15 FallenFreedom Comments

  • H.L.Hunley (Sub for Under Water Mod) 8.2 years ago

    This sub is just down the road from me, but it's not as pretty anymore xD

    Nice job!

  • Red Dragon (Power Rangers) 8.3 years ago

    Love it! Are you a big fan? My name in the Pr community is BD15 =D

  • Ultra Sonic (Mach 25.9, easy to fly) 8.3 years ago

    Game glitched again with a slightly modified version, ended up hitting -2,147,483mph and -21,474,836 ft in a split second.

    That's about Mach 2,800 lol

  • Rock Climber 8.3 years ago

    @TheEpicLemur sorry, i only uploaded this, because I downloaded on mobile and couldn't remember the original listing and wanted to use it in PC. Since it's a successor, the original creator is linked to it.

  • Ultra Sonic (Mach 25.9, easy to fly) 8.3 years ago

    Very cool plane. Topped out around 18,500 before I bumped the stick sending me on a crash course with the ocean surface. Below the water the game must have glitched because it hit 30,000mph and -3.5 million feet lol