1,860 FrostyBoy Comments

  • A STF 5.4 years ago

    I'm gonna guess that mine was a faulty one that I bought. BC when is did a barrel roll it straight up disintegrated around me. I tested it again and the same thing happened. When you turn against a angle it breaks. It's the landing gear that does something wierd. Maby look I to it. Luckily I ejected and didn't die. But had to walk home... :(

  • Spinny Ride 5.4 years ago

    It's a unique idea. Lol... not bad

  • Emperor Aka op tank 5.4 years ago

    @Awsomur alright boys listen. We can rael quick sort this out. I can tag the moderator or you take down the post. Plz next time ask before you do copy it. And Awsomur just be more polite next time k.

  • R93 mod 5.4 years ago

    Not bad dude not bad

  • Excalibur 5.5 years ago

    It runs real well. It will take some time to download and load into the game. Be patient

  • Osiris Delta 5.5 years ago

    @MSGamezYXZ360 how thou... I don't know the link

  • Osiris Delta 5.5 years ago

    @MSGamezYXZ360 yes I do. Its armand #2361

  • Osiris Delta 5.5 years ago

    @MSGamezYXZ360 thanks man

  • Osiris Delta 5.5 years ago

    @MSGamezYXZ360 thanks ban I'm glad you like my builds. Plz share I really want to grow my page

  • Delta Mamoth 5.5 years ago

    @spefyjerbf ok thanks man. Yea that is wierd that it didn't work. And I took down all my builds because they where not good enough or they needed some editing. And well it was a mess. Spelling errors and well I uploaded one 3 times. Was still a noob

  • Delta Mammoth 5.5 years ago

    @StavinairCaeruleum srry it is the. Black hawk IX

  • Looking For Competitors 5.6 years ago

    @Datplane srry dude I got bussy with exams. Hit me up when there is another one. Lol srry

  • Boeing 747 Scout Airlines 5.6 years ago

    @Starmang10 and.......

  • Boeing 747 Scout Airlines 5.6 years ago

    @FrostyBoy never mind then. Lazy .....

  • Boeing 747 Scout Airlines 5.6 years ago

    Wait why did you copy this

  • Boeing 747 Scout Airlines 5.6 years ago

    Hey dude nice build. May I fix the steering problem for jou and make it more maneuverable

  • Looking For Competitors 5.6 years ago

    Is it too late to join

  • flying ship 5.6 years ago

    Hi dude it's nice and it looks cool. But it is very slow and doesn't lift easy. I built a ship on my channel which is 3 times longer and it has 0 lag when playing with it. You should just make some parts 0 drag so it doesn't lag, it doesn't lag for me accept when loding in. You can go have a look and see what I mean when I say this o e is heavy and slow. But non the les it is a decent build.

  • Delta Mammoth 5.6 years ago

    @StavinairCaeruleum yes well check out my new post. It has 0 lag but takes 4 or less mi utes to load it

  • Delta Mammoth 5.6 years ago

    @Flash0of0green dude you have to check out my new post

  • Nomad's Proclamation 5.6 years ago

    @spefyjerbf dude you have to see my new post. O my goooooodeness

  • 007 5.6 years ago

    So at first I thought it was a space ship. But then I thought a bit and it is the best oat I've tested so far. Good job dude.

  • Jet bomber 5.6 years ago

    Not bad not bad. Maby just try to hide the jet enjin you know. And its realistic so nice

  • Delta Mammoth 5.6 years ago

    @Flash0of0green thanks man I will

  • Delta Mammoth 5.6 years ago

    @StavinairCaeruleum it does 2000 too. And more

  • Delta Mammoth 5.6 years ago

    @StavinairCaeruleum yep. On my Samsung Galaxy S9

  • f1 5.6 years ago

    Sistn man I've looked at all your builds a d well... thy lack deataiel. And try to use moded enjins instead of what the game gives you. Just go google 1 000 000 horse power enjin for simple planes. But try to make better working builds instead of allot of builds. Go have a look at my channel I joined like 10 days ago but yea. You can find moded things In my builds to put in you're sub assemblies

  • Osiris Delta 5.6 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 yes the S9 does not fail me

  • Delta Mammoth 5.6 years ago

    @Flash0of0green thanks man!!!

  • Nomad's Proclamation 5.6 years ago

    @spefyjerbf ok its finally done. Thank goodness, if it lags too much just mut down graphics and take out the interior

  • Nomad's Proclamation 5.6 years ago

    @spefyjerbf k but only the back part lifts up and ti stays tail in the air. But I'll see what I can do if I cant fix it then I'll just make a new one@spefyjerbf ok cool I fixed it so it's fine now

  • Nomad's Proclamation 5.6 years ago

    @spefyjerbf hey man. So it is about 90 percent done. Umm I'm bussy with exams and so on now. So I don't have that much time. The only reason I'm talking so long is because well it is literally only 15 percent of the original but it works like a dream and looks sick. Thanks again for allowing me to do this. Also the drone kinda just goes to the ground, umm not really sure what to do there any tips...

  • Nomad's Proclamation 5.6 years ago

    @spefyjerbf ok sure no problem

  • Osiris Delta 5.6 years ago

    @Armyguy1534 allot of cussing and nearly breaking my phone lol yea.......... But this is not even the biggest thing I've made on mobile. The other things do t even want to save or load so yea:(

  • Osiris Delta 5.6 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 thanks for the comment

  • Nomad's Proclamation 5.6 years ago

    @spefyjerbf no problem I will never steal anyone's work. And I will be sure to put your name in there. Thanks dude keep up the good work and the friendly attitude

  • Nomad's Proclamation 5.6 years ago

    Hey man. I really like this build it has a good design and features. But when I put the throttle down to cruise like no ones business. My one weel decides to make it his business so he runs of to the right and I thought ok that's the end of him. But no no he comes back and runs right under my viechel and before I know it I was 5000 ft In the air... boom. Do you mind if i improve the weels and so. Only if I do want your permission first.

  • Falcon Delta 001 5.6 years ago

    @spefyjerbf thanks man I appreciate your feed back. And yes the color could be better but you can change it as you like

  • Osiris Delta 5.6 years ago

    Hey guys. Hope you like it, srry that the control's are hard to learn at first. But to turn without moving forward select 2 and use the left button the lever one. Then to turn without hyperspeed tilt the aircraft and use the left throttle, move it sideways In the direction you want to go. And 1 is
    the guns. 5 is hyperspeed