1,860 FrostyBoy Comments

  • Sabertooth A846 5.3 years ago

    @Lorileni thank you

  • Sukhoi Su-30MS 5.4 years ago

    @0644701018 k

  • Sukhoi Su-30MS 5.4 years ago

    @0644701018 X-02 or X-02S

  • Sukhoi Su-30MS 5.4 years ago

    @0644701018 ok. Tell you what. I'll do it k, I'm just starting a new ship. Let me just get it started and het its concept and I will build the x-02

  • Phantom M-12 v.2 5.4 years ago

    @Evenstsrike333 look I need to wait 3 days. So I'll probs be able to unblock tomorrow

  • Phantom M-12 v.2 5.4 years ago

    @Evenstsrike333 I listen I was not in the mood for you guys to give me crap over something that I had permission for and built a 1000 time better. Like even a moderator upvoted it. And I am a small channel so what I do is take cockpits from other builds and small parts so that I gain attention. If it has no one auto credited then I dont get so much downloads. It's like the media start a fight and gain attention.

  • Phantom M-12 v.2 5.4 years ago

    @0644701018 I don't know. To be honest I blocked allot of ppl who where retarded

  • Sukhoi Su-30MS 5.4 years ago

    Hey dude. Srry I'm not responding on my post to you're comment. I cant and don't know why... I'm trying to figure it out.
    So you say the x-02 already, here is the thing I build futuristic stuff soo it's not really what I do. But if you really really want me too build it which I can. I will. I'll just say it for a follower. So if you still want it I can do that. Np bro

  • Graidon (Planetary Surveyor) 5.4 years ago

    And nice build dude

  • Graidon (Planetary Surveyor) 5.4 years ago

    Hey bro I'm the guy who built the osiris delta. You said nice design work, thanks for that. If you want I built a new ship with a new design. You can check if you want.

  • Phantom M-12 v.2 5.4 years ago

    @FranzPeterSiegfried yep

  • Phantom M-12 v.2 5.4 years ago

    @FranzPeterSiegfried tea I know. Bit it is different tho. It's faster more menuvarble and has better guns. And well he is a lower level

  • Osiris Delta 5.4 years ago

    @Tarquez thanks man. I'm working on a new space ship. It's even better

  • Fun Jet 5.6 years ago

    @Aeromen @LegnaK I agree. Look man don't just copy someone's desing and the upload it or just download and upload it. Go have a look on my channel I asked the guy if I could improve his Nomads Proclamation and he said yes. But go and see the difference I literally rebuilded the entire thing and added allot.

  • Delta Mammoth 5.6 years ago

    @spefyjerbf thanks dude!! Hope you enjoy it. For some reason it cut of the rest of my story or text. So it just ended on people have to eat :(

  • Osiris Delta 5.6 years ago

    @Tarquez thanks but I am looking to improve on it. Do you find the controls wierd or hard to use. And what could I improve on. If you want go look at my falcon delta 001 I think I might implement the same system

  • Manta (Deep space battle cruiser) 5.3 years ago

    @Ethand1008 wait what. Why

  • Manta (Deep space battle cruiser) 5.3 years ago

    @Noms1 I'm just gonna ignore this other 12 year old

  • Manta (Deep space battle cruiser) 5.3 years ago

    @Noms1 thanks man. I'm glad you like my builds. I am going to post a new one soon

  • Lunar eclipse(re-upload) 5.3 years ago

    @Essex ok thanks. I might not use it but I will see

  • Manta (Deep space battle cruiser) 5.3 years ago

    @Noms1 help. For the love of shit. This guy does not believe me. Just tell him

  • Manta (Deep space battle cruiser) 5.3 years ago

    @AzuresFlames I don't think you know anything about phones.

  • Manta (Deep space battle cruiser) 5.3 years ago

    @AzuresFlames holy fuck my guy. Just go away I did build this on mobile. I don't have a pc only an xbox one. For the love of shit. Let it go.. even the other guy told you that his phone ran this

  • Lunar eclipse(re-upload) 5.3 years ago

    Hey. I was wondering if I could use your buld as part of my big new ship. It's not to say it will work I just wa t to try. It's ok if you don't want me to. I understand

  • Manta (Deep space battle cruiser) 5.3 years ago

    @AzuresFlames are you autistic. You asked in wich aspects. And well it is proven to be a shit phone couse it cant run what my phone can

  • Manta (Deep space battle cruiser) 5.3 years ago

    @AzuresFlames the performance. And the camera and well the interface

  • Manta (Deep space battle cruiser) 5.3 years ago

    @AzuresFlames the phone.

