26.3k FinnAatrox Comments

  • Initial D Grandprix (NEW) 9 days ago


  • Citroën FuKang one month ago

    handsome handle from handsome guy🕶

  • Dunsfold one month ago

    RSF with UGLY color

  • LeMans 2 months ago

    The previous version had a low grip coefficient,this time it seems a bit too big again..

  • Corvette Concept Stingray 2 months ago

    The wrong front end and line proportion, with a completely shape shifting stingray logo. The level needs to be improved.

  • Monthly PLayer's Content 10 4 months ago


  • RSF Piloti 4 months ago

    @YSCH 红色的点火 YD是原地转向 wiper是雨刷 cruise定速巡航 abs刹车防抱死 Tyrewarmer自动暖胎 AS主动悬架 十字线是地图 加减是地图缩放 =D是车灯 左边奇怪符号是发动机模式 右下角旋钮也就是Trim调整驾驶模式

  • Nordschleife 5 months ago

    Could update the version in steam workshop? : )

  • RSF Piloti 5 months ago

    Ferrari's F80 (or F250 before?) really disappointed and disgusted me.

  • (potato) Acura NSX 1990 9 months ago

    Not quite bad.But not quite good either.

  • German NSX 9 months ago

    A pile of dog poop

  • toiletta 9 months ago

    Is there any else stupid chatterboxes I need to know?@Jay8999q

  • toiletta 9 months ago

    Welcome to our toilet.com!New member needs to be encouraged!Nice work : )

  • SimplePlanes 2 Announcement Trailer 11 months ago

    Finally,here comes the wise decision.

  • My New Plans from Now on 1.1 years ago

    @Dragoranos You know that he's Chinese.So many dramatic things happened in Chinese community and English community may not know.As an former insurance practitioner,Our Mr.Infinity even persuaded other players (most are students) to join his insurance industry.And he indicate that attract ten subordinates he could becomes a manager.And then heIntentionally or unintentionally disclosed an unreasonable high wages for his job.It's worth celebrating that no one paid attention to it.

  • My New Plans from Now on 1.1 years ago

    How should I start..You see the 20+ up for Ian's comment?That means there are 20+ witnesses and I'm one of them.In my mind that has happened more than once.When Infinity just went to SR2,the new game then,and he even not been a Mod.He already ask for upvotes for his...The Pillar of Autumn?And for Some other people he has good relationships with,let alone the BIG airplane a few months ago.@Dragoranos

  • Antonov An-225 Mriya [UR-82060 Antonov Airlines "ANTONOV BUREAU"] 1.1 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii Ohhh!Here comes the block plane master!100% cult master and 1000% MrSilverWolf's biological father!
    With the thunder and the storm,fraud the saints' upvotes in tour.

  • RSF Ultimae 1.5 years ago

    @ChallengerHellcat Just take a new rotator replace the old one.

  • RSF Ultimae 1.5 years ago

    No.It was intact untill the recently update.@spectre118 It's jundroo's fault,not mine.

  • Daytona 1.6 years ago

    Will post on steam workshop?

  • RSF Ultimae 1.6 years ago

    @GaWon Hmm..mainly because I love the basic designs so just reworked with details.(And RSF for me is developed as a test platform for my new techno ideas about driving.)

  • RSF Ultimae 1.6 years ago

    @FinnDia And LM GTR GT2 GT3 GT2RS GT3RS...🕶

  • Arles Turbo 1.7 years ago

    Cooler than me 🕶

  • What's Next? 1.7 years ago

    @RepublicOfCursedPlanes ThrottleResponse just make effect on Jet engines.Prop engines still have a few inconveniences

  • What's Next? 1.7 years ago

    @Blyatnov The only thing I want is throttleResponse of turbopropellers : (

  • RSF spider 1.7 years ago

    Hmm..To be honest...Recently I'm busy..but still working on RSF.And now I can promise it has the most real handle feeling and vehicle physics in this game.But I don't know are you tired of RSF's vehicle model.So I haven't post it yet...

  • RSF 1.7 years ago

    @PancakeBuddy GT3 have a totally different dynamical system and driving characteristics.But it may not quite difficult.I think it could appear in everyone's view.Nice idea.

  • RSF 1.7 years ago

    Hmm..To be honest...Recently I'm still working on RSF.And now I can promise it has the most real handle feeling and vehicle physics in this game.But I don't know are you tired of RSF's vehicle model so I haven't post it yet...

  • Pagani Zonda R 1.8 years ago

    Joined 10 mins ago and poo with keyboard.@Akakakwi What a jerk.

  • RSF spider 1.9 years ago

    @Jeffyboi Could you please tell me more details? Recently I'm reworking on the handle feeling and found some problems in funkytree.

