@LunarEclipseSP not really,a fgs f123 would have more cheaper and higher damage than kri re martadinata,but for people that like I N D O N E S I A N P R I D E its cool,and have many armament
i make a newer version of b52 a year ago and i updating now (not this model)but this appear in my newest page first,simpleplanes should collecting my data fr😹UPVOTE
Blud Lu Mending Apus dah,Bukannya Mengejek Karna Jelek,Tapi Mirip Simbol Swastika,Kalau Di Rotate Jadi Simbol Partai Bahaya Di German(penggambar austria yang gagal)
some of eurobeat like
Running In The 90s
Don't Stop The Music
Gas Gas Gas
Deja Vu
Beat Of The Rising Sun
Forever Young[Symbol]
KIlling My Love
Save Me
All Simple Planes OST
Venezuela 1986 Toyota Corolla E80 Ad
Something About You[Level42]
Thunderstruck AC/DC
@Majakalona when cdid update
+3@LunarEclipseSP not really,a fgs f123 would have more cheaper and higher damage than kri re martadinata,but for people that like I N D O N E S I A N P R I D E its cool,and have many armament
+1rarely i see a high quality low parts plane
+1gud job
real SUPRA
+1@LunarEclipseSP a roblox driving game
+1I use Dark Reader In Android BTW, I Use Kiwi And Yandex Browser, so iget extension
+1i make a newer version of b52 a year ago and i updating now (not this model)but this appear in my newest page first,simpleplanes should collecting my data fr😹UPVOTE
+1@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore Real
+1@Superliner350 Thanks!
+1Blud Lu Mending Apus dah,Bukannya Mengejek Karna Jelek,Tapi Mirip Simbol Swastika,Kalau Di Rotate Jadi Simbol Partai Bahaya Di German(penggambar austria yang gagal)
You Need Some Rest Bro.
@QuantityPlayer waduh
@TheOfficalMarylander Ooh, thanks fot the information!
Modern warship🤑🤑
I saw that on tv
Mirror It, or use the COL,COM,COT, make sure the blue onthe back and the red on the front of the Blue
why the a.i on your american 767-200 weird?
@Tiper4062 itu yang fake
@Tiper4062 kan adanya di roblox
@Tiper4062 game mobil roblox indonesia
some of eurobeat like
Running In The 90s
Don't Stop The Music
Gas Gas Gas
Deja Vu
Beat Of The Rising Sun
Forever Young[Symbol]
KIlling My Love
Save Me
All Simple Planes OST
Venezuela 1986 Toyota Corolla E80 Ad
Something About You[Level42]
Thunderstruck AC/DC
no,not really
A Little Bit Laggy If I Put Weapons But Still Ok
@TheCommentaryGuy Look at the bottom right, there is a warning "This is only an illustration, this is not a real Viper"
@ZeroWithSlashedO ok