions on what to improve

  • Mig-21 v23 with cockpit 6.2 years ago

    @baalzebub yes a very simple yet effective design. Russian style.

  • Mig-17 6.2 years ago

    @baallzebub, do you mind checking out my mig-21, I think it is much better than this

  • Silent Controlled Bomber 6.2 years ago

    I just cant get it to fly :(

  • FVR-1.5 6.2 years ago

    Will do! @JRCN

  • FVR-1.5 6.2 years ago

    it would be really cool if you could make some sort of guided bombs that are flown as the main aircraft.

  • Mig-17 6.3 years ago

    @baallzebub Thank you

  • help me 6.3 years ago

    looks great

  • Boeing 777 9X [low detail] 6.3 years ago

    @baallzebub I agree, i just got annoyed when he denied it

  • Add some stuff and pass it on 6.3 years ago

    @EDtheflyerpilotman you have the real version I would assume, this guy is denying credit to the original builder. its not his plane

  • Boeing 777 9X [low detail] 6.3 years ago

    @Landonmo1129 Howd you know I ment this plane? I sent you the link to it after you commented here?

  • Add some stuff and pass it on 6.3 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison this plane is a copy without credit.
    here is the original:

  • Add some stuff and pass it on 6.3 years ago

    its the same plane, just re-painted. ive flown both of them. If you really made it what mods did you use for building and scaling the engines? @Landonmo1129

  • Add some stuff and pass it on 6.3 years ago

    @Landonmo1129 the last thing I want to do is wrongfully accuse anyone, but I flipped back and forth between the grey drawings of the two planes and they are identical

  • Add some stuff and pass it on 6.3 years ago


  • Add some stuff and pass it on 6.3 years ago

    it looks identical and even has the same issue with pulling to the left

  • Boeing 777 9X [low detail] 6.3 years ago


    this link is a copy of your plane with no credit...just figured i'd let you know

  • Add some stuff and pass it on 6.3 years ago

    you need to give @baallzebub credit, you just re-painted his plane

  • Mig-17 6.3 years ago

    @Trainzo Thank you

  • F-104 6.3 years ago

    Thank you guys so much for downloading, upvoting and the spotlights. I am surprised anyone even saw this so I appreciate it

  • CH-47 Chinook 6.4 years ago

    great helo, can you by any chance make a pave hawk?