  • Stalingrad-class battlecruiser 2.1 years ago

    big small sister

  • RSF spider 2.1 years ago

    @Tingly06822 If you really need them,just go ahead.My posts don't have technical barriers.

  • RSF spider 2.1 years ago

    @liguowei 是 255英里已经是400公里的时速 不太想让它的性能或手感过于脱离现实 所以...

  • RSF spider 2.1 years ago

    不确定 可能是轮子本身就小 转轴的扭力似乎和旋转件本身的尺寸有关@SP737

  • RSF spider 2.1 years ago

    I've changed the battery,Now it can finish the whole Nordschleife map in RACE mode.

  • Nordschleife 2.1 years ago

    Hah,that's my car on the pictures.I really appreciate your preference.
    I'm eager to long tracks like Nurburgring for long time.Now it is come true.
    Nice work.

  • RSF spider 2.2 years ago

    On computer just press Q or E and then release.@MisledShepherd
    On mobiles may be drag Yaw to a side and then release.To left is down and right is up.

  • NSX LBWK 2.2 years ago

    It seems a Amarican version NSX so it should be Acura instead of Honda.And your engine was put in a totally wrong situation.

  • German Corsair 2.3 years ago

    Stylin',while in,livin' it up as a pity🎶

  • My first car! 2.4 years ago

    How could this shitbox on the firstpage?It's a shame for all car makers.

  • Gundam GP03S Stamen (RX-78GP03S) 2.5 years ago

    @bigblackduck The incident seems a little bit complex.In short,Ian_Yashima and some other member of Horizon Design Bureau think the leader of that organization has serious problem such as the “game politics”,the moral standing and morality,and the “upvote hijack”.In our community,to set up a “Design Bureau” need to reach some standard of technical level.In the beginning is the leader’s website account points need at least 5k.At that time it’s a regular rule.But the leader of Horizon didn’t reach that goal cause of his weak technical level.So he set up the organization first and make the account of himself to be the Horizon’s public account.All the members’ craft published at that account—the account of himself, and thus scrape 5k points.This behavior is not accepted(almost could be called robbery).
    And later all the player’s points improved,some players not quite technical can set up ”Design Bureau” as well.The leader of Horizon think that situation makes the community’s ”politic” perplexing so Initiated change into 25k points and at least 100 upvotes in one craft.But the leader of Horizon didn’t reach the 100 upvotes standard either.So he incited his organization’s members and make one of his crafts to 100 upvotes.And the organizations that not reach the standard have been dissolution and Horizon absorbed the most members.But all the operations is to satisfy the “Politic Ambition” of himself.
    At first the Horizon main about new players,declared can communicate techno each other and improve together.But the technical level of the leader himself is just so so.The new players studying together and making progress by themself and the leader have no contribution actually.But the leader always said it is his credit that the organization members’ progress.
    Some other technical players don’t interested in Horizon and the leader’s “politic gaming” or oppose his actions.The Horizon’ leader will instigate the oppose players by used out of context and distort and fabricate facts.And produce contradictions among the oppose players to make sure they won’t against him together.Then he changed his character into ”Jesus”—say some good words to the internecine oppose players and Jump out to resolve conflicts.That’s all for making up a big and tall image to the other players that don’t know him well and join his organization.
    By this means the Horizon Design Bureau be extending and developed to a nearly monopoly organization by the big member amount and the “upvote hijack

  • car 2.5 years ago

    @Finnqzzzz That's right homie.I even wonna post a load of tha blocky cool ponys.And to see them rape the first page of this website.

  • car 2.5 years ago

    @Finnqzzzz Yeees OF COURSE! I mean,I really want to see more crafts like this,on this website,from now on immediatly! Simple Cute Easy,and absolutely with a high efficiency of getting upvotes! It is the truly evolution and technology than the other ridiculous conscientious posts that authors spend lots of time and strength.

  • N-S-X 2.6 years ago

    I don't know either.. It seems like a performance occupancy grade up to the part type and counts.The rotaters take a higher cost than the body parts.@Malamuteanaerospace

  • Chronos 2.6 years ago


  • N-S-X 2.6 years ago

    Ohh..!that's so kind of you 😄 @dumplings

  • N-S-X 2.6 years ago

    Could you remain your upvotes as well pls?XD

  • RSF 2.6 years ago

    No problem.But the RPM is based on the real gears so I couldn't promise it working weil : ( Maybe you can making a simulated gear as well.
    I'm working on remake this car and trying to make the funkytrees more clearly.That maybe helpful. And also expect your support at that time XD

  • Civic 2.7 years ago

    It's not a civic FD2 but a disappointing shitbox no matter in handling or details.

  • Civic 2.7 years ago

    There's no manual gear,no real PRM,no engine curve and no VTEC.But with an absurb acceleration and jam suspensions.
