465 Fanboyfast Comments

  • Airbus A-400 M 8 months ago

    @Majakalona thanks, just trying my best over here.

  • Need funky trees help for a hingerotator that goes 2 directions 2 w/ 1 input 6 months ago

    @hpgbproductions Thank you so much! I actually got it working using those timers you mentioned.

    My code:
    Rotator input: Activate1 ? clamp(x,0.5,2) : clamp(x,0,2)
    A: smooth(Activate1?0:10, 5)
    B: smooth(Activate1?0:10, -5)
    C: smooth(Activate?10:0, 5)
    x: Activate1 ? max(A,B) : C

    Maybe not the most optimized, but it is the most advanced funky trees I’ve done and it works flawlessly for the context I need it for.

  • Need funky trees help for a hingerotator that goes 2 directions 2 w/ 1 input 6 months ago

    @hpgbproductions So my Idea with the clamp is that if min=max=val that the value couldn’t decrease below minimum. Is this animation functionality for funky trees in with the normal overload mod?

  • T - 55 tyro VTOL VR v2.01 1.4 years ago

    @PuggaOfEnglando any recommendations?

  • T - 55 tyro VTOL VR v2.00 1.4 years ago

    @KtaAviation dunno how on iOS.

  • T - 55 naval training strike fighter 1.5 years ago

    I got rid of the gun when I mirrored the wings, is there a way for me to update a design or upload a new version?

    Edit: I also just made it better now that I had some rest so it would be cool if I could do something to change this.