@PositivePlanes Hanukkah, is the feasible of lights which is a traditional holiday that celebrate a return to the study of the torah, and a return to Gd. a Hanukkah or Menorah is light one for each of the seven days and one to light the rest the shamash. we the Jewish people do this in memory of a the blessing from long ago when the temple still stood.
@Zanedavid not a big deal. all in all having a pant seem on a tank is not necessary. hell meany tanks were only panted one color just so they could be shipped out to the front.
@Z3RO the best thing about TriGun is the romantic philosophy that the MC subscribes to. It gives purpose to the actions he takes unlike the mane villain of the story.
@Z3RO another Gundam fan. Space operas takes home another lady's and gentle men. I'm less a JoJo's fan and more a Fist of the North star fan and i git where your coming from with modern anime being cring-y. most if not all of the most resent anime I've seen with in the past two years have been kinda crap. Ever seen TriGun or Jin-Roh?
@Zanedavid if your collage has a art or pottery classes you could take those. with the excuse that it might help out with modeling aircraft you might think up.
@Zanedavid its a supper chill course, though when i took the class each class was three hours long and people normally fell asleep during film watching segments of the class.
@Zanedavid pick at random then assassin a number to each name then role a dice. what the die lands on you add to a list repeat this two more time then role once more after re-numbering. true art is madness and what not.
@Zanedavid not what i meant by critic. that class requires you to review old films and explain why they worked for there time, and what you would have changed.
cool. a little suggestion on collage, if memory serves your in your second year. my suggestion is next semester slow down a little bit, if your collage allows re take any failed class, and only take the class you failed (if your parents allow it). over all don't force your self to take a full complement of classes in order to to rush through collage.
@Zanedavid understandable. I've had more than my fare share of builds like that. or i ran into a brick wall and couldn't find a way around. on a few times i made those type of builds public with the captions "Do what you will with it I've had a swing at it" plastered in the description. Good luck on your new build hope it turns out the way you want it.
@Zanedavid maby but nothing humanoid... the legs for the mod just aren't human like.
@PositivePlanes NP, "knowing is half the battle" after all.
@PositivePlanes now its also traditional to eat Latkes which are more like hasbrowns then pancakes.
@PositivePlanes Hanukkah, is the feasible of lights which is a traditional holiday that celebrate a return to the study of the torah, and a return to Gd. a Hanukkah or Menorah is light one for each of the seven days and one to light the rest the shamash. we the Jewish people do this in memory of a the blessing from long ago when the temple still stood.
@Zanedavid not a big deal. all in all having a pant seem on a tank is not necessary. hell meany tanks were only panted one color just so they could be shipped out to the front.
+1@Kairo a weapon to surpass metal gear? X'D
+2the body of the tank's not to long. could be bigger for its size even wider. try making a turret like the Merkava MBT would be net to see.
@TrislandianAlliance it fires anti MS (mobile suit) artillery shells, think scaled up 155mm shells.
@Russian123 sottish flag?
@PositivePlanes sorry wrong person. though those are some of the questions i figure you might want to have asked.
@PositivePlanes what country and time is this to see serious? you should add bags, shovels, pickaxes and tank spanners. baby some art or country flag.
@Z3RO the best thing about TriGun is the romantic philosophy that the MC subscribes to. It gives purpose to the actions he takes unlike the mane villain of the story.
in the expended universe they actually had ships like that, they were called Uglys. @daxxiam
@Z3RO if you like light hatred comedic banter, high energy fight seen's, and SI-FI Westerns TriGun is just your cup of tea.I have linked the opening to give you an idea of what its like
I wonder how large the SP community has grown seance its initialization.
+1@jamesPLANESii "The pesticides are turning the frogs gay" X'D
+1@Z3RO another Gundam fan. Space operas takes home another lady's and gentle men. I'm less a JoJo's fan and more a Fist of the North star fan and i git where your coming from with modern anime being cring-y. most if not all of the most resent anime I've seen with in the past two years have been kinda crap. Ever seen TriGun or Jin-Roh?
@Zanedavid the track setup reminds me of a doom turtle. not so much a fan of how the track cover is shaped a bit to boxy but, over all nice job.
@Z3RO are you a Anime fan or do you just like the character you set as your prof pic?
@Lancelot20021230 Is English your first language or did you need to translate your description?
@engineer40k Thanks. You should; if you ever make a AK.5 or something based off of one let me know.
+1@Zanedavid cool. how detailed is it so far?
@Zanedavid if your collage has a art or pottery classes you could take those. with the excuse that it might help out with modeling aircraft you might think up.
@Zanedavid its a supper chill course, though when i took the class each class was three hours long and people normally fell asleep during film watching segments of the class.
@Zanedavid pick at random then assassin a number to each name then role a dice. what the die lands on you add to a list repeat this two more time then role once more after re-numbering. true art is madness and what not.
@Zanedavid not what i meant by critic. that class requires you to review old films and explain why they worked for there time, and what you would have changed.
@Zanedavid Ausf. A Mit (gun caliber) I . Bogenschütze {archer} that's what i suggest.
+1@Zanedavid i remember history of motion pictures (which is a humanities class) was fun. will turn you into a film critic though.
@Zanedavid some Gen Ed classes can be fun.
cool. a little suggestion on collage, if memory serves your in your second year. my suggestion is next semester slow down a little bit, if your collage allows re take any failed class, and only take the class you failed (if your parents allow it). over all don't force your self to take a full complement of classes in order to to rush through collage.
@jhM648 do you know why i asked based off the name?
@jhM648 I take it by the name its a Point defense or base defense Mech?
@Zanedavid understandable. I've had more than my fare share of builds like that. or i ran into a brick wall and couldn't find a way around. on a few times i made those type of builds public with the captions "Do what you will with it I've had a swing at it" plastered in the description. Good luck on your new build hope it turns out the way you want it.
@jhM648 do you intend to make this walk? if so good luck and i hope you manage it.
@Zanedavid it really sucks when that happens.
@weebabyseamus Am i aloud to make some thing that's more or less a tong in cheek joke about the holiday?
@Zanedavid thear on pistons yes? there is a way to have them start retracting on sim start.
@BlackBoA you should make a Crocodile version using this
@Zanedavid Nice you got this much dun fast vary impressive. Note: if you would like me to map the skids to landing gear for you i can.
@Emman100000 I see. but can it drift? X'D
@Zanedavid awesome.
@pancelvonat you make such great looking tanks. keep it up.
@Ultra0 what the problem?
@XxHELLCAT2GOOD4UxX didn't reed your bio :-/ looked at this and thought this one might be able to make a Wolverine. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@XxHELLCAT2GOOD4UxX you should try to make a AT-6 wolverine
@CrappyNames good luck.
@Zanedavid got a challenge for you. make a working Convair F2Y Sea Dart.
@Zanedavid you live near a air force base?
@Zanedavid I'm not good a math my self got a waver for it when i was taking collage classes. so i feel your pane.