Stunning, the fuselage is smooth yet still has a low part count. An amazing build that sent me into a state of shock and awe. Truly must have taken determination and grit to do this. Something past my level by far. I almost cried when I first saw it. It must have taken months to make this. I truly am impressed.
Thicc a-7
+1@ImperiousRex See? This guy gets it.
+1@RTX4090 But okay
+1@RTX4090 It is literally a chat/comment section
@RTX4090 How would you do that?
@HololiveFan The boom is to scale
Thanks for removing copied plane
This is a copy
@RTX4090 Different paint job but yes it is
This is literally just a rotator
[insert funny comment]
+3Yes it is
+2Boom is to scale
Okay I won’t
@PPLLAANNEE Is this a copy of your plane?
@PPLLAANNEE Well I suppose but it needs to be a successor
@PatDefenceIndustries Ohhh okay
@Bobyo hands napkins
12.5 you are in 1st place rn
Oh okay
So close to be able to spotlight you
+1@Aludra877 He changed some things I think
@Dathcha fish is fish
@PatDefenceIndustries :)
You now have…11.3 3rd place
@PatDefenceIndustries :)
@PatDefenceIndustries No
You can make a maximum of 3 entries
@PatDefenceIndustries You can make 3 entries and the deadline is New Years so you can do it again
Thanks for the entry!
@PatDefenceIndustries sadly you are 4th but I still give a small reward to 4th so we will see
Hmmm well it can’t swim but I will give it 10.8
But I will allow it
It must be a successor
@WolfHunter9111 think it has something to do with the size of the bore
+1@PatDefenceIndustries ??? Nice pfp
@PatDefenceIndustries It feels so strange. Like knowing I did that.
@PatDefenceIndustries Np
I am still here (send help)
+3@Thatguy2020 Not a clue
+3“Americans hate this one simple trick”
Is a tommy half as good as this?
Stunning, the fuselage is smooth yet still has a low part count. An amazing build that sent me into a state of shock and awe. Truly must have taken determination and grit to do this. Something past my level by far. I almost cried when I first saw it. It must have taken months to make this. I truly am impressed.
+1It would have more waves
I am the upvote that got you to 1000 points!
I am a fe. Male
+2So close to be able to spotlight
@FishMiner What if you make a fish with a pickaxe?