420 FoneMaidPlain Comments

  • IAI Kfir-c7 2.0 years ago

    @11Cig kind of you to upvote if you couldn't load it, suggest you try again, performance wise I think it's fairy close to reality 140ish to rotate and Mach 2+ clean at 40000ft, she's not one to do anything majorly dramatically with at low speed or altitude but will bimble along at 500knots quite happily at a 1000feet. The cockpit I agree could do better.

  • Can someone make this handle better? 1.6 years ago

    Put 500lbs of ballast in the front of each fuselage, should then be pretty close to stable.

  • 1940s -50s fighterjet challenge 1.6 years ago

    To all those reading please have a fly in my Attacker, historically as accurate as I can get, would be nice to see at least a few folks have taken it for a fly.

  • Vietnam war challange 1.7 years ago

    Gone fighter bomber route I guess. The evolution of roles during this war mean certain aircraft filled various roles depending on the weapons load carried.

  • LAN A Carrier Based Strike Aircraft 1.7 years ago

    Liked this as a concept and took it apart, some nice features

  • Anyone know whats wrong with this? 2.9 years ago

    Your centre of mass is well behind your centre of lift which is generally a no no, so you will have significant instability in forward flight. Look at your fuel placement firstly given the volume of fuel onboard that's a significant amount of the weight the plane is carrying.