515 Gelodicus Comments

  • Boeing 777 9X [low detail] 8.4 years ago

    This has disgustingly good low speed performance, 80mph touchdown

  • Diamond DA42 9.0 years ago


  • Cessna 400 9.0 years ago

    Can you make a DA42, or DA62 please?

  • Walrus Prop - Fixed Position Version 9.1 years ago

    Only one problem- in all radials the off piston out is centered at the bottom of the engine, not the top. Good job though mate

  • Ford Trimotor 9.2 years ago

    Being a certified crew chief of a ford tri motor, (N414H), I have to commend your attention to detail. I tried to find something to critique, but didn't find anything of substance. Extremely good job!

  • Experiments with folding wings and short take-off 9.2 years ago

    Amazing STOL, took off in half the length of the tiny

  • Now I see why these aren't used as wheels 9.3 years ago

    In this case, you have the nozzles facing the same direction, and the rotators are on backwards. These still don't work as wheels though

  • Ford Tri-Motor 5-AT 9.3 years ago

    @LordofLego 5-AT is the model identifier, in this case it's a replica of a plane that I have done a lot of mechanical work on (N414H)

  • Trimotor 9.3 years ago

    @LordofLego just made a tri-motor 5-AT

  • Airliner 9.4 years ago

    @PlanesExpert yes, he changed the central structural wing to fit the new engines. Seriously guys, I'm not saying this is original or creative, but it isn't a 100% copy like you're saying.

  • B747 9.4 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison I had beta access before, but it expired after a month. Is there any special way to access this beta, or did I just miss a time window

  • test plane 9.4 years ago

    How get beta? Sorry bad English

  • Cockpit Full Plane 9.4 years ago

    @BlindBoth1747 given that this is actually pretty cool interior view that has already gotten 5-stars, and the fact that you blatantly stole people's designs without permission, in going to go ahead and say that your opinion doesn't matter.

  • Airliner 9.4 years ago

    @GAMERmisko what exactly did I do?

  • Airliner 9.4 years ago

    And nowhere does he say he copies planes, he doesn't even have any comments. I don't like it when people lie. @PlanesExpert

  • Airliner 9.4 years ago

    @PlanesExpert it doesn't matter if it is a large portion the same, he changed the wing structure, the control surfaces, and the engines out, in addition to rebalancing the weight. I'm not supporting direct successors like this, but it's not a copy and he doesn't take full ownership of it.

  • Four prop passenger plane 9.4 years ago

    @Kirbyshammer I spend hours on my planes, this would take 15 min. Building a working plane from body blocks is easy, building it from wings isn't. This isn't the right plane to call "difficult" if you have any understanding of the basic design concepts

  • Airliner 9.4 years ago

    @PlanesExpert is isn't great, but he did change it significantly and it isn't a full copy. This is not deserving of a 1 star rating from you

  • Beechcraft Experimental Plane 9.4 years ago


  • Vought Corsair A-7 HARM Mission. 9.4 years ago

    Those missiles saved America

  • UH-1 Iroquois (vietnam wars) 9.4 years ago

    Looks great, can't run sadly

  • CRJ200 9.5 years ago

    @BaconAndEggs96 I specifically made this plane to test it because no one else had, I thought it would be helpful to you. I'll take it down if you want...

  • CRJ200 9.5 years ago

    @BaconAndEggs96 I credited you and put it as predecessor, and in no way took credit for the cockpit, which is not a significant part of the aircraft anyway. Nowhere on your upload did you say it needs permission to use.

  • Thread the needle 2 9.5 years ago

    First try säklart!!!

  • XF-32 Aircraft Carrier 9.5 years ago

    Looks good, everything explodes when I detach though

  • 3seaplane 9.5 years ago

    I don't see how it needs fixing

  • Helicopter Concept (Updated) 9.5 years ago

    Torque kind of similar to the what I did? Lmao

  • C-54 " Sacred Cow" 9.5 years ago

    @Hypnoticchicken what was the deleted 1 star + comment for lmao

  • Bristol Beaufighter Mk.X 9.5 years ago

    Well done

  • PLAF J—10 9.5 years ago

    Looks good flies good

  • THE SEPTIC POPTART 9.5 years ago


  • Thread the needle 9.5 years ago


  • Tallest tower mk2 9.5 years ago

    Would be cool to make this out of normal blocks and use it as a depth sounder for the ocean

  • Grumman F14 Tomcat 9.5 years ago

    Talk to me Goose!

  • Awesome plane 9.5 years ago

    Not original, but thanks for crediting the original

  • F-septiceye17 9.5 years ago

    Stop d*ckriding and stop reposting

  • Lockheed Super Constellation L1649 9.5 years ago

    Sh*t, I was working on one too

  • Ju-54 Hercules with targets. 9.5 years ago

    @TheOwlAce lmao

  • Super Constellation 9.5 years ago

    @TheSoundofLight lol I am too

  • Super Constellation 9.5 years ago

    @TheSoundofLight also, main gear wheel wells were on the inboard engines. Hell, why don't we just make a more accurate one. XD

  • Propellor Plane Challenge 9.5 years ago

    @kikasshes thanks!

  • Ju-54 Hercules with targets. 9.5 years ago

    @TheOwlAce Also, how are these "innovations"? I could have made each of these things in 10 minutes, or less.

  • Ju-54 Hercules with targets. 9.5 years ago

    @TheOwlAce I have you a good rating and said well done. If you want to make baseless assumptions then I'll go ahead and change that to a more "appropriate" one based on the personality of the uploader.

  • Aircraft26 9.5 years ago

    Coolest cockpit view ever

  • Hughes XF-11 9.5 years ago

    Beautiful. Masterpiece.

  • 10000 mph plane 9.5 years ago

    Nice job copying anon

  • Basic ford tri motor 9.5 years ago

    Lmao methinks you never have really been close to one (coming from a guy who has worked on one before)

  • Quest For the Jundroo 9.5 years ago

    *loads up the community* *looks at newest* "Quest for jundroo" 1 Hour ago "2 more people" *35 comments* FAK

  • Propellor Plane Challenge 9.5 years ago

    @UltimatePilot how do I make it a successor of it wasn't built off this though?

  • Propellor Plane Challenge 9.5 years ago

    Can you use my twin otter as a submission? I already made it, can't re-make it as a successor sadly