90 FatRooster Comments

  • am i just really bad at flying helicopters, or do they just no work very well in sp. 2.9 years ago

    Traditional helicopters work extremely badly with keys, because there is no 'zero' pedal position for yaw to be stable*. The problem is that your rotor speed is constant, but the torque that the tail rotor has to counter is not, so the yaw input to stay straight is dependent on what you are doing. If you try to climb you will increase the torque, and need more rudder to counter it and remain at zero yaw. When you do counter it, you are then applying a sideways force with the tail rotor, so will accelerate sideways, and you need to roll a bit to compensate for that.
    Coaxial helicopters are much easier to fly with keys, because zero yaw input has the same result in all flight regimes, and you don't get randomly pushed sideways. All helicopters do take some learning and practice, but are not that hard once you figure it out. Precision landings with keys are a challenge, but even they are possible in a coaxial.
    *This is why they do the trick with the sum, as it means that things will eventually stabilise in if you keep doing the same thing, but it still means weirdness will happen when you make a change. The alternative is that you would have to sit at something weird like 0.3 yaw input to stay straight, which is fine with unsprung pedals, but impossible with keys.
    As for why power is so hard to get right; hovering takes considerably more power than moving, so if you 'fall off' a hover, and start drifting sideways, you are going to be getting additional lift and balloon. If you aren't paying attention and lose airspeed without adding power, you will start to drop like a stone.
    TLDR: Yes, everyone has those problems, but they are real quirks with helicopters, not bugs in SP.

  • Bug thread for v1.12.128 (current version) 2.8 years ago

    Simple planes VR for quest needs a network connection. It really doesn't, so I'm calling it a bug.