@Jim1the1Squid play your cards right and people will think your older than you actually are. people keep thinking I'm 15 years older that i actually am.
@BenSkyWalker what i mean is that the anime Trigun doesn't finish the story requiring you to go and reed the manga. that's what i mean by it doesn't have a full dub.
@Natedog120705 i actually tried to make a working pump shotgun. didn't get it to lode shells or eject shells. all i got was a shotgun that could operate its pump and receiver. Just FYI I den't make it public so don't go looking for it you wont find it, also i probably ended up deleting it so i probably cant show it to you. good luck on making a working pump action shotgun.
@BenSkyWalker i agree with the wishing i had more time to spend with the community, but needing to find work is counterproductive to that. I'm also sad that Tri gun never got a full dub, and wish thy would reboot the series with updated animation.
@Shadowfox its OK . its something I've bean working on for a wile. i was almost completely illiterate when i was young. its a good thing when people kindly point out these things to me, it helps me know i still have a ways to improve.
@Zanedavid i feel as though you didn't get my reference.
@Edwinatrt thanks for the upvote M8
@Uniks but you sort of did...
@Strikefighter04 cools. :-D
@Strikefighter04 this fills the same role that the M25 Tank Transporter - dragon wagon filed right?
@ timverlegh slaps cockpit Cute little flying fortress you got hear.
@Lmao thanks for the upvote M8
but why three cameras? WHY THOUGH.
@HarryBen47 not helpful.
@randomusername Not relay helpful, but OK.
@enzoBoeing757 did you have a diagram or picture?
@enzoBoeing757 way too small to be mistook for a B-17, but cool build.
@Natedog120705 yha that's an understatement.
@Natedog120705 plastic guns kinda suck to break to fast
@Natedog120705 it depends on the handgun... supper small ones suck.
@Natedog120705 I can do better with a riffle, but so can everyone else.
@gabr8be but can it drift?
@Zanedavid thanks man. got a little bored.
@Zanedavid yha sorry. i will send you a link to something more your speed.
@RocCrafter101 is their a paratroop verso? IE light, and striped of all of the unnecessary equipment.
Zeta is so far my favourite Gundam so far.
@Natedog120705 yha i need a good PC.
@FrostyBoy is cool Brov, keep it up.
@Natedog120705 a stock PC that has an unknown intel core prosier.
@FrostyBoy Stay frosty boy. X.D
@TrislandianAlliance happy birthday to M8
@Imashovel thanks M8
@Natedog120705 my PC could barely play TF2 on low graphics so my PC is kinda crap.
@AWESOMENESS360 that's a new one.
@USSR Dankeschön
@Natedog120705 i have a really crappy computer can just play SP so couldn't runny it.
@Jim1the1Squid play your cards right and people will think your older than you actually are. people keep thinking I'm 15 years older that i actually am.
@BenSkyWalker it seems that most anime is made to advertise the manga and that's the one thing that bugs me about the anime.
@Thelegitpilot13 thanks.
@BenSkyWalker what i mean is that the anime Trigun doesn't finish the story requiring you to go and reed the manga. that's what i mean by it doesn't have a full dub.
@Natedog120705 i checked out the actual build but couldn't run it do to parts count so i came hear to see how it functioned.
@Natedog120705 i actually tried to make a working pump shotgun. didn't get it to lode shells or eject shells. all i got was a shotgun that could operate its pump and receiver. Just FYI I den't make it public so don't go looking for it you wont find it, also i probably ended up deleting it so i probably cant show it to you. good luck on making a working pump action shotgun.
@BenSkyWalker i agree with the wishing i had more time to spend with the community, but needing to find work is counterproductive to that. I'm also sad that Tri gun never got a full dub, and wish thy would reboot the series with updated animation.
@BenSkyWalker do you mind if i ask you how you found this build? i mean its 2 years old.
@agundamfan I can understand that. I went to collage not that long ago.
@agundamfan are you going to make a body for the Zeong? or just leave it a flying head?
the Zeong is a MS it just was never completed. also vary cool.
@Shadowfox its OK . its something I've bean working on for a wile. i was almost completely illiterate when i was young. its a good thing when people kindly point out these things to me, it helps me know i still have a ways to improve.
"ooo dose it have V T O L?" its Monday my duds.
@Juanfly154 But can it drift?
@Blyatsickle I wonder its at reliability
@Blyatsickle the inspiration is there. so is it just a Chinese Famas ripoff? china dose that from time to time.
chines variegation on the Steyr AUG?