  • Manta (Deep space battle cruiser) 5.3 years ago

    @AzuresFlames bc it's a shit phone. No offense

  • Manta (Deep space battle cruiser) 5.3 years ago

    are guys for real??? Just put down ur graphics bru. Mine is full tho and it doesn't lag.@Noms1 @AzuresFlames . And just know ur phone. I run 60 fps. I can run more than 60 fps

  • Lunar eclipse(re-upload) 5.3 years ago

    Not bad. It good. I like it. I build futuristic or "si-fi" build. I built a new one wich I think you will like. It's the manta deep space battle cruiser. Tell me what you think

  • Longest plane in game 2100 feet 5.3 years ago

    Sooo this means I'm the best pilot right. Couse this is the longest plane and I landed it like 5 times. But for real tho it is hard to land. And why in the world or how did you decide to build it

  • Manta (Deep space battle cruiser) 5.3 years ago

    @AzuresFlames and I did create it on android. And on a mobile device

  • Manta (Deep space battle cruiser) 5.3 years ago

    @AzuresFlames well what can I say. Samsung so is a powerful device

  • Delta Mamoth (no mods) 5.3 years ago

    @spectre118 but I didn't want to build it to scale and so on. I dont really want to copy things I want to make my own

  • Delta Mamoth (no mods) 5.3 years ago


  • A STF 5.3 years ago

    @Ayvieyation you probably dont fly it hard enough. I didn't even fly that fast or turn hard

  • Phantom M-12 v.2 5.4 years ago

    @Evenstsrike333 but yes I probably did. I'll unblock you in a day or so and him too. Also I'm on mobile so we dont get so many followers. I cant make my page look cool. I'm getting a predator soon so then it will be easier

  • Bell AH-1 Cobra (COMPLETELY FIXED) 5.4 years ago

    Hey man nice chopper. I'm the guy who built the osiris delta. You liked it and the mammoth. If you want go have a look I built a new ship, thought you might want to know

  • F-22 Raptor 5.4 years ago

    Nice build

  • Phantom M-12 v.2 5.4 years ago

    Wow this is awesome how did you build this and you are so low with points

  • Venator class red 5.4 years ago


  • Venator class red 5.4 years ago

    How dare you copy something that you did not make. This is clearly whyyyy above your skill set. Do something in life don't just copy

  • Sequence Class 5.4 years ago

    @Insmallsky Alright thanks. Cous I wanted a type of design like this and I stumbled upon urs. So I thought why not ask

  • Sequence Class 5.4 years ago

    Hey bro. I was wondering if I could transform your ship? I have done it before, I did the delta mammoth. You can have a look if you want. And don't worry I will tag you and what not

  • Emperor Aka op tank 5.4 years ago

    @Awsomur I know I know. I feel the same but if a moderator does notice they can also say you where mean or whatever. But yes there are so many reacent copies of other posts. It aids

  • [Mini-Upload] Space-Brake System (Plus: gif, wallpaper, screenshots) 5.4 years ago

    She ship should be uploaded in about 5 hours

  • [Mini-Upload] Space-Brake System (Plus: gif, wallpaper, screenshots) 5.4 years ago

    Hey dude. So you know I build futuristic space crafts a d concepts. I'm building a mothership and when I brake with it the ship blows up. I'm guessing it doesn't work at a speed of a 100 000 miles per hour. But cool build tho I'll use it on other things

  • Emperor Imperator 5.4 years ago

    And now you have it. So you don't need to keep it posted

  • Emperor Imperator 5.4 years ago

    Another guy also copied it. Take it down before I have to get a moderator to take it down and if he wants you page too

  • Emperor Imperator 5.4 years ago

    Why did you copy this. It's not yours. I pretty sure you didn't get permission