@hpgbproductions I copied over inlat=1?0.5:(inlon=0.5|inhead=0.5|inalt=0.5?0:inlat), and it says i'm missing inlon, but if i copy inlon, it says i'm missing inlat... and it won't let me save it. I'm kinda stuck.
@X99STRIKER I go to a co-op where a bunch of homeschool moms came together and made a tiny school, to give you an idea, we eat lunch altogether in the largest room on picnic blankets, I am one of 12 other high schoolers, I highly recommend you try to find one!
@hpgbproductions It won't let me copy the variables, it comes up with an error, so lets say I copy over
there's an error that says inlon is missing
Good, the autocredit worked! I hear that's sometimes a problem. (also, as soon as the ILS in done, I will be able to finish up the cockpit and exterior details.)
Hello, I have been playing SP for a wile now, and I saw your ILS system and tried to copy it over to my new aircraft but It did not work, and the ILS doesn't move...
Good job, Congrats on completion!
+1Oh, ok! Thanks!
I say a furniture line! (add some IKEA memes! XD)
There isn't enough furniture on the site in my opinion!
Happy birthday!
No idea bud, i don't think anyone knows rn
+1Welcome to the SP community! would love to see another name in multiplayer!
Amazon Prime: buys a 767-200F
Customers: "Why tho?"
Amazon Prime: Aerial drop intensifies
@OPaiTaOn Thanks! This is exactly what I'm looking for!
Thanks! Something like a fuel switch input would be nice, but this will do for now
+1Now this has to happen!
+1@Sense2 no variables, just XML, but there were many problems and bugs, also I was never really satisfied.
@hpgbproductions I copied over inlat=1?0.5:(inlon=0.5|inhead=0.5|inalt=0.5?0:inlat), and it says i'm missing inlon, but if i copy inlon, it says i'm missing inlat... and it won't let me save it. I'm kinda stuck.
Spent three months on this XD
Ok, thanks!
Wow! thank you so much!
sad, also I love your profile, a fellow meme r I see
@X99STRIKER I go to a co-op where a bunch of homeschool moms came together and made a tiny school, to give you an idea, we eat lunch altogether in the largest room on picnic blankets, I am one of 12 other high schoolers, I highly recommend you try to find one!
+3I tried that already, it did not work, but thank you
@hpgbproductions It won't let me copy the variables, it comes up with an error, so lets say I copy over
there's an error that says inlon is missing
Try creating a new variable in XML and put “interactionType” then “Toggle” it works on the VR buttons, so I would say start with this
+2Amazing job! It’s super awesome to see how this turned out!
+4Is this your next project or is it just kinda an idea you but down?
I figured it out, I had the mod, but it was an older version, but thanks anyway!
+1How did you get the PAPI lights?
+2Is there any faster way or do you just have to do it manually?
@FlyingPotato_131 ok, thank you so much! I didn’t realize that I had to go into the variable panel
Ok, I'll try that! Thank you so much!
I have no experience with FT, just basic code for custom inputs, but thanks for the help anyway! :)
+1@Suubk27 great! do I just copy and paste the code into a text?
+1@FlyingPotato_131 i have the two Wright airport buttons, does it require me to move all of them?
+1@TheFlightGuySP thank you so much!
+1Wow! good job, you don't often see this type of thing anymore
+1Good, the autocredit worked! I hear that's sometimes a problem. (also, as soon as the ILS in done, I will be able to finish up the cockpit and exterior details.)
It won't work for me when I copy it over, is there something I'm missing?
+1Thank you so much, I’ll see if it works, if it does then I’ll get back to you!
lol, I would upvote if i could!
Nice job, a true piece of art!
Hello, I have been playing SP for a wile now, and I saw your ILS system and tried to copy it over to my new aircraft but It did not work, and the ILS doesn't move...
can anyone help me out?