15 GBlower007 Comments

  • !F16C squadron (fixed) 2.5 years ago

    Nice job, these planes are really cool

  • !F16C squadron 2.5 years ago

    Hello, i tried it... wait them. Anyways, there is a problem, the left plane isn't fixed

  • pls help what is wrong 2.5 years ago

    @JlIln For make a wing to do Roll+Pitch you need to do it manual. Create a wing panel and add a connection with a small rotator for pitch, then add another connection with the small rotator and another new small rotator. Finally put at first rotator the pitch input, and the second the roll input

  • F-35A Lightning ll 2.4 years ago

    @FairFireFlight Sorry, i just posted it for send it to my friend. I don't know how put the credit of the real creator I'm so sorry.