@CaptBlackadder It does. Hawker proposed a Hurricane replacement called the Hawker Tornado. It was a parallel development to the Typhoon.
I really like this build. Good job.
The build wasnt so tough in of itself. You just make the model look like the real thing. Adapting the model to actually fly in SimplePlanes is the tricky part.
Completely unofficial bonus points that dont count to anything what so ever to the person who can point out how I got this thing in the air. Hint; I hid something in the fuselage.
To all concerned; I really can't stress this enough. This is not an easy one to fly.
The SE5a wasn't easy in reality, either. So it isnt completely off.
I build on iOS too, so mods were right out, plus the all up weight of an SE5a was around 2000lbs. This thing weighs closer to 9000lbs. It just isnt possible (for me) to build something so light in SImplePlanes.
Lets just say I used a fair bit of artistic license to get this thing to fly...
@ChiChiWerx I have made some more small adjustments and made an attempt at the Vietnam era SEA scheme.
It is here; https://www.simpleplanes.com/Airplanes/Successors/ef9aV7
I am also working on an arrestor hook equipped F-4 N.
@DownUnderWing I have flown it. It handles nicely. I especially like the fact that roll is exclusively handled by vectoring thrust. Im not good enough a pilot to try the things you mentioned, though.
It looks nice.
But, does she require mods? I tried to fly this thing in iOS and, well, it doesnt. She won't lift her nose. Major lawn dart.
Plus there doesn't seem to be landing gear of any sort. Lastly, she has in excess of 2 million gallons of fuel?
So, lovely model. Very nice, but isn't functional for me.
@ChiChiWerx To clip engines I first fit a reversed fuselage intake, scaled to 0.25 in length, place the engine on that then increase the length of the intake. You can repeat this as much as you like. Check my Lightning; it has iirc, six engines through this method.
Ok, people, I have noticed one more fault that might ( or might not) be present in this bird.
The right hand inner wing is filled with fuel. The left hand inner wing is empty. The result of this is that she swings to the right under take off and constantly tries to roll right during flight.
I suggest that you order your ground crew to either empty the right wing or fill the left. That should restore balance.
Thanks. My aim is to make simple, low detail, mobile friendly models that are at least similar to the real world versions. I have a fair few more, but keep hitting the "three uploads per day" maximum.
@CaptBlackadder It does. Hawker proposed a Hurricane replacement called the Hawker Tornado. It was a parallel development to the Typhoon.
I really like this build. Good job.
Reminds me of a late model Spitfire, Tempest or maybe a Sea Fury. I like it.
@Joco80 SE5a v3, thanks.
@shadowmaker108 Because I happen to like the Swordfish.
@ChiChiWerx Thanks. Just don't ask me how I managed that...
@TheOwlAce Many thanks, but I am almost done with version 2 with my own air drop torpedo. Coming soon!
@TheOwlAce Now that you mention it, I can really see it. Thanks. I will fix that in the next version
@Odge Many thanks.
@DownUnderWing Thanks. I think your additions are the cherry on the top.
Jolly good!
Tally ho!
Very nice. It really flys well.
@DownUnderWing Many thanks. I have just now uploaded an improved version, which the AI should have more luck with. Give her a spin?
The build wasnt so tough in of itself. You just make the model look like the real thing. Adapting the model to actually fly in SimplePlanes is the tricky part.
Completely unofficial bonus points that dont count to anything what so ever to the person who can point out how I got this thing in the air. Hint; I hid something in the fuselage.
Very nice. I was planning on building this for the WW II challenge. I guess I will need to build something else, huh.
@Joco80 thanks.
To all concerned; I really can't stress this enough. This is not an easy one to fly.
The SE5a wasn't easy in reality, either. So it isnt completely off.
I build on iOS too, so mods were right out, plus the all up weight of an SE5a was around 2000lbs. This thing weighs closer to 9000lbs. It just isnt possible (for me) to build something so light in SImplePlanes.
Lets just say I used a fair bit of artistic license to get this thing to fly...
Best of luck.
@Joco80 I can most certainly try. Thanks for the heads up.
I cant possibly run this on an iPhone, but you have my upvote on general principle, as one trekkie to another.
Seriously, I've got a ton of these...
taH pagh, taH be?
Cry havoc, and let slip the Dogs of War.
In space, all warriors are cold warriors...
@ChiChiWerx I have made some more small adjustments and made an attempt at the Vietnam era SEA scheme.
It is here; https://www.simpleplanes.com/Airplanes/Successors/ef9aV7
I am also working on an arrestor hook equipped F-4 N.
Thanks, guys.
Very nice.
I have Upvoted on general principle; this is wonderful.
@DownUnderWing I have flown it. It handles nicely. I especially like the fact that roll is exclusively handled by vectoring thrust. Im not good enough a pilot to try the things you mentioned, though.
It looks nice.
+2But, does she require mods? I tried to fly this thing in iOS and, well, it doesnt. She won't lift her nose. Major lawn dart.
Plus there doesn't seem to be landing gear of any sort. Lastly, she has in excess of 2 million gallons of fuel?
So, lovely model. Very nice, but isn't functional for me.
@ChiChiWerx you are a regular pioneer :-)
It also is a much more forgiving ride than mine.
Very nice. I like the use of rotators for the trim on the tailplane.
@ChiChiWerx To clip engines I first fit a reversed fuselage intake, scaled to 0.25 in length, place the engine on that then increase the length of the intake. You can repeat this as much as you like. Check my Lightning; it has iirc, six engines through this method.
Ok, copy paste screw up here. The F 5 has seven hardpoints, one ventral, two wing tip and four under wing. Other than that its as described.
Ok, people, I have noticed one more fault that might ( or might not) be present in this bird.
The right hand inner wing is filled with fuel. The left hand inner wing is empty. The result of this is that she swings to the right under take off and constantly tries to roll right during flight.
I suggest that you order your ground crew to either empty the right wing or fill the left. That should restore balance.
I really like this. It goes like a rocket, too. Very nice.
Is anyone noticing that the nose gear isnt attached properly? Or have I done that to myself after I uploaded?
Oh, and many thanks for the downloads and upvotes, folks.
@ChiChiWerx Aw jeez. You'll make me blush. Many thanks for the hand up; you are a gentleman.
@ChiChiWerx I looked. I like what I saw. My Tigershark looks like your Tigershark's ugly cousin.
Thanks. My aim is to make simple, low detail, mobile friendly models that are at least similar to the real world versions. I have a fair few more, but keep hitting the "three uploads per day" maximum.