38 FinalGambit Comments

  • WANNA FLY THEM? 6.9 years ago

    I want to fly them :D
    Hello, if you don't know me. I am a new player. I have just around 10 hours in SimplePlanes.
    Nice to meet you

  • Stiletto-X 6.9 years ago

    @SledDriver ah, very well. If that really is the case scenario, then so be it.
    "You're a pathological liar, a thorougly vile person, and a wannabe social manipulator *"
    You saying that doesn't define who I am, mate. You may think what you want, but I'll be the better man and step back.
    Neither do I want nor need your script. You're unique for your build style, and so be it.
    As for me supposedly causing a fight between you and the Masters, most of them already despise you, save a few.
    You may believe that people can not change their nature, but I do.
    To hide your identity and then reveal how you'd outsmarted everyone.
    I'm sure this final gambit included getting me to give you my scripts, so you could boast to your dumb friends how you outsmarted me. Correct?
    "friends"? hahahahaha.
    I have better stuff to do than to boast about something I can hardly call an achievement.
    Let me tell you something, Sled, there is no such thing as a friend. It was a concept invented by the human mind to comprehend a close acquaintance. Know this: I have more haters than even you do, and I do not believe in "friendship".
    As for your script, I neither needed nor wanted it in the first place. The only, and
    ONLY* reason I wanted you to make your script public was to, ah, lessen the ridicule already made of you. You give examples of how the Black Bird was made of titanium, and you're doing the same by "innovating". Well, let me and a few others tell you that titanium was available to everybody, unlike your script.
    Trust me, what I say is much more satire than what others say behind your back.
    But, in the end, being the better man, I'll just stick to myself and curb this from spreading as far as plausible.
    I end my case with this:
    "Only the strong have the aptitude to forgive. The weak cling to the past".

  • Hey all! I am a new member to SP 6.9 years ago

    @Jetpackturtle sure. Thank you!
    @F104Deathtrap Thank you sir!

  • Hey all! I am a new member to SP 6.9 years ago

    @PhantomBladeCorp haha, sure. Thanks.
    @RedstoneAeroAviation will do.
    @LusKa Sorry, I speak only English.

  • Hey all! I am a new member to SP 6.9 years ago

    @Stellarlabs haha...well, I'm a rather crazy fan of star wars as well. Expanded universe included.

  • Stiletto-X 6.9 years ago

    You have caught me, Sled.
    Whatever I have said via this account is true. I hope you'll forgive me for my past...behaviour...towards you.
    Now, may I ask what gave myself away?

  • Stiletto-X 6.9 years ago

    @SledDriver I am afraid not. It may or may not be so, but "Darth a bee" sounds a bit like you are ridiculing and/or mocking me.
    As for the .fx file, I have no clue how to activate it, so I'd appreciate some advice :D

  • Stiletto-X 6.9 years ago

    oh, and by the way:
    this is the only file that comes along with the shader pack.
    I think something might've gone wrong while uploading the file from your side.

  • Stiletto-X 6.9 years ago

    @SledDriver sure, but I like the Jedi more wink

  • Stiletto-X 6.9 years ago

    @SledDriver Ironically, that is my motto, even for real life ;)
    I'll read the instructions and get back to you. I might have overlooked them. Thanks.

  • Stiletto-X 6.9 years ago

    oh, and one small thing...
    I have absolutely no idea how to use the your "SledDriver Shader pack". I'd be grateful if you could show me how :D
    And yes, I do use a PC. My copy of SimplePlanes is bought and played from the Steam client.

  • Stiletto-X 6.9 years ago

    @SledDriver Three hundred and forty three followers, and just twenty one upvotes? That's sad. Really. I've also seen how you are mocked in Discord. A guy made a "meme" about you, which insults you, and that is really sad man...
    I'll forward it to you if you wish.
    (Post Script: I can finally upvote stuff now :D)

  • Hey all! I am a new member to SP 6.9 years ago

    @WNP78 a little work-in-progress. I'll be uploading pictures in the discord group soon :D

  • Hey all! I am a new member to SP 6.9 years ago

    @Alpha029 @Dllama4 @Caveman999
    haha, thanks guys!

  • Stiletto-X 6.9 years ago

    Hm...this reminds me of a hybrid between an SR-71 Blackbird and an X-Wing fighter, although with the massive engines of an Republic Venator Cruiser haha...
    Nice work man...simply amazing.

  • Hey all! I am a new member to SP 6.9 years ago

    @Kerbango :D thanks

  • Hey all! I am a new member to SP 6.9 years ago

    @Rodrigo110 Hello!

  • Hey all! I am a new member to SP 6.9 years ago

    @SledDriver thank you mate.
    XML modding is something I will have to learn. :D

  • Hey all! I am a new member to SP 6.9 years ago

    @Phoza thank you!
    @Strikefighter04 :D

  • Hey all! I am a new member to SP 6.9 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 thank you, my friend... but I think that I'll get well acquainted with multiple users and post a decent number of aircraft before I decide to join any role play

  • Hey all! I am a new member to SP 6.9 years ago

    @ThePilotDude @BaconRoll
    Thank you both

  • Hey all! I am a new member to SP 6.9 years ago

    @QingyuZhou nice to meet you!

  • Hey all! I am a new member to SP 6.9 years ago

    Any tips from a masterful coder such as yourself would be greatly appreciated.

  • Pugnacius 6.9 years ago

    @SledDriver yep. Keep up the good work!

  • Hey all! I am a new member to SP 6.9 years ago

    @GINGER01 thank you my friend!
    @Treadmill103 time to burn ek planes down!
    @Fluffysheep hello!

  • @Awsomur? 6.9 years ago

    please do read the rules. I myself am a few hours old here, and I am sure that this is against the rules.
    @Awsomur here's something that may...pique your interest.

  • Hey all! I am a new member to SP 6.9 years ago

    @Awsomur thank you! I shall be sure to tag you if needed.

  • Hey all! I am a new member to SP 6.9 years ago

    @kgv23 @alexchub1 thank you!

  • Hey all! I am a new member to SP 6.9 years ago

    @RailfanEthan yes sir! I have noticed that. Thank you!

  • Hey all! I am a new member to SP 6.9 years ago

    Oh yes, sure, I'll credit you supposing I use part of your planes. Same goes for everyone :D@dootdootbananabus

  • Hey all! I am a new member to SP 6.9 years ago

    @dootdootbananabus hello.

  • Hey all! I am a new member to SP 6.9 years ago

    Thank you! @Feanor

  • Pugnacius 6.9 years ago

    I love this WW-II jet bomber-ish look you've managed to capture so nicely. But the guns say it's 24th century :P

  • WANNA FLY THEM? 6.9 years ago

    @AviownCorp :D

  • Spectre II 6.9 years ago

    @SledDriver that is unfortunate. I'd still appreciate if you'd make it public, but I do respect your decision to withhold it.
    Nevertheless, kudos to you and your originality

  • Spectre II 6.9 years ago

    Amazing. How you managed to find the way the SimplePlanes mechanic works and then create a script to make you planes is simply fascinating! Great work!
    May I ask whether you have any plans to release it to the public?