77 Falstaff Comments

  • Hydrofoil 2.0 10.0 years ago

    Since I uploaded this, I found a cheeky way to reduce drag and increase the top speed; remove the stabilization pontoons.

  • hydrofoil boat 10.0 years ago

    I never was able to get up to the speed at which the Hydrofoil started working. Which is odd, considering that it had a jet engine instead of the two small propellers that I used on mine. I'd put it's lack of speed down to the fact that you used BLOCKS instead of the structural wings that create next-to-no drag and have a smaller visual impact. Overall, a good concept that I improved on.

  • hydrofoil boat 10.0 years ago

    I downloaded it, and I made it better! Here's what I made out of the concept: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/gf82GG/Hydrofoil-2-0