240 FlashAircraft
Player Biography
Hi! I'm FlashAircraft and I make planes that favour function over fashion. I make stuff fly well, basically. I hope you like flying my planes and good luck with everything on SimplePlanes!
Series! I have made a few groups of airplanes that you may want to check out. These are all linked by something, or are variants of one airframe.
-The Boeing 797
This is my idea for Boeing's next venture. There are four planes, the Boeing 797-1, -2, -3, and -4 XLR8. Check these out if you're into airliners, they're fun to fly and look great. Mobile friendly- Yes.
-The Rotorplanes
I have come up with these planes... Because, why not? They are airplanes with rotors on, and look quite cool. Check out the Heliplane, Aerorotor, Quadrotor and Hexwing. A bit laggy towards the ennd, but great fun to fly.