Wow this thing goes fast! Where did you get those modified engines?
Fantastic the limitations are endless for you @BananaDictator! The plane flies really fast but unfortunately reaction time is a bit slow but thats expected from a really fast plane!
Good work LordofLego! Have you ever considered making a stunt plane? Because it woud make a good one.
Ok i will are they on your account or what?@BananaDictator
Awesome five stars! Also hypnotoad any tips for bieng awesome like you.
Yeah i used your parts is that ok? Oh and who made them if you didn't?
Awesome plane GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!
Its ok it was awesome
Thanks for all the support guys thanks really @LordofLego ,@falaflesMan
Great plane dude handles really well! Check out my planes @LordofLego
Dude how do you follow someone because i want to follow you
It's ok anyway i just uploaded another plane it is a boat a car and aplane please anjoy!@LordofLego
Flys great , handles well overall awesome plane @coolplane maker!
Sorry i had a bit of trouble modding and i thought it was 190 gal.... Im so sorry!@JShay
Really because i put it together myself @LordofLego.
Handles well ,flies great and overall an wesome plane thanks Falafles man
@hypnotoad do you have any tips for me about starting of an making really cool planes like you do?
@AshDeFox How do i send you planes?
The only good thing about it is that it looks cool otherwise it does not fly or even work
Please use it in the air if you have added an air location start from there ps i will up load some modded engines
I didn't make this i just made it better and easier to fly
Wow this thing goes fast! Where did you get those modified engines?
Fantastic the limitations are endless for you @BananaDictator! The plane flies really fast but unfortunately reaction time is a bit slow but thats expected from a really fast plane!
Good work LordofLego! Have you ever considered making a stunt plane? Because it woud make a good one.
Ok i will are they on your account or what?@BananaDictator
Awesome five stars! Also hypnotoad any tips for bieng awesome like you.
Yeah i used your parts is that ok? Oh and who made them if you didn't?
Awesome plane GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!
Its ok it was awesome
Thanks for all the support guys thanks really @LordofLego ,@falaflesMan
Great plane dude handles really well! Check out my planes @LordofLego
Dude how do you follow someone because i want to follow you
It's ok anyway i just uploaded another plane it is a boat a car and aplane please anjoy!@LordofLego
Flys great , handles well overall awesome plane @coolplane maker!
Sorry i had a bit of trouble modding and i thought it was 190 gal.... Im so sorry!@JShay
Really because i put it together myself @LordofLego.
Handles well ,flies great and overall an wesome plane thanks Falafles man
@hypnotoad do you have any tips for me about starting of an making really cool planes like you do?
@AshDeFox How do i send you planes?
The only good thing about it is that it looks cool otherwise it does not fly or even work
Please use it in the air if you have added an air location start from there ps i will up load some modded engines
I didn't make this i just made it better and easier to